Today is the traduction Espagnol
8,622 traduction parallèle
By the way, today is the festival of the 46,000 days.
Por cierto, hoy es el festival de los 46,000 días.
Today is the last day I'll be here.
- Hoy es mi último día aquí.
Today is the day of the Undoing.
Hoy es el día de la Perdición.
Today is the birthday of your wife.
Hoy es el cumpleaños de su esposa.
Today is the day of our redemption!
¡ Hoy es el día de nuestra redención!
Today is the day. 666.
Hoy es el día. 666.
Today is the first time he has spoken to me.
Hoy es la primera vez que él me hablo.
Yeah, that's right, today is the big day, the result of our poll...
Así es, hoy es el gran día... el resultado de nuestra encuesta.
Today is the time we mourn our dear sister Leah's passing and weep for the end of her earthly journey.
Hoy es el momento de llorar la muerte de nuestra querida hermana Leah y llorar el final de su viaje terrenal.
Today is the traditional start of the fighting season.
Alteza, hoy es el inicio tradicional - de la temporada de lucha.
Now, you all have the overview, but what we have here today is the comprehensive breakdown of...
Ya tienen la... perspectiva general. Pero lo que tenemos aquí hoy... -... es un desglose detallado- -
Today it appears the sun is shining on a Louisiana congressman nobody knows.
Hoy parece el sol está brillando sobre un congresista de Luisiana nadie lo sabe.
Which means I pay the rent by testing cosmetics, which is why my face is kind of puffy today.
Lo que significa que pago la renta probando cosméticos, es por eso que hoy la cara se me ve hinchada.
I'm just saying that over the course of thousands of years, people with an agenda have made christianity what it is today.
No digo que esté mal, solo digo que en el curso de miles de años, la gente con planes secretos convirtió a la cristiandad en lo que es hoy.
The Minister of Justice, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, is present here today to address this honorable Congress.
Se encuentra presente en este recinto el Sr. Ministro de Justicia, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, para dirigirse a este honorable congreso.
- I'm sorry, but the park is closed today.
- Disculpe, el parque está cerrado hoy.
Your Dad and I went to the consulate today, the immigration paperwork is done.
Tu padre y yo, fuimos al consulado hoy. Para terminar el papeleo de inmigración.
The weather today is just like your mood.
El tiempo hoy está como tu humor.
Is that camera the heaviest thing you're gonna lift today?
¿ Esa cámara es lo más pesado que vas a levantar hoy? Está bien.
Today is Wednesday, the fifth of June, 2014.
Hoy es miércoles, 5 de junio de 2014.
Today... is the beginning of the end.
Hoy... es el principio del final.
♪ Coke is ♪ ♪ What the world wants today ♪
* Coca Cola es * * lo que hoy quiere el mundo. *
Maybe'cause Jacob fucked over the baby's room, I got to deal with that'cause my family's coming today, and this piece of shit motel is not even close to being ready!
¡ Porque Jacob dañó el cuarto del bebé, y debo arreglarlo porque mi familia llega hoy, y este motel de mierda está lejos de estar listo!
She the one who called me. J-Roc is going to do your runs today, T.
J-Roc hará tus transportes hoy, T.
In the morning when I got the call, it seemed you needed to reach Kolkata today itself but the way family is going now as if out for a picnic... forget 48, we'll not reach Kolkata even in 72 hours.
En la mañana, cuando recibí la llamada, parecía que necesitaban llegar a Calcuta hoy mismo. Pero de todos modos la familia ya va. Como si fueramos para un picnic olvidate de 48 hrs, no llegaremos a Calcuta incluso en 72 horas.
Make sure no one is in the bar today, okay?
Asegúrate de que no haya nadie en el bar solo por hoy, ¿ de acuerdo?
This is the main topic today.
Este es el tema principal en la actualidad.
Is not it because you kidding use the goods and turned into what it is today?
No se debe a que es broma utilizar los bienes y se convirtió en lo que es hoy?
The weather today is pretty good.
El tiempo hoy es bastante bueno.
If we accept the Devil walks amongst us today... we must consider this is meant to be part of an ongoing story, that it has relevance now.
Si aceptamos que el Demonio camina entre nosotros debemos considerar esto como parte de algo que está sucediendo, que ahora tiene su relevancia.
Today the Orchard Coven is the stuff of folk tales and ghost stories.
Hoy en día el aquelarre de ochard es la materia de los cuentos de folklore he historias de fantasmas.
So, today's exercise is to recognize the world as meaningless, and to understand that God did not create a meaningless world.
Así que el ejercicio de hoy... será reconocer el mundo como algo sin sentido... y comprender que Dios no creó un mundo sin sentido.
'Today, their friend, Alison DiLaurentis''whose murder conviction was recently overturned is about to address the public for the first time.
Hoy, su amiga Alison DiLaurentis, recientemente salida de la cárcel, está a punto de hablar con nosotros por primera vez.
I understand, Ms. Keating, but the evidence you're presenting here today in court is circumstantial at best.
Lo entiendo, Sra. Keating, Pero la evidencia que presenta ante la Corte... es circunstancial, en el mejor de los casos.
Today is not a good day to be caught in the middle of God knows where!
Hoy no es un buen día, para estar en medio de Dios sabe donde.
Today is not the day, Becky.
Hoy no es el día, Becky.
If someone were to tell me a year ago That my life would be like it is today, I would've punched him in the face.
Si hace un año alguien me hubiese dicho cómo sería mi vida hoy en día, le habría partido la cara.
the founding fathers of Techno like Underground Resistance didn't wanted to show their faces when the techno culture arrived it was the faceless culture something that doesn't exist today is that people where dancing with their back to the DJ
Ocultar tu cara era parte de la cultura techno, era como la manera de decir que pertenecías a la Resistencia Underground. Cuando la cultura techno llegó, era la cultura sin rostros. Algo que no existe hoy, las personas bailaban dando la espalda al DJ.
Today he is the talk of the town!
Hoy él es la única charla de la ciudad.
♪ ♪ " Dear diary, the lead singer from my favorite band is flirting with me again today.
" Querido diario, el cantante principal de mi grupo favorito está flirteando conmigo otra vez.
Today, the urban gentry is moneyed lesbians.
Hoy, la gente bien... son lesbianas ricas. Ellas llaman a tu puerta.
But, uh, my officers made some real connections with those kids at the baseball game today, and there is something there.
Pero mis agentes conectaron de verdad con esos chicos... en el partido de béisbol de hoy y allí hay algo.
But today is his opportunity to show the world ".
Pero hoy es su oportunidad de demostrárselo al mundo.
Speaking of which, this heat is getting worse, And we've got rolling blackouts happening across downtown, So we've decided to open up the reception area today
Hablando de eso, esta ola de calor está empeorando, y tenemos apagones eléctricos en la ciudad, así que, hoy decidimos abrir el área de recepción con aire acondicionado para los residentes locales.
Look, the good news is, you're gonna have a baby today.
Mira, la buena noticia, es que tendrás un bebé hoy.
A spokesman for Applied Holographics says that the company will issue a statement later today... and that their main concern right now is the safety of their staff.
Un portavoz de Applied Holographics dice que la empresa emitirá un comunicado a lo largo del día de hoy... y que su principal preocupación en este momento es la seguridad de su personal.
This is the second corpse I've seen today.
Este es el segundo cadáver que he visto hoy.
