Think this through traduction Espagnol
1,177 traduction parallèle
- Well, let's think this through.
- ¿ Cómo estás tan tranquilo?
We've got to think this through! Mayor, this man has not been conscious for almost three years!
Alcaleza, ha estado inconciente por casi 3 años.
Maggie, I want you to think this through carefully.
Maggie, quiero que lo pienses detenidamente.
Let's think this through together.
Vamos a pasar por esto todos juntos.
Joshua, just... just think this through.
- Joshua, piénsalo bien.
Okay. Well, let's think this through.
Pensemos un poco. ¿ Que sabemos?
We're going to think this through... and we're not gonna panic.
Vamos a considerar las cosas... y no nos dejaremos llevar por el pánico.
I need to think this through.
Tengo que pensar en esto.
I need to think this through.
Necesito pensar sobre esto.
Piper, think this through, please.
Piper, piensa más en esto, por favor.
OK. Let's think this through.
Bien... estudiémoslo.
"David", "think this through."
David, piénsalo.
But if it wasn't for you, I think he'd have drifted right on through this town.
Si no fuera por Ud. él ya se habría ido del pueblo.
I often think of you and our walks, which you made so delightful, as we ambled through this scenery that now lies ravaged,
"He pensado tanto en usted." "En los paseos que gracias a usted eran deliciosos, que dábamos juntos en esta tierra ahora arrasada."
Be sure you think this thing through.
Piensa bien el asunto.
I know this may sound like wishful thinking, but..... l think Sha're was trying to send a message to me through the hand device.
Sé que parece que me estoy haciendo ilusiones, pero... Creo que Sha're trataba de enviarme un mensaje a través del dispositivo.
They think that we were sent through to start this.
Creen que fuimos enviados para empezar esto.
You think I enjoy putting myself and your friends through this?
¿ Crees que disfruto pasando y haciéndoles pasar a ellos por esto?
You want to live! You think I haven't been through this?
¿ Crees que no he pasado ya por esto?
You know, Reverend, I think the Lord is trying to give us some true words through this brother here.
Sabe, Reverendo, creo que el Señor nos envía la verdad por medio de este hermano.
I think that when Pau's soul flew through this hole...
Pienso que cuando el alma de Pau salió por este agujero...
I think it's crazy to sort this through when we're in a trial together.
Me parece una locura que intentemos entender esto, estando en medio de un juicio.
So now, when I see him goin'through all this - I think, "Where would I be today if it weren't for my Adella?"
Así que ahora que lo veo pasar por todo esto... pienso : "¿ Dónde estaría yo hoy si no fuera por mi Adela?".
Now if, and I stress the word if, there is such a thing, what makes you think your way home is through this Stargate?
Ahora si, y yo enfatizo la palabra si, hay tal cosa... ¿ Qué te hace pensar que el camino a tu casa es a través de este Stargate?
What would your wife think right now if she could... if she could have a picture in here of you in this mud volcano war paint holding the piece of wood? Walking through fire.
¿ Qué pensaría tu mujer si tuviese una foto de ti con ese lodo encima sosteniendo una pieza de madera?
You think this deal won't go through?
¿ Crees que no va a salir bien?
I think until you've lived through something like this Yeah, you do feel really sheltered, don't you?
Creo que hasta que no has pasado por eso, probablemente te sientes protegido.
Prescindid de Isaac si no habéis visto esto con él.
How many people you think go through life... without seeing anything as beautiful as this?
¿ Cuánta gente crees que pasa por la vida sin ver algo tan hermoso como esto?
Listen, c'mon, let's sit down and think this thing through
Oye, escucha, sentémonos a pensar qué hacemos con esto.
Now if you are like just a guy on the net who's not doing this for a job at all and you sort of write a manifesto and it spreads out through the world and a year later the vice president of Microsoft is talking about that You'd think you were on drugs, wouldn't you?
y usted escribe algo como un manifesto y se propaga por el mundo y un año después el vice presidente de Microsoft está hablando sobre eso usted pensaría que estaba drogado, cierto?
