There are no words traduction Espagnol
297 traduction parallèle
There are no words by which to tell you.
No existen palabras para poder decírselo.
Oh, Peter, I knew how to tell you about it before I left but here... Here there... there are no words for such loveliness.
Peter, sabía cómo decírtelo antes de irme... pero aquí... no hay palabras para tanto amor.
I want you to know that in the name of General Wainwright and myself, there are no words high enough to praise you all.
Quiero que sepan En nombre del General Wainwright y yo mismo, Que no hay palabras para agradecerles a todos su comportamiento.
There are no words for it.
No hay palabras para ello.
There are no words to describe the beauty of the lady you are about to meet.
No hay palabras para describir la belleza de la dama que van a conocer.
Maria... there are things that must be said sometimes... for which there are no words
Maria... a veces hay que decir ciertas cosas... para las cuales no hay palabras
There are no words to tell you how I feel.
No hay palabras que describan cómo me siento.
There are no words.
No tengo palabras.
It's not so much that he can't find the words as that there are no words to find.
No es que no pueda encontrar las palabras, - sino que no las hay.
There are no words.
No hay palabras.
For some moments in life, there are no words. Run along now.
Para ciertos momentos en la vida no hay palabras.
There are no words to express what you're going to become.
No hay palabras para expresar en lo que te vas a convertir.
Gloves Malloy himself who said how hard it is to say what there are no words for.
Guantes Malloy quien dijo lo difícil que resulta decir aquello para lo que no hay palabras.
~ What do you say when there are no words ~
¿ Qué dices cuando no hay palabras?
There are no words to describe what hereally was.
No hay palabras para describir lo que realmente era.
There are no words... to describe the magnitude of this tragedy, ladies and gentlemen.
No hay palabras para describir la magnitud de la tragedia, damas y caballeros.
You are to witness the punishment of this man so that there can be no doubt in your mind that the words he spoke to you were a gross breach of the law.
Presenciarán el castigo de este hombre para que no quede duda en sus mentes de que las palabras que les dijo fueron una grave violación de la ley.
Carol, you are broke. And there is no mincing words about it.
Carol, estás arruinada y no hay más que se pueda decir.
Some people are so poor there's no words for it.
Cuando la miseria es tan grande, que no hay palabras para describirla.
- No, not in so many words but there are certain times, being a woman, that I might believe he was.
- No, no en esas palabras pero soy mujer, y en ocasiones percibí que me ama.
You know, Vaner, there are some things that words can't express.
¿ Sabes, Vaner? Hay algunas cosas que no se pueden expresar con palabras
There are no fair words in the mouth of a white man.
De la boca de un hombre blanco no salen palabras justas.
There are words that I have managed never to tell a woman.
Hay palabras que he logrado no decirle jamás a una mujer.
No roses at the end of Smith my friend Last words don " t matter for there are none to flatter Words will not fill the post of Smith the ghost
La carta muerta No hay rosas en el final de Smith, mi amigo Las palabras pasadas no importan, para nadie a quien alabar Palabras que no llenarán el hueco de Smith el Fantasma Para Smith, nuestro hermano...
Where as in the matter of Miss Habersham's truck in dreadful collision to a worn out rooster which your neighbour Mr Winston swears and contends is of high pedigree stock Worth at least 7 $ There are all the words in the world
Señora, sobre su accidente con la camioneta que ha matado un gallo, cuyo dueño no deja de insistir y jurar que era de pedigrí y valía siete dólares, tenemos todas las leyes del mundo.
Then why do you invent words that simply are not there?
Entonces, ¿ por qué se inventa palabras que simplemente no están ahí?
There are so many words I don't understand.
Hay muchas palabras que aún no comprendo.
There are times when words come hard to a woman.
Hay veces en las que una mujer no encuentra palabras.
Voices and words... there are so many words I'd rather not hear, but you must resign yourself, like floating on the waves of the sea.
Querría poderlos escoger durante el día y las voces, las palabras... Cuántas palabras no querría oír, pero no puedes evadirte. Debes soportarlas, como soportas las olas del mar cuando te tiendes para hacer el muerto.
