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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ S ] / She was all right

She was all right traduction Espagnol

562 traduction parallèle
She was all right. She seemed happy.
Ella estaba bien, parecía feliz.
She was all right when I left.
Estaba bien cuando yo me fui.
She was all right.
Lo hizo bien.
She was all right.
Era buena para ti.
After that she was all right.
- ¿ De verdad? Mira, no me gustan mucho las drogas.
It said nothing except that she was all right.
No decía nada especial, que estaba bien.
- She was all right.
- No estaba mal.
Maybe she was all right and maybe Christmas comes in July.
Quizá me equivocaba con ella, quizá Navidad cayera en julio.
She never forgot her children. She was all right.
Nunca olvidó a sus hijos, es buena.
It was stupid of me to meet her so near home, but I'd got to see she was all right.
Fue estúpido por mi parte quedar con ella tan cerca de casa... pero tenía que ver que estaba bien.
But she was all right, Doctor?
Pero estaba bien doctora.
I wanted to be sure she was all right.
Quería asegurarme de que estaba bien.
I don't know whether I done right bringing her up here, Kitty. but she was all harped up in seeing you.
Espero haber hecho bien trayéndola aquí, Kitty, pero estaba loca por verte.
I thought she was a goner. but she looks all right now.
Creí que ella moriría, pero se ve bien.
If she knew she was gonna have you with her... everything would be all right.
Si ella supiera que usted va a estar a su lado, todo saldría bien.
Well, I suppose if she pulled you first, it was all right.
Bueno, si ella te tiró primero, está justificado.
I know if she was here... she'd go right to my mother and kiss away all of her sorry feelings.
Sé que si estuviera aquí, habría ido a ver a mi madre y con un beso le haria olvidar todas sus preocupaciones.
Was she all right About you going?
¿ Tomó bien lo de tu partida?
It was Nao, nobody else, so I presumed she'd be all right.
Era su hermano. Pensé que estaría bien. Nao...
She was connected with it, all right.
Claro que estaba involucrada.
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
Oh, she was stabbed all right, with some kind of a knife.
Sí, la apuñalaron, con algún tipo de cuchillo.
Will she really be all right, just as she was before?
¿ Estará bien de verdad, como estaba antes?
- Was she... Were they all right?
- ¿ Y está... están bien?
- La he oído hablar con la abuela.
She was yare, all right.
Sí que era presto.
It was too hot. " But the wee, small bear's porridge was just right, so she ate it all up.
Pero el guiso del oso pequeño estaba bien y se lo comió todo.
I can assure you she was quite all right, milady.
Le aseguro que estaba muy bien, señora.
Are you trying to tell me because he comes and they see her with him, driving and all that they think that they were right in saying that she was in love with him before?
¿ Estás tratando de decirme que porque él vino y la vieron con él, conduciendo y todo eso piensan que ellos tenían razón al decir que estaba enamorada de él antes?
She knew who the best man was, all right.
Ella sabe quien le conviene.
She was a little confused, but she's all right now.
Estaba algo confusa.
All right, she was blackmailing me.
Bien, me estaba chantajeando.
She was doing all right until you came here.
Ella iba bien, hasta que tú llegaste aquí.
She was sweet, all right.
Era encantadora, sí.
She wrote and said everything was all right.
Me escribió diciendo que todo iba bien.
There he was on his knees, I had all that dough right in my hand... - and she has to go and blow her top.
Ahí estaba, de rodillas... y yo tenía todo ese dinero en la mano, y ella perdió el juicio.
They were bathing her and she was perfectly all right...'til she saw another dog, a small dachshund.
La estaban bañando, y estaba bien hasta que vio a otro perro. Un perro salchicha. Y empezó a aullar.
She was perfectly all right until she saw your dog...
Estaba perfecta hasta que vio a su perro.
No, no, Gus, she was real enough all right.
Era real como la vida misma.
Well, she was pretty, all right. Tall and willowy,
Alta y esbelta.
Oh Luke, dejó toda la ropa que le había comprado y que tan bien le sentaba.
Oh, I guess she was telling the truth, all right.
Creo que nos dijo la verdad.
No, she's all right, but the man was killed, and the police are here.
No, está bien, pero el hombre murió. La policía está aquí.
Ladies and gentlemen... on behalf of Gladys Glover, she just wants me to say that, well... she was a little overwhelmed, but she's all right now.
Señoras y caballeros... en nombre de Gladys Glover, estoy encargado de decirles... que estaba un poco estresada, pero ahora, ya está bien.
She was smart, all right.
Sí que fue lista.
Right while the old woman was dying, she ate it all.
Mientras la señora se moría, ella se los comía todos.
Yes, that's her all right. She was a blonde in those days.
Aunque era rubia, entonces.
My wife is sitting right here and she too could tell you how it was all arranged by our parents ln that regard, our young couple today is very lucky l truly envy them
Mi esposa, aquí presente, también se acuerda. Todo lo arreglaron nuestros padres. En cambio, estos jóvenes se enamoraron por azar.
She was high all right.
Estaba achispada.
I'm sure she'll be all right, but I wish there was something I could do for Mary.
Ya sé que no hay remedio, pero quisiera hacer lo que fuera por Mary.
I was wondering if she's all right.
Quería saber si estaba bien.

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