Time is short traduction Espagnol
572 traduction parallèle
Time is short, my dear.
- El tiempo es corto querida.
My time is short.
Tengo poco tiempo.
Time is short.
Hay poco tiempo.
Time is short.
Tengo prisa.
The doctor means the time is short.
- Dice que no tiene tiempo.
Climb, sister, time is short
Sube, el tiempo cuenta
Mr. Gelder our time is short and believe me when I tell you
- Adiós. Señor Gelder, no tenemos tiempo y hay vidas en peligro.
Now, if we are to leave tonight, time is short and there are certain precautionary measures that I should like to discuss with you.
Si tenemos que salir esta noche queda poco tiempo. Hay medidas de seguridad que querría discutir con usted.
Now come Giselle, time is short.
Ahora vamos, Gisele, el tiempo corre.
For the time is short Crack your little whip
Tenemos poco tiempo Haz sonar tu látigo
The time is short, crack your little whip Get your little ship
Tenemos poco tiempo, que suene tu látigo Sube a tu carro
They're saying my role is long and time is short.
Dicen que mi papel es muy largo y que el tiempo es breve.
Time is short.
No hay tiempo.
I could have you read it but time is short, isn't it?
Podría leérselo, pero el tiempo apremia, ¿ no es cierto?
My time is short.
No tengo mucho tiempo.
Here, at any moment... Time is short!
De aquí, a un momento... ¡ El tiempo aprieta!
Now, if you'll forgive me, time is short.
Disculpen pero el tiempo apremia.
Time is short.
El tiempo apremia.
The time is short, gentlemen, so I'II get straight to the point.
Tenemos poco tiempo, señores, así que iré directamente al grano.
I know my time is short.
Sé que me queda poco tiempo.
The Yonk is short for Yoknapatawpha, which took me some time to learn how to say.
El sonido es la abreviatura de Yoknapatawpha, que me tomó un tiempo para aprender a decir.
In reality, getting an investment in a short period of time is not easy.
Siendo realistas, encontrar inversores en tan poco tiempo no va a ser fácil.
My dad died of a heart attack. And I feel a bit short of breath too. What time is our meeting with TIM?
puedo tener corazón, mi padre murió de un ataque al corazón,.... qué hora es la reunión?
But there is another man... who has been with us but a short time... but in that short time has achieved a wonderful record.
Hay otro que lleva poco tiempo en Ia empresa y ya tiene un récord excelente.
All I know is that for a short time, the spirit of life left his body.
Sólo sé que por un tiempo su espíritu abandonó su cuerpo.
In a short time, therefore, it is my will that I place myself at the head of these armies and proceed to the conquest of the islands of Japan.
Por lo tanto, en poco tiempo... me pondré a la cabeza de dichos ejércitos... y procederé a conquistar las islas de Japón.
The desks have already been moved and the name is painted on, as you said. So we'll try it for a very short time, at no advance in salary, you understand.
Mudaron los escritorios y pintaron el nombre en la puerta... como usted bien señaló... así que lo intentaremos por un tiempo, ¿ entiende?
"And man that is born of woman has but a short time to live."
" El hombre nacido de mujer es corto de días.
"Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live and is full of misery. He cometh up and is cut down like a flower."
"El hombre nacido de mujer, corto de días... y hastiado de sinsabores... sale como una flor y es cortado".
Our time is short.
Queda poco tiempo.
Time is strange. A moment can be as short as a breath or as long as eternity.
Un momento puede ser breve como un suspiro o largo como una eternidad.
- The time is growing short and Mr. Templeton should receive the last sacraments.
- Cada vez queda menos tiempo... y el Sr. Templeton debería recibir la extrema unción.
A short time later, I'm informed that the disturbance is over.
Cuando desperte, me informaron que se habia acabado el lio.
Well, in short shirts, yes, but today is the first time in a long dress.
Con un vestido corto, sí, pero hoy es la primera vez con un vestido largo.
