Speaking in spanish traduction Espagnol
87 traduction parallèle
What have you got to say? ( Speaking in Spanish )
¿ Qué responde?
[Speaking in spanish]
- Viene alguien. - ¡ Slim! - ¿ Quiénes son ustedes?
[Speaking in spanish]
No, no lo conozco. ¿ Hay acá alguien que conozca al gordo Ed? Esta señorita lo busca.
[Speaking in spanish]
¿ Tú has visto un Cadillac rojo?
He might be one of those aliens. No kidding. [SPEAKING IN SPANISH]
El cuadrado de la hipotenusa de un triángulo rectángulo,... es igual a la suma de los cuadrados de los otros dos lados.
It's Mr. Kraft calling for Aunt Hilda. Start speaking in Spanish and hang up.
es el sr.Kraft llamando a la tia Hilda comienza hablar en Español y cuelga
[MOUTHS ] It's a woman. [ SPEAKING IN SPANISH] Uh-huh.
Es una mujer.
( SPEAKING IN SPANISH ) You know, a person that don't come to your neighbourhood.
Una persona que no viene a tu barrio.
( speaking in Spanish )
Llame al padre Fisher, digale que miré la bendita Virgen ; aquí en el trabajo. Sí, es un milagro mamá, ¡ Es un milagro!
Mi casa es su casa
And then she started speaking in Spanish. Really?
Y ella empezó a hablar en español. ¿ En serio?
Gracias, Ranger.
Esmie and Daniela : ( Speaking in Spanish )
¿ Te doy los cinco centavos ahora?
( Man speaking in Spanish )
( hombre hablando en español )
[cheering ] We are working hard in the studio... [ translator speaking in Spanish]
Estamos trabajando duro en el estudio...
We had our first full-on fall, and when he came to, he was only speaking in Spanish. [Thunder rumbling] I'm used to eating a lot.
No sé si es por falta de comida o qué, pero Zach se cayó hoy y cuando volvió en sí solo hablaba español.
¡ Mueve el coche!
( Speaking in Spanish )
- De acuerdo.
Objectively speaking, you're following in the wake of the Spanish bourgeoisie.
Objetivamente hablando, estás a remolque de la burguesía española.
- That you're in Mexico now. That anyone coming to Mexico ought to be speaking Spanish.
Que está en México ahora... y cualquiera que venga a México debería hablar español.
You don't understand I refuse to let you go on raising your kids in that disgusting city with Spanish-speaking persons and colored people.
No lo entiendes... Me niego a dejarte que críes a tus hijos en esa ciudad asquerosa con gente que habla español y gente de color.
[Speaking in spanish]
[Speaking in spanish]
- Una cerveza. - ¿ Cómo la quiere : rubia o negra? Rubia.
[Speaking in spanish]
Oye, gringo, ¿ dónde vas?
Shelley, I call him he's a great dentist from New York a city in which, as you probably know, general there are thousands of Spanish-speaking people who stand in dire need of extensive bridgework and this man's death, I'm afraid would be a crushing blow to whatever small hopes they might have for a healthier set of teeth and gums.
Yo lo llamo Shelly. Es un dentista genial en Nueva York una ciudad en la que, como usted debe saber, general hay miles de personas hispanohablantes que tienen extrema necesidad de que les arregle el puente dental. Y la muerte de este hombre, me temo eliminaría las pocas esperanzas que ellos tengan para tener dientes y encías más sanos.
All I have are... [speaking in Spanish]
Sólo tengo...
[Malle Narrating ] In a suburb of Houston... newly converted Hispanic-Americans... [ Speaking Spanish]
En las afueras de Houston, hispanos recién convertidos practican el fundamentalismo con aire latino.
( man speaking Spanish )
[MAN SPEAKlNG in spanish]
( speaking Spanish )
[MEN SPEAKlNG in spanish]
( speaking Spanish )
[YELLlNG in spanish]
Well, that's an expression in my country, where sometimes we are speaking Spanish.
Es una expresión en mi país, donde a veces hablamos español.
The only one in the entire coffee shop not speaking Spanish.
Yo era la única en todo el bar que no hablaba español. A comer.
In Español, [speaking Spanish ] [ speaking Spanish ] [ speaking Spanish]
En español.
( speaking in Italian AND spanish ) I think she's 1 0 years too young to remember there was a footballer called Eusebio.
Es demasiado joven para recordar a un futbolista llamado Eusebio.
[SPEAKING IN SPANISH] We couldn't have done it without you.
No pudimos haberlo echo sin ti.
Celdas de Poder RECARGADAS!
She'll be speaking Spanish in no time
Dentro de poco, seguro que habla español.
[Speaking in Spanish] American Consulate in Mexico
El Consulado de Estados Unidos en México.
[speaking Spanish] 20 pesos, I stick my dick in you.
20 pesos, te penetro.
And I don't want the two of you speaking anything but Spanish while we're in Durham
Y no quiero que ustedes dos hablen nada que no sea Español, mientras estemos en Durham.
Speaking of Consuelo, Lillian and I took Spanish together in school.
Hablando de Consuelo, Lillian y yo estudiamos español juntas.
A dangerous idea that people tried to make safer. But as this location filming, with Herzog speaking passionately in Spanish, shows, he saw the haul not only as a physical feat, but in symbolic terms.
Una idea peligrosa que la gente intentó hacer más segura pero como esta grabación in situ muestra con Herzog hablando apasionadamente en español él veía el arrastre del barco no solo como una proeza física sino también en términos simbólicos.
- ( woman speaks english ) - ( deaf woman speaking ) ( quintana, in spanish ) let me not pretend.
Permíteme no fingir.
My point is, I want to learn more about your people, like your cultural values, and why, sometimes, you throw English words in there while you're speaking Spanish, like you're all, "Wocka wocka chocka chocka Facebook, wocka chocka blocka wocka chocka nocka Winklevoss twins."
Mi punto es que, quiero aprender más sobre tu gente ponen palabras en ingles mientras hablan español wocka chocka blocka wocka chocka nocka gemelos Winklevoss. "
I have assembled some of the greatest Spanish-speaking minds to assist in teaching you conversational Spanish, hm?
He reunido a algunas de las más grandes mentes de habla hispana para ayudarte a aprender español conversacional.
Why are you speaking to me in Spanish?
¿ Por qué estás hablándome en español?
[Speaking Spanish] Anthony, in, I think, the first week we were there, he was, like, the first grown-up from the community to come to our house, introduce himself.
Creo que la primera semana que llegamos,
[Speaking Spanish] In our third week, they invited us over to their home for a small snack.
Se siente tan rico en el estómago.
speaking in foreign language 17
speaking indistinctly 40
in spanish 112
spanish 161
speaking 300
speak 840
speaker 143
speakers 17
speak of the devil 271
speak english 112
speaking indistinctly 40
in spanish 112
spanish 161
speaking 300
speak 840
speaker 143
speakers 17
speak of the devil 271
speak english 112
speaking of which 971
speaking foreign language 40
speaking gibberish 33
speak for yourself 272
speaking arabic 43
speak louder 29
speaking japanese 35
speaking of that 54
speak up 432
speaking spanish 222
speaking foreign language 40
speaking gibberish 33
speak for yourself 272
speaking arabic 43
speak louder 29
speaking japanese 35
speaking of that 54
speak up 432
speaking spanish 222