Something's wrong with me traduction Espagnol
475 traduction parallèle
Well, I'm afraid there's something wrong with my sense of humor.
Me temo que hay algo mal con mi sentido del humor.
There's something in there lying, something's wrong with me.
No estoy bromeando. De verdad me pasa algo.
If there's something wrong with you let me help you.
Soy tu hermano. Si te pasa algo malo, déjame ayudarte.
- Maybe there's something wrong with me?
Empiezo a creer que debo tener algo malo, definitivamente.
I don't know, maybe there's something wrong with me, maybe I ought to be psyched or something.
No sé, quizá tenga algo malo... quizá esté loco.
There's something gravely wrong... or Captain Lewis would have communicated with me sometime during the day.
Pasa algo muy grave... o el Cap. Lewis se habría comunicado conmigo durante el día.
If there's something wrong with me, I'll change.
Cambiaré si hay algo malo en mí.
The whole time, ever since we sailed, something's been wrong with me.
Desde que salí de casa siempre tengo algún problema.
Sometimes when I watch you, I feel that something's wrong with me.
A veces al verte, me doy cuenta de que algo en mí falla.
Something's wrong with me.
Algo me está pasando.
Bill, there's something wrong with me.
Bill, me pasa algo malo,
- Something's wrong with my neck.
- Me pasa algo malo en el cuello. - ¿ Aquí?
There's something wrong with me.
Algo no está bien en mí.
Something's wrong with my leg.
Me he hecho algo en la pierna.
I think that if can't mention Richard, it doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with me, it might mean there's something wrong with you.
Pienso que si yo no puedo mencionar a Richard, no significa que algo ande mal conmigo, sino con usted.
There's something wrong with it, and I can't put my finger on it.
Tiene algo que no me gusta y no logro identificarlo.
Something's wrong with my eyes.
Algo me pasa en los ojos.
There's something wrong with me?
- ¿ Qué hay de malo en mí?
Oh, so there's something wrong me and not with your father?
Ah, ¿ algo me pasa a mí y no a tu padre?
There's something wrong with me, I suppose.
Hay algo mal en mí, supongo.
When Kate won't pick a fight with me something's wrong.
Si Kate no empieza una pelea conmigo es que algo va mal.
And there's something very wrong with you for thinking you can talk to me this way.
Y a ti te pasa algo muy malo... si piensas que puedes hablarme así.
Then when this letter arrived with your husband's signature on it I knew something must be wrong because he knew that Penny was dead.
Cuando llegó esa carta firmada por su marido me di cuenta que algo andaba mal, porque él sabía que Penny había muerto.
Something " s wrong with my eyes.
Me pasa algo en los ojos.
If you think there's something wrong with me, just say so.
¿ Helen?
There's something physically wrong with me!
Mi cuerpo no es puro.
I don't know, something's wrong with me today.
Hoy me pasa algo.
There's something wrong with me.
Me pasa algo.
But you agree with me? Something's wrong at the university. Many things.
Pero estás de acuerdo en que algo no funciona en la Universidad Francesa.
I've been trying to get through to Lee but they tell me something's wrong with the line.
He intentado telefonear a Lee, pero me dicen que algo está mal en la línea.
There's something wrong with me.
Tengo un problema.
Does there look like there's something wrong with me?
¿ Te parece que me sucede algo?
Warden, there's something wrong with my head.
Alcaide, creo que me estoy volviendo loco.
And when my mother heard he refused the money, she sent me to your house through the back door to say that there was something wrong with my father's head.
Y cuando mi madre oyó que había rehusado el dinero, me envió a tu casa por la puerta trasera a decirle que mi padre estaba mal de la cabeza.
Besides, there's suddenly something wrong with my nose!
Además, tengo algo en la nariz que me hace cosquillas.
Orson welles told me if you don't know how to shoot, something's wrong with the scene, and it was too elaborate.
Orson Welles me dijo que si no se te ocurría nada en el rodaje era porque algo no encajaba en la escena. Era demasiado complicada.
I wonder if there's something wrong with me, I never feel like that.
Igual me hace falta algo.
If not, there's something wrong with you.
Si no me amas, algo en ti no anda bien.
"And if they're not, as I hope, things are ill with me. " Then something's wrong with my soul.
Y si no son así, como espero, entonces hay algo que no va bien en mi alma.
Bowie, something's really wrong with me, and I mean it.
Bowie, me sucede algo malo, hablo en serio.
Think there's something wrong with me or something?
¿ Acaso crees que hay algo malo conmigo?
Oh, yes, sir, it did occur to me, but there's something wrong with your thinking. If you'll forgive a criticism, sir.
Oh, si, señor, se me habia ocurrido, pero hay algo en su razonamiento que no funciona si me permite una crítica, señor.
I got a phone call - there's something wrong with him.
Me I lamaron por teléfono. Le pasa al go.
Stop acting as if there's something wrong with me or the way I'm thinking!
¡ Deja de actuar cómo si estuviera equivocada!
I was thinking there must be something wrong with me because I've never had a relationship that's lasted longer than the one between Hitler and Eva Braun.
En que debo de ser algo raro porque nunca he tenido una relación que haya durado más que la que tuvieron Hitler y Eva Braun.
There's something wrong with you trying to keep men off me.
No está bien que intentes apartar de mí a los hombres.
Maybe there's something wrong with me.
Quizá hay algo malo conmigo.
Just look at me and say if there's something wrong with me.
Te digo que me mires y me digas si tengo algo.
According to all those books I should fall in love with you but you leave me cold. Something's wrong with the treatment.
Si lo que dicen esos libros fuera cierto... yo tendría que enamorarme de usted en este momento... pero no me produce ningún afecto... está claro que tiene que haber algo que falla en el tratamiento.
If he's interested in me, there's something wrong with him.
Si está interesado en mí, hay algo mal con él.
Something's wrong with me...
Me pasa algo que no entiendo.
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something's wrong with you 23
something's wrong with him 16
with me 1243
with men 23
something went wrong 81
something 1990
sometimes 3655
sometime 130
something's wrong 881
something's wrong with you 23
something's wrong with him 16
with me 1243
with men 23
something went wrong 81
something 1990
sometimes 3655
sometime 130
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something bad happens 16
something's not right 271
something wrong 855
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something bad happens 16
something's not right 271
something wrong 855