At your age, with no favorable home conditions and no beneficent influences on the outside, we feel that nine months is too short a time to prepare you for your responsibilities outside.
A tu edad, sin condiciones de hogar favorables... y sin influencias beneficiosas afuera... creemos que nueve meses es muy poco tiempo... para prepararte para las responsabilidades.
As time is very short, I suggest that Mrs. Claire and Mrs. friese-Greene Of the ladies committee
Como hay poco tiempo, sugiero que las Sras.
One thing you're short on is time.
De lo que andas corto es de tiempo.
Well, it's an awfully long trip, mother, and time is so short.
Quizá sea un viaje demasiado largo, madre. Y en tan poco tiempo.
Well, even in a war, eight days is an awful short time.
Incluso en una guerra, ocho días es muy poco tiempo.
The process of entrance begins a short time before he leaves the ground... and is completed the instant he is in the air.
El proceso de despegue comienza un tiempo antes de que deje la tierra... y se termina al instante que está en el aire.
This chick needs a big investment of time, which you is mighty short of, with the train waiting'.
Esa chica es de las que necesitan que uno invierta tiempo... de lo cual andas muy corto, con el tren esperando.
And only a short time later, that very wonderful-looking little girl is coming to share my life.
Al cabo de poco tiempo, esa chica tan preciosa... viene a compartir la vida conmigo.
This is a surprise, our meeting twice in so short a time.
Vaya sorpresa, dos veces en tan poco tiempo.
You know, two weeks is such a short time.
No veas, dos semanas es muy poco tiempo.
But the beauty of the whole scheme, sir, is that it involves only one man... and therefore might be possible... in the ridiculously short time allowed us.
Pero lo maravilloso del plan, señor, es que sólo requiere un hombre... y por lo tanto podría ser posible en el poquísimo tiempo que nos conceden.
The time is very short, sir, and we must get going as soon as possible.
Se da cuenta de que tenemos poco tiempo y debemos ponerlo en práctica lo antes posible.
Time is getting short.
El tiempo apremia.
Say, Antonio, you've asked me a short time ago what good is being friends.
Oye, Antonio, hace un rato has preguntado de qué sirve ser amigos. - Deberías hacerle a otro tu pregunta, y no a mí. - ¿ A quién?
In my last few experiments, as I inhale... my whole being is stimulated for a short time.
En mis últimos experimentos, mientras inhalo, se estimula todo mi ser durante un breve tiempo.
Now, Papa, in a very short time, a company of rangers is gonna come boiling in here, and you'll hurry your end if you don't behave.
Papá, en cualquier instante, los rangers van a irrumpir aquí y va a morir si no se comporta.
But time is short, captain.
Pero nos queda poco tiempo, capitán.
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time is up 41
time is money 74
time is 18
shorts 41
short 461
shorty 285
shortly 55
shortstop 18
time is of the essence 71
time is up 41
time is money 74
time is 18
shorts 41
short 461
shorty 285
shortly 55
shortstop 18
shorter 26
short hair 23
shortcut 20
short round 22
short answer 29
short and sweet 29
short notice 16
shortness of breath 58
short of that 17
short for 27
short hair 23
shortcut 20
short round 22
short answer 29
short and sweet 29
short notice 16
shortness of breath 58
short of that 17
short for 27
short version 22
shortly after 26
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time flies 78
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time travel 83
time will tell 62
shortly after 26
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time flies 78
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time to eat 55
time for bed 134
time to go to work 26
time to go to bed 19
time to leave 25
time out 262
time job 218
time to get to work 16
time for breakfast 17
time of death 270
time for bed 134
time to go to work 26
time to go to bed 19
time to leave 25
time out 262
time job 218
time to get to work 16
time for breakfast 17
time of death 270
time to get up 91
time thing 208
time continuum 62
time lord 48
time for dinner 25
time low 44
time machine 29
time thing 208
time continuum 62
time lord 48
time for dinner 25
time low 44
time machine 29