You are to witness the punishment of this man so that there can be no doubt in your mind that the words he spoke to you were a gross breach of the law.
Vais a ser testigos del castigo de este hombre... para que no pueda haber dudas en vuestra mente... de que las palabras que os dijo fueron una gran violación de la ley.
In his own words, " There are no civilians.
"No hay civiles. Todos estamos en guerra", dijo textualmente.
There are words in one language that don't mean the same in another.
Son palabras en un idioma que no significan lo mismo en el otro.
What I mean is, there are times when mere words aren't enough.
Quiero decir, no sé como expresárselo con palabras.
Are there any Bengali words in it?
¿ No tiene palabras en bengalí?
There I smelt'em out. They are not men of their words.
No debemos creer a las palabras aduladoras.
Not in words maybe, but there are ways of saying things that have nothing to do with words.
Tal vez no con palabras, pero... hay manera de decir las cosas que nada tiene que ver con las palabras.
In other words... that thin-shelled ovum of the domestic fowl... will never be safe... as long as there are chicken laying'... and I'm alive because I am your eggman... and there ain't a better one in town.
En otras palabras mientras pongan huevos las gallinas ninguno estara a salvo. Mientras pongan huevos los pollos y yo esté vivo pues yo soy su huevero y no lo hay mejor en toda la ciudad
There are so many words I don't know and so many things I don't understand yet.
No conozco bien muchas palabras... y aún quedan muchas cosas que no comprendo.
Now, there are different places where you can't use words, right? I mean, sometimes...
¡ Hay sitios distintos donde no puedes usar esas palabras, por ejemplo, con la mujer del vicario!
There are words that you can say, no problem.
Hay palabras que puedes decir, sin problema.
There are some words that we just have decided we will not say all the time.
Hay algunas palabras que sólo hemos decidido que no diremos todo el tiempo.
And I know there are some other words that many of you are wondering about, why they haven't been considered, why they haven't shown up on the list thus far.
Y yo sé que hay otras palabras por las cuales muchos de ustedes se están preguntando, porqué no han sido consideradas, porqué no han aparecido en la lista hasta ahora.
Now there are two words left which I will wind this thing up with, one of them is not, uh, dirty all the time, one of them is.
Ahora quedan dos palabras con las que voy a concluir esta cosa, una de ellas no es, uh, vulgar todo el tiempo, una de ellas sí.
There are stronger words for that situation, Al... like gee whiz and, oh, gosh, and golly... because the lady, with her back to the door... didn't know they were there... and she had not yet ceased operations.
Hay palabras más fuertes para una situación así, Al. Como "caramba" o "córcholis". La mujer que estaba de espaldas no sabía que estaban allí y aún no había terminado su faena.
- There can be no further doubt, the last words he uttered, his whole voice recalled to my heart that contemptible man who, in my apartment... - What are you saying?
- ¿ Qué dice?
I'm a firm believer that words alone are useless, so I'm going to make sure you remember our little chat every time you sit down this week, but don't worry, you'll still be in there against John Paul Jones Academy.
No. Las palabras por si solas no cuentan. Así qué...
If that is death you are announcing in those elegant terms, there is no need to mince words ;
Si acaso me anunciáis la muerte con esos términos elegantes, no hay necesidad de perífrasis.
Now, the Prime Minister is extremely anxious that the speech should not refer to the modesty of the grant increase. There are certain words he'd like you to avoid.
Mira, el Primer Ministro espera que el discurso no haga referencia a la modestia de la subvención, hay palabras que deberías evitar.
But what you never understood is there are some feelings that can't be measured in words, some moments that last an eternity.
No cambias Doctora, no comprendes que hay cosas que no pueden expresarse... Que hay sentimientos indescriptibles y que a veces...
There's naught on the paper! There are no words!
No hay palabras.
- There are not words for your deeds.
- No hay palabras para tu accionar.
there aren't any 65
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are none 51
there are people here 16
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are none 51
there are people here 16