Terrible thing traduction Espagnol
2,378 traduction parallèle
It's a terrible thing, having no friends.
Es una cosa terrible, no tener amigos.
It'S A Terrible Thing, Physical Phil, Having No Friends.
Es algo terrible, Physical Phil, no tener amigos.
It's such a terrible thing to say, I know.
Es algo horrible de decir, lo sé.
It's such a terrible thing to say, I know. I just... Hasn't been easy, you know?
Se que es una cosa terrible de decir, lo se, es solo que no es fácil
Wait, that's a terrible thing to say. I meant it as a compliment.
¿ Qué?
- God. - It's a terrible thing.
Es una cosa terrible.
That's a terrible thing happened to your mate Frankie.
Es lamentable lo que sucedió con su amigo, Frankie.
I just think it's a terrible thing to do, to betray your friend like that.
Sólo creo que es algo terrible de hacer. Traicionar a un amigo de esa forma.
And then..... I did a terrible thing.
Y entonces... hice una cosa terrible.
She did a terrible thing. But I am sure she's learnt her lesson.
Se que cometió un acto terrible, pero estoy segura que aprendió la lección.
It's a terrible thing to say, but I thought that when Charlotte died my guilt over what I did to Vivian might die too.
Esto es terrible de decir pero pensé que cuando Charlotte murió mi culpa sobre lo que le hice a Vivian, moriría también.
And the menwho killed him, I know that they dida terrible thing, but they were in akind of living hell.
Y los hombres que lo mataron sé que hicieron algo terrible pero ellos estaban viviendo una suerte de infierno.
It's a terrible thing, you know, to have to pick out a plot for your child.
Es algo terrible tener que escoger una tumba para su hijo.
What's happened - it's a terrible thing.
Lo que ha pasado es una terrible cosa.
That is a terrible thing to say.
Eso es terrible.
The only bad thing is this terrible thing they put in the middle.
La única cosa maña es esta cosa terrible que han puesto en el medio.
It's a terrible thing when a boy distrusts his father so much.
Es terrible cuando un niño desconfía tanto de su padre.
Terrible, terrible thing to have to go through.
Lo terrible, terrible tener que pasar.
Oh, Michael, war is such a terrible thing.
Michael, la guerra es algo terrible.
It's a terrible thing to work your whole lifefor something only to have ittaken away.
Es terrible trabajar toda tu vida por algo y que te lo quiten.
It's a terrible thing to be snubbed by the creator.
Es horrible ser desairado por el Creador.
What a terrible thing.
Que cosa tan terrible.
A mime is a terrible thing to waste.
Es terrible lograr que un mimo confiese.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Una mente es algo terrible de desperdiciar.
But we're asking a terrible thing of this girl :
Pero le estamos pidiendo algo terrible a esta jovencita :
Michelle, if there's a boy out there who would do this terrible thing to you hiding behind a badge, I need to stop him. I'll tell you -
Michelle, hay un chico ahí afuera que te haría cosas terribles escondiéndose detrás de una insignia, y necesito detenerlo.
That's a terrible thing to say.
Es algo terrible, lo que dices.
A hooker is a terrible thing to waste.
No se puede desperdiciar una puta.
So what I'm about to ask you is... the most terrible thing anyone could...
Y lo que estoy a punto de pedirte es lo más terrible que alguien pudiera- -
What happened to that young man was a terrible thing.
No es violento.
Only that somebody would do such a terrible thing to her.
Sólo de que alguien le hiciera a ella algo tan terrible.
Terrible thing.
Un asunto terrible.
- Terrible thing. - What is this about?
- Terrible - ¿ Que pasó?
You're her best friend, even if it's the most terrible thing in the world, you should tell her.
Eres su mejor amiga, aunque sea lo más terrible del mundo, deberías contárselo tú.
It's the most terrible thing...
Es lo más terrible que hay.
'Cause that would be... a terrible thing to do... to your best friend.
Porque eso sería hacerle algo terrible a un mejor amigo.
I mean, I know it's a terrible thing...
Es decir, sé que es una cosa horrible- -
You turned your back on me, And that's a rotten fucking thing to do.
Me diste la espalda, y eso es algo terrible que hacer.
If you're having fun, there's no such thing as terrible.
Si te estás divirtiendo, es imposible bailar fatal.
Badass black thing's chasing me around with a flame-thrower.
Hay una terrible cosa negra persiguiéndome con un lanzallamas.
Such a terrible thing to say.
Es tan terrible decirlo.
It was an outrageous thing.
Fue una cosa terrible.
I just feel terrible about this whole thing, Lois.
Me siento muy mal por todo esto que paso, Lois.
This whole thing is so weird.
Todo esto es terrible.
The important thing is he's married and that's terrible.
¡ Lo importante es que él está casado y eso es terrible!
A terrible and wonderful thing.
Algo terrible y maravilloso.
- That thing looks rotten.
- Eso se ve terrible.
It's an awful thing to live in darkness, Unable to see what others take for granted.
Es terrible vivir en la oscuridad, incapaces de ver lo que otros nos otorgan.
I did a terrible thing.
Hice algo muy terrible.
Love, had a terrible temper after I missed Gianni, my husband, my great love I began to love him with 15 years between one thing and another.. were other times.
Amor, tenía un carácter terrible después me ha faltado Gianni, mi marido, mi gran amor comencé a amarlo con 15 años entre una cosa y otra.. eran otros tiempos.
You go back you change one tiny thing, it has terrible consequences.
Si regresas y cambias una pequeña cosa, las consecuencias son terribles.
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thing 1205
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things fall apart 17
things will change 18
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things 422
thing 1205
thingy 49
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things are different 35
things like 24
things to do 42
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are great 27
things would be different 16
things are different now 78
things are different 35
things like 24
things to do 42
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are great 27
things would be different 16
things are different now 78