All children learn primarily through playing. For that reason I think it was very important for Linus to enter the computer world when computers still were simple enough even for a 10-12 year old boy to understand what was inside this machine.
Todos los niños aprenden sobretodo jugando por eso fue de verdad muy importante que Linus entrase en el mundo de la informática en un momento en el que los ordenadores todavía eran muy simples
And I think we're gonna get through this.
Yvamos a superar la situación.
You think I'd go through this to have you sleep on my shoulder?
¿ iba a pasar por esto para que durmieras en mi hombro?
I think that everyone goes through life... wearing this, like, invisible football helmet.
Todos vamos por la vida... con una especie de casco invisible.
Yeah, I don't think nothing's getting at my wiener through this thing.
si, creo que nada afectará a mi amigito con esta cosa.
I think the wormhole that we used to travel here passed directly through this planet's sun.
El wormhole que usamos para viajar aquí pasó justo a través del sol de este planeta.
I mean, do you think I can fake my way through this?
¿ Podré seguir fingiendo?
I think this is the worst-case scenario that could possibly happen- - returning to camp and having to see what all your tribe mates went through the night before.
Regresar al campamento y ver todo lo que sufrieron tus compañeros la noche anterior.
Well, I think... today, I don't think it's our strength that's going to get us through this challenge. I honestly think it's our minds and our hearts, and if we all believe that we can do it,
Yo creo que hoy no nos va hacer ganar la fuerza en este reto, creo que será nuestra mente y nuestro corazón si todos creemos que podremos hacerlo definitivamente lo haremos así que asegúrense de no dejar morir su mente y su corazón el día de hoy.
I think this is going to be, you know, one of those times of saying good-bye. And I don't know why saying good-bye is so hard. You know, my gosh, we've been put through the wringer.
Bueno una de esas veces que te despides y no sé porque es tan difícil despedirse por dios pasamos un infierno, no sé porque es tan difícil, pero es difícil despedirse.
I get this delightful breeze through here... which I think is important... because ventilation among friends...
Tengo esta deliciosa brisa por aquí que creo que es importante porque la ventilación entre amigos -
I don't think he canconceptualize the gravity of something likecapital punishment. But you know I'm going to bepraying like the dickens tonight that we don't have Togo through this next phase.
No creo que él pueda conceptuar la gravedad de algo como la pena capital pero esta noche voy a estar rezando para que no tengamos que pasar por la próxima fase.
I think he'll help us through this moment together.
Creo que nos va a ayudar a superar estas dificultades.
You think I'd be goin'... through all this trouble just to keep a lie goin'?
¿ Cree que pasé... por todo esto, para sostener una mentira?
Maybe it has something to do with going through all that together but as far as ships go I think this one will do just fine.
Tendrá que ver con haber pasado juntos por esto. En lo que a naves se refiere ésta estará bien.
Do you really think I'd go through all this trouble for cash?
¿ Crees que me tomaría todas estas molestias por efectivo?
Well, you thinks I can squeeze through this little keyhole? is that, is that what you think?
¿ Piensas que me puedo meter por el pequeño agujero de la cerradura?
Did you really think you were gonna live through this?
¿ De veras creíste que sobrevivirías?
Do you really think I'd let you go through with this?
¿ Realmente piensas que dejaré irte con esto?
It's like this, Pooja. You've been through so much, if you think of it
Mira Pooja.
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16
through christ our lord 18
through the door 29
through that door 24
through here 120
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16
through christ our lord 18
through the door 29
through that door 24
through here 120
through there 98
through you 26
think 1581
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
thinking about you 18
think fast 106
through you 26
think 1581
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
thinking about you 18
think fast 106
thinking about it 70
think about this 117
think it over 186
think about that 140
think it through 42
think about something else 16
think carefully 51
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think about what 40
think about this 117
think it over 186
think about that 140
think it through 42
think about something else 16
think carefully 51
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think about what 40