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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ T ] / That's enough now

That's enough now traduction Espagnol

1,084 traduction parallèle
Now, that's enough.
Es suficiente.
Now that he's old enough to go steady, he's an absolute mental case!
Ya puede salir con chicas y está desmadrado. - Siete, ocho...
That's enough for now.
Es suficiente por el momento.
That's enough, now!
Ya está bien. Basta.
That's enough for now.
Ya basta por ahora.
We can't go in together! That's enough for now!
¡ Espera aquí, no podemos ir juntas!
Now, that's far enough. Hold it.
Ya te has acercado mucho, espera.
- Now that's enough.
- Basta ya.
That's enough now.
Now, that's simple enough, ain't it?
Ahora, eso bastante sencillo, ¿ no?
I think that's enough for now.
Creo que eso es suficiente por ahora.
It's not going to be open now. Is that plain enough?
No se va a abrir ahora, ¿ está claro?
Right now it's enough for me that this man can exist.
En este momento me es suficiente pensar que este hombre existe.
That may be enough for now but who knows what the future will bring? There's a lot that you need to consider
Pero no sabemos lo que pasará en el futuro.
- Go on I think that's enough for now
Me cansa cantar.
- Now, that's enough.
- Ya es suficiente.
That's enough out of you. From now on, it's enough.
Basta, Red, de ahora en adelante...
Ah, well, now, that's enough of that.
Ya está bien de canciones tristes.
Now it's not enough to tell Adonis that you won't talk.
Ahora sólo hay que decirle a Adone que lo sabes todo y que no hable.
I think that's enough for now.
Creo que ya es bastante por ahora.
All right, now that's about enough of this childishness.
De acuerdo, ya está bien de infantilismo.
- That's enough now!
- ¡ Ya está bien!
That's enough now.
Ya es suficiente.
That's enough now.
Bueno, ya basta.
- That's enough, now.
- Ya basta.
And now that bloody greedy old pig. That old pig! As if he hasn't had enough of everything already, he's got to get his fingers in it!
Y ahora ese maldito viejo glotón tuvo que meter sus pezuñas, como si no tuviera suficiente.
Now, that's enough!
¡ Suficiente! Ya la oíste.
- That's enough now.
- Ya es suficiente.
Mr. Hawk, I think that's high enough for right now.
Sr. Hawk, creo que eso ya es demasiado alto.
Now, there must be somebody we know that's got enough influence to get us out of here tonight.
Tenemos que conocer a alguien con influencia suficiente como para sacarnos esta noche.
Now it's my turn. - Yes, that's enough.
- Pues ahora me toca a mí.
All right, now that's enough. Keep going.
¡ Ya basta de eso!
Come on now, that's enough.
- Vamos, ya basta.
That's enough. Now quiet.
Um... kitty... kitty, look, i was thinking, you know, now that that thing's out of here, i bet you that jimbo and me could, you know, we could pull enough money each month to... after what we, you know... will you marry me?
Kitty, escucha, he estado pensando. Ahora que esa cosa no está aquí, creo que Jimbo y yo podremos... sacar bastante dinero al mes... ¿ Quieres casarte conmigo?
Now that's enough!
- ¡ Suéltame! - ¡ Ahora basta!
Gentlemen, that's enough now.
Caballeros, ya es suficiente.
That's enough now, hmm?
¡ Basta ya de petardos!
Come along now, that's enough!
Venga, vamos, ya basta.
- OK, that's enough for now.
- Bueno, ya es suficiente.
All right, let him through! That's enough now!
Vale, dejadlo pasar.
All right, that's enough, now. That's enough.
Vale, ya está bien.
Now that's enough, Sylvus.
Ya basta, Sylvus.
- That's enough, now...
- Ya es suficiente.
That's enough now!
¡ Pero dale, basta!
Now, Janey, that's enough.
Janey, ya es suficiente.
That might've been good enough in Rome, but it's not good enough now.
Tal vez lo habría sido en Roma, pero ahora ya no.
Now, that's enough talking.
Ahora, basta de hablar. ¿ De acuerdo?
Now, that's enough, girls.
Bueno, ya está bien, chicas.
That's enough for now, Gabriella.
Ya basta por hoy, Gabriella.
Hold it down, that's enough, now.
Manténlo oprimido, eso es suficiente, ahora.

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