Think it through traduction Espagnol
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Think it through, now, girl.
Piensa en lo que harás ahora, muchacha.
Hush, love, hush Think it through
Calle, corazón, calle Piénselo bien
When they break up, they do it fast, but can spend years trying to get over the girl because they don't think it through.
Cuando rompen, lo hacen rápido pero se pasan años. .intentando superar a la chica porque usualmente no lo piensan.
I'll find somebody to help you think it through.
Encontraré a alguien que pueda ayudarte.
Think it through. Make sure you're certain.
Intenta estar segura.
Think it through Try to remember
Haga un esfuerzo, trate de recordar.
I didn't think it through.
No he pensado con claridad
Bueno, es una gran decisión. y me lo he tenido que pensar mucho,
- we're just going to think it through a little.
-... sólo vamos a pensarlo un poco.
I think what they managed to do had a kind of truth to it, that has sustained through the fluctuations of fashion.
Lo que lograron hacer tenía una verdad que se ha mantenido durante las fluctuaciones de la moda.
Thinking through an experiment that you can't literally carry out, but based upon your insight thinking about it. Sometimes result a revolution at how we think about the Universe.
Pensar en un experimento que no puedes llevar a cabo pero basando tus conclusiones en este pensamiento a veces resultaba una revolución de lo pensábamos acerca del Universo.
I would have preferred to see the campaign through but as things are... I actually think it's best to follow my advice.
Habría preferido luchar hasta el final pero dada la situación creo que sería mejor que hagamos lo que propongo.
I think it handles better than this, I think it's quicker through the corners... but as soon as you get this thing on a straight the BMW doesn't stand a chance!
Creo que es más rápido en las curvas Pero, tan pronto como se coloca en una recta... .. el BMW no tiene ninguna oportunidad
But you didn't think this thing through, so now it's up to me to help you out, okay?
Pero no pensaste bien esto por eso ahora está en mi ayudarte, ¿ bien?
When my family went through the difficult times, we managed with the insurance my dad left behind, so I used to think of it as a good thing, as a lifesaver.
Cuando mi familia pasó a través de tiempo difíciles, nos las arreglamos con el seguro que mi padre nos dejó, así que solía pensar en ello como una buena cosa, como un salvavidas.
I think women go through it. I think women go through it. No matter how the other say you are.
Las mujeres pasamos por esto no importa lo que otras personas dicen de como te ves.
I think it was a great stoke of luck, as we're mentioning, it is hard to talk about luck on a day like today in Oklahoma City. But it was a great stroke of luck that we actually have got defused bombs. It's through the bomb material where we will be able to track down.
Ha sido una gran suerte conseguir es difícil hablar de suerte un día como hoy pero es un gran golpe de suerte que las bombas fuesen desactivadas ya que a través de la investigación de los materiales de la bomba seremos capaces de averiguar quien ha cometido esta atrocidad. "
Think it through.
You think you can drink like a man at your age, then follow through and do it.
Has lo que un hombre de tu edad debe hacer.
Others think it's a charge or electromagnetic fields, still others that it's a means through which the dead can communicate with us.
Otros creen que es un carga o campo electromagnetico. y otros creen que es la forma en que los muertos se comunican con nosotros.
But I think you're gonna work yourself through it.
Pero creo que saldrás de él.
Yeah. I think it's the breathing through the nose.
Creo que es por respirar por la nariz.
And the more I live with that, the more I think it's the best way for me to go through life - thankful.
Y cuanto más viva con eso más creo que es el mejor modo para ir por la vida agradecida.
If Mackey and Vendrell are looking for Lemansky's killer like I think, you might get wind of it through Ronnie.
Si Mackey y Vendrell están buscando al asesino de Lemansky se enterarán a través de Ronnie.
It's gonna take a long time to look through all this. You think it's connected to Rex's death?
Va a tomar mucho tiempo mirar a través de todo esto.
Well, Peter, our marriage has suffered a serious trial, but I think we can get through it.
Bueno, Peter. Nuestro matrimonio ha pasado una prueba importante pero creo que la podemos superar.
My friend's birthday party is tomorrow and... all I can think about is how to get through it without anyone mentioning it.
La fiesta del cumpleaños de mi amiga es mañana y... todo en el que puedo pensar es cómo acabarlo sin mencionárselo a nadie.
I think you've been through an incredible trauma... and perhaps it's best if you calm down.
Creo que ha pasado por un trauma increíble y quizá sea mejor si se calma.
