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Stalking me traduction Espagnol

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A hysterical woman stalking me out of jealousy.
"Es una histérica que me persigue con sus celos.".
Deja la ortografía, sigue.
But I suddenly felt all of the weight of the castle upon my shoulders... and this terrifying impression that death itself was inside the house that it was stalking me, that it was fluttering around us like a bat...
Pero de repente sentí todo el peso de la ciudadela sobre mis espaldas y esta horrible sensación que la muerte estaba en la casa que me perseguía, que nos rozaba como un murciélago...
The trouble was I didn't realise that all the time I was stalking tigers, he was stalking me.
Pero al tercer día me di cuenta que, mientras yo acechaba tigres, él me acechaba a mí.
Quit stalking me.
Deja de perseguirme.
I shall wear the thing stalking me at this moment.
Voy a usar esta cosa que me acecha en este momento.
Why do you keep stalking me?
¿ Por qué sigues mirándome?
I thought someone was stalking me.
Pensé que estaba siendo seguido.
Some guys are stalking me.
Unos chicos me acechan.
I warn you again stop stalking me like a ghost
Te vuelvo a avisar, deja de seguirme como un fantasma.
Why are you stalking me?
¿ Por qué me miras?
- Look, Jacobs is stalking me.
- Jacobs está acechándome.
There was something out there, circling my happy home, watching me, stalking me, waiting to strike.
algo estaba pasando, alrededor de mi feliz hogar, observándome, mirándome, esperando atacar.
Siento como si algo estuviera... espiandome.
Excuse me, I've got a maniac stalking me.
Perdona, me persigue un maníaco.
Well, it's like death is stalking me and it's telling me I better get off my ass and get this band rolling.
Es que siento que la muerte me esta acosando y diciéndome que haga famosa a la banda. Esto es importante.
- You were probably stalking me.
Me estabas acechando.
If you don't stop stalking me, I'll arrest you.
Si no dejas de seguirme, te voy a arrestar.
Stalking me.
I know you've been stalking me right from the beginning.
Sé que me has estado acechando desde el principio.
I broke it off. And ever since then, he's sort of been stalking me.
Corté y desde entonces està acechàndome.
Are you stalking me or something?
¿ Me quieres cazar?
I broke up with that loser, and then he started stalking me.
Rompí con ese perdedor y empezó a acosarme.
She's been stalking me ever since. Okay?
Ella ha estado me acecha desde entonces. ¿ De acuerdo?
Stop stalking me!
Deja de seguirme.
You clearly think so, otherwise you wouldn't be stalking me.
- Tu al menos crees que si.
What are you, stalking me?
¿ Está persiguiéndome?
Kid, are you stalking me?
Niño, me estas siguiendo?
Why are you stalking me?
En que estabas pensando?
No, an ex-girlfriend who keeps stalking me.
No, una ex novia que me persigue.
Walter told the judge how you followed me... to the spa and were stalking me.
Walter le dijo al juez que me seguiste... al balneario y que me estabas acechando.
- The Pope is stalking me!
Le explotará la cabeza, y el Papa me agrede.
You don't want to stir but if my ex came to town and was stalking me...
No quieres darle vueltas pero si mi ex viniera a la ciudad, y me siguiera por ahí...
He didn't hate me for stalking him... any more than I hated him for trying to charge me.
No me odiaba más por perseguirlo de lo que yo a él por intentar atacarme.
I hate to see you stalking about by yourself in a stupid manner.
Sabes que no me gusta verte sin hacer nada. Solo de una manera tan tonta.
Seems you're stalking me.
Me persigues, ¿ eh?
Every time Sage start stalking like that, I get a little crazy.
Cada vez que Sage empieza a hablar así, me vuelve un poco loca.
But the result of this stalking was that I was feeling depressed.
Pero toda esa vigilancia me había deprimido.
You know, I find I'm not stalking these young birds any more.
Creo que ya no me van las jóvenes.
They didn't get me. I moved quiet, stalking them.
No me atraparon, creo que porque estaba quieto, mirándolos y eso.
The men I'm stalking are hot on my tail and I'm gonna need help.
Me persiguen unos bandidos y necesito ayuda.
Stalking, cancer... I mean, lp me out here, Heidi,'cause from where I'm sitting you got a real problem with fact and fiction.
- Acoso, cáncer... quiero decir, ayúdame un poco, Heidi, porque desde donde estoy sentando tienes un verdadero problema para diferenciar los hechos de la ficción.
I can just see him walking through the woods, stalking out his latest victim.
Ya me lo imagino en el bosque, acechando a su próxima víctima.
She called me and said " Kihara seems to be stalking you.
Me llamó y me dijo : " Kihara parece que te está acechando.
I keep feeling that there is some animal out there stalking us.
Me siento como si un animal nos estuviera acechando.
In school I had a teacher, who used to come... stalking from behind, pinched me and said :
Cuando estaba en clase tenía una profesora que se me acercaba despacio por detrás y me pellizcaba diciendo :
What do you want to talk to me about? About silent stalking?
Me gustaría quedarme a charlar pero tengo cosas más importantes que hacer.
So I spent many months stalking the elk people... to prove I would soon become a good hunter.
Así que me pasé muchos meses acechando a los alces... para demostrar que sería un buen cazador.
I don't suppose you can tell me why a similar psychopath is stalking a little girl.
Supongo que tu no puedes decirme por qué Un psicópata similar acecha a una niña.
So is this why you came to see me, Mr Mulder? Make me your stalking-horse?
¿ Para esto vino a verme, Sr. Mulder, para convertirme en su pretexto?
If my being here gives you the impression of stalking, I apologize.
Si el que yo esté aquí te da la impresión de un acoso, me disculpo.

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