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She was alone traduction Espagnol

925 traduction parallèle
Oh, they are silly to expect a woman to tell the truth about what happened when she was alone with a man.
Oh, son tontos si esperan que una mujer diga la verdad sobre lo que sucedió... mientras estuvo sola con un hombre.
I thought she was alone -
Pensé que estaba sola...
But she was alone.
Pero ella estaba sola.
A little girl, Tina who was afraid, because she thought she was alone.
Una niña, Tina que tenía miedo, porque creía que estaba sola.
She was alone.
Ella estaba sola.
She had left her homeland and family and here in Paris, she was alone haunted by dreams and invincibly eager
Había abandonado su patria y su familia-- - y en París, se encontraba sola, obsesionada por sus sueños y con avidez de aprender.
She was alone so much of the time, and I- -
Ella estaba sola mucho tiempo y yo...
She was alone.
Estaba sola.
No, she was alone.
No, estaba sola.
She was alone, except for an ancient maid who was jealous of the Saint Bernard.
Estaba sola... excepto por una anciana criada celosa del San Bernardo.
My niece opened the door leading onto the stairs and started to climb without looking at the officer as if she was alone
Mi sobrina abrió la puerta que da sobre la escalera y subió sin mirar al oficial, como si estuviese sola
I decided to come down here and have it out with both of them. But she was alone. She was expecting Favell, but he hadn't come.
Decidí venir aquí y enfrentarme a los dos... pero ella estaba sola.
No, she was alone as usual.
Estaba sola, como siempre.
She was alone.
Vino sola.
If I was the Government he / she would leave alone to the drunkards and it would watch over the lovers
Si yo fuera el Gobierno dejaría en paz a los borrachos y vigilaría a los enamorados
Now, I can't help feeling now that she had some reason for getting Diana here alone. Of course, perhaps it's been... Hot stuff like she is, she thought one of her men was getting too keen on Diana Baring and wanted her out of the way.
Quizá siendo tan creída... pensó que uno de sus hombres se acercaba demasiado a Baring... y la quería fuera del camino.
Yes, then she was still alone, but...
- Sí, estaba sola, pero...
─ Was she alone?
- ¿ Ella estaba sola?
She was, so long as you left us alone, Hmm. Impossible as that may seem, my dearJason.
Lo fue mientras nos dejaste en paz... por imposible que te parezca, queridoJason.
He's all alone in that big house, you know... and he'd see that she was properly cared for.
El esta solo en aquella gran casa. Y Usted sabe que cuidarla muy bien a la niña.
She was pregnant then, she decided to raise her child alone. that's hard right?
Se quedó embarazada y decidió criarlo sola. Es duro, ¿ eh?
Yeah, figured she was all alone.
Vio que estaba sola.
She was traveling alone.
Viajaba sola.
Was she alone in this room at any time before you gave her the hypo?
¿ Estuvo ella en algún momento sola dentro de esta habitación antes de que tuviese que ponerle la inyección?
When you were alone with Miss Sally what was the first thing she did?
Cuando usted estuvo sola con la Srta. Sally, ¿ qué fue lo primero que ella hizo?
And? Kay was alone in the lower hall, but she was looking up at me as if...
- Kay estaba sola en el vestíbulo, pero me miraba como si...
It pleased me to know she was home, till I saw she was not alone.
Me alegré de saber que estaba en casa hasta que vi que no estaba sola.
Nulty was watching my apartment. So I decided to call on Ann to find out why she was living alone... and if she really liked it.
Nulty estaba vigilando mi casa... así que decidí visitar a Ann para ver por qué vivía sola... y si le gustaba.
She alone of all people in the café saw Ramson into this office. He was someone she knew well.
Fue la única que vio a Ramson entrar en el despacho y era alguien conocido.
He showed me a letter that his wife had written when she was dying, alone, in her villa at Montone.
Me mostró una carta que su mujer escribió cuando estaba muriendo, sola, en su casa de Montone.
Was she at any time left alone in the laboratory?
¿ La dejaste sola en el laboratorio?
- Was she alone?
- ¿ Estaba sola?
- I'm asking if she was going alone.
- No es eso : pregunto si iba sola.
Said she saw him last night... alone. Acted like somethin'was wrong.
Dijo que le vio anoche solo como si algo fuera mal.
Was she left alone?
¿ Estaba sola?
She was desperately afraid of the bombing, and I left her to face it alone.
Ella tenía un gran miedo a los bombardeos, y la dejé enfrentarlo sola.
A good-looking dame sitting in a car all alone. Yeah? What was she doing?
- ¿ Aún se siente incómoda?
- The love she knew, the love he gave her was hers alone, not to be shared with anybody. - Tina...
- El amor que ella conoció, el amor que él le dio no se podía compartir.
Yes. Now I come to think of it, she always was alone.
Sí, ahora que Io pienso, siempre estaba sola.
She was all alone.
- Estaba sola.
- Was she alone?
It was she alone who put me where I am.
Ella me puso donde estoy.
A sick lady came there and the sisters said she used to be beautiful... but that she was going to die alone and unloved because she'd led a bad life.
Una dama enferma llegó y las hermanas dijeron que era hermosa... pero que iba a morir sola y sin amor porque había vivido mal.
Incidentally, she was very disapproving of me for being out alone.
Además, no aprobaba que saliera solo.
If a woman goes out alone in the evening it's no wonder if people take liberties. She was not alone, I was with her.
Cuando una mujer está sola y de noche, no debe asombrarse... si la gente le pierde el respeto.
Well, I tried to cheer her up, but she turned to this Pinky and said, "What do you think?" as if... as if she didn't dare to make up her mind alone... which was never like Cousin Em... never.
Intenté animarla, pero se volvió hacia Pinky... y dijo : "¿ Qué te parece?", como si no se atreviera a decidirlo sola... y la prima Em nunca había sido así... ¡ Nunca!
She wouldn't leave you alone because she was pregnant.
Ella no le dejaba en paz porque estaba embarazada.
She took one look at the blood on my clothes... and saw that I was alone... and started to scream, "Murderer, murderer!"
Vio la sangre que tenía en la ropa... vio que estaba solo... y empezó a gritar : "¡ Asesino, asesino!"
Then left her broke and alone in Chicago when she was gonna have a baby.
Luego la dejó arruinada y pobre en Chicago cuando iba a tener un bebé.
Was she alone?
¿ Estaba sola?
The Amesbury was not alone, was she?
El Amesbury no estaba solo, ¿ verdad?

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