It's just I'm so close on this accountant thing I think I should probably... stay in and follow it through.
Es que estoy tan cerca de resolver este tema del contador.
Heather, I've looked at your case history, and I know you've been through a lot of very painful and very unsuccessful surgeries, but if you're up for it, I think I could significantly help with the spinal curvature.
Heather, miré tu historial. Se que has atravesado por cirugías muy dolorosas sin éxito alguno. Pero puedo ayudar, veo una mejora significante en la curvatura espinal...
It looks kind of like enamel or about a hundred other things I can think of. Why don't you run it through GCMS?
Parece algún tipo de esmalte o cientos de cosas de las que pueda acordarme...
I don't think we should go through with this, but the vice president feels it's the only way to avoid war.
Mira, Jack, tampoco creo que debamos seguir con esto pero el Vicepresidente siente que es la única manera de evitar la guerra.
Well, you say ok, but it takes you microseconds to think things through, so... this time, I'd-I'd appreciate it if you, uh, just took a breath, because... it's... it's big.
Bueno, dijiste de acuerdo, pero te lleva microsegundos pensar seriamente, asi que... esta vez, apreciaria que te tomaras tu tiempo, porque... es... es algo grande.
I find it really hard to think money matters through, cos I have migraine, you see.
Bueno, quizá.
You know, Grandpa, I don't think I wanna go through with it.
Creo que no quiero hacerlo.
" the sun's shining through the window and it's making me think of you.
"el sol está brillando a través de la ventana y me hace pensar en ti"
- I never think things through and look where it got me.
Nunca pienso las cosas y mira a dónde me ha llevado.
I got me death sentence. Look, let's just... get out to sea, think things through, when the time's right, we make it right. Okay?
Mira, simplemente... vamos a navegar, pensamos las cosas, cuando sea el momento adecuado, hacemos lo adecuado.
The trouble is that people have seen their grandparents driving through the redlights with no safety clothing at all, and think it's OK for them to do it as well.
El problema es que la gente ve a sus abuelos saltándose semáforos en rojo, sin llevar ninguna clase de ropa de seguridad, y creen que está bien hacer lo mismo.
You know, She's--i don't think She's gonna make it Through the night,
Sabes, Ella-no creo que pase de esta noche,
Truthfully i don't think this Broad's gonna make it through,
La verdad no creo que esta vieja vaya a durar,
You think you can make it through that stuff you think you can make it through anything.
Crees que cuando has podido superar ese tipo de cosas puedes superar cualquier cosa.
I mean, I think it'll mean a lot to him. You know, seeing it through the end.
Creo que para él podría significar mucho, verlo hasta el final.
When you have gone through 13 years of ups and downs but i think ultimately you know it's how you resolve those agreedment in the end
- Vamos. - Danny y yo hemos pasado 13 años de altibajos pero creo que últimamente, sabes, es como resolvemos esos desacuerdos al final, lo que hacen más fuerte la relación.
First and foremost, I think it's a mistake that you get me to come through the door.
Ante todo, creo que es un error... que vengas a mí a través de la puerta.
I told him I'd been through it and I think I turned out okay.
Le dije que yo pasé por eso y que creo que salí bien.
Well, good, but sometimes when you go through hard things, it changes the way you think.
Estoy bien. Bueno, está bien. Pero a veces cuando atraviesas momentos difíciles cambia tu forma de pensar.
You think you can make it through the Beatdown?
¿ Crees que puedes ganar el torneo de Beatdown?
'I don't think I could sit through it all again.
No creo que pueda hacerlo otra vez.
I know that we've been through this a whole bunch and I know you think you're getting past it but this is not getting past it.
Sé que hemos hablado de esto muchas veces... y sé que piensas que lo estás superando... pero no es así. Ya pasaron 20 años.
Do You Think It's Possible For Two People Who Have Been Through As Much As We Have To Really Forgive And Forget?
¿ Crees que es posible que dos personas que han pasado por todo lo que hemos pasado nosotros puedan perdonar y olvidar de verdad?
think it over 186
think it 23
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16
through christ our lord 18
through the door 29
think it 23
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16
through christ our lord 18
through the door 29
through that door 24
through here 120
through there 98
through you 26
think 1581
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
through here 120
through there 98
through you 26
think 1581
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
thinking about you 18
think fast 106
thinking about it 70
think about this 117
think about that 140
think about something else 16
think carefully 51
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think about what 40
think fast 106
thinking about it 70
think about this 117
think about that 140
think about something else 16
think carefully 51
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think about what 40