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She was angry traduction Espagnol

444 traduction parallèle
She was angry with the boy for some reason.
Por alguna razón, ella estaba enfadada con el chico.
I understand she was angry.
Comprendo que se haya enfadado.
- Yes. she was angry.
- Sí, estaba enfadada.
She was angry.
Estaba furiosa.
She was angry with you, eh!
- Te tendrá manía. - Sí, ya lo creo.
She was angry, said you loved her more.
Estaba enfadada, diciendo que tú la amabas más.
She was angry.
Estaba enfadada.
They thought she was angry at the whole world, which wasn't true.
Creían que... odiaba el mundo, pero no era verdad.
She was angry, of course, she didn't mean it.
Estaba enfadada, por supuesto, no quiso decir eso.
It struck me when her cοusin Miss Turner was at Gοssingtοn yesterday that she was angry with the girl.
Saben, cuando la prima, la Srta. Turner, estuvo ayer en Gossington, parecía enfadada con la joven fallecida.
But then, she was angry.
Pero después se enojó.
- She was angry with me, but I dont care.
- Se enfadó conmigo y a mí me da igual.
She just said it because she was angry.
Pero la conversación caldeó los ánimos.
Was his wife angry, wasn't she?
¿ Estaba enfadada su mujer, verdad?
Was she angry at you because of me?
Sí. No, no es tonta.
Was she angry at you because of me?
¿ A qué te refieres con que ella...?
Boy, was she fried - I mean, angry.
- Estaba piripi, perdón, enfadada.
If I know Hilda, she was fried, not angry.
- Conozco a Hilda, estaría piripi.
Was she very angry?
¿ Estaba muy enfadada?
That sister of yours has been running your life up to now, and she better stay out ofmine. - I was angry with her too at first... but she means well. - You tell her.
Tu hermana controla tu vida, pero más vale que no se meta en la mía, díselo.
She was already angry at Mr. Eduardo.
ella andaba cruzada con eI Sr. Eduardo.
Why was she angry with you, Phillipe?
¿ Por qué estaba enfadada contigo, Phillipe?
Was she angry at the zoo?
¿ Estaba ella enfadada en el zoo?
Last time, she was pretty angry.
La última vez estaba muy enfadada.
Thought she was just angry because a girl answered the phone.
Creí que estaba enojada porque una chica contestó el teléfono.
At first, uh, she was quite angry.
Al principio, uh, estaba algo enfadada.
She was rather angry.
- Se ha enfadado bastante.
Was she angry?
¿ Estaba enfadada?
You know, a woman at the Labour Exchange said I was killed by a bomb, and she was very angry with me.
Sabes, una mujer de la oficina de empleo dijo que yo había muerto por una bomba, y estaba muy enfadada conmigo.
And that guy she hangs out with was angry because I went in the room.
Y el tipejo que anda con ella se puso nervioso porque entré en el cuarto.
How angry she was!
¡ Qué enfadada se puso!
She was very angry because you didn't put her in here.
Se ha enfadado mucho porque usted no ha querido ponerlo aquí.
That was just a reward from Dolores - maybe she liked the song - and if you hated me as much as you pretend you wouldn't be angry at all.
Oh, Eso. Esa fue simplemente una recompensa De Dolores - Tal vez a ella le gustó la canción -
He gave me so angry that I decided not to punish me for insider, and not told anyone that she was engaged.
Me dió tanta rabia, que como castigo decidí no darme por enterada, y no le dije a nadie que estaba prometida.
Though she pretended to be angry, it was only to convince you she was not at all impressed by wealth.
Aunque pretendía aparentar estar enfadada, era sólo para que nos os pareciese que estaba impresionada por vuestra posición.
And she obviously enjoyed herself so much that it was difficult to be angry with her.
Y evidentemente se divertía tanto que era difícil enojarse con ella.
Except that she was very angry about it.
Lo único que parecía que la molestaba mucho.
- She was s-so angry!
- ¡ Ella estaba ta-tan enfadada!
Was she very angry?
¿ Estaba enfadada?
Well, they have the tea right there where she works, and the lady who owns the shop was very angry, and she gives her the sack there and then.
Van a tomar el té a donde ella trabaja.
Well, I was angry. - She'd agreed to carry it.
Estaba nervioso, ella sabía que tendría que llevarla cuando aceptó.
I thought that she was angry at you.
Creí que ella estaba enojada con usted.
She was a little harsh. Was she angry'cause we filmed you?
"Estaba un poco agresiva, ¿ cree que se ha enfadado por filmarle a usted?"
No, I would say she was fully in command of the situation, not frightened but angry.
No, diría que conservaba su sangre fría. No estaba asustada, estaba enfadada.
Even when we hated each other. Or when she was revoltingly drunk... sick or just angry.
Incluso cuando nos odiábamos o cuando estaba desagradable, borracha, enferma o enfadada.
She was so angry, I just got up and left.
Se enfadó tanto, que me levanté y me fui.
She was very angry.
Está muy enfadada.
- She was very angry.
- Estaba muy enfadada.
When I discοvered what she was up tο, I'm afraid I was very angry.
Cuando descubrí lo que se proponía me enojé mucho.
I've never been angry with her before, but she knew who was out there, of that I'm sure.
Nunca he estado furioso con ella antes, pero ella sabía quien estaba allí fuera, de eso estoy seguro.
You guys, uh... you guys don't think she was just a tad angry with us, do you?
Chicos, ¿ no creen que ella está molesta con nosotros aún o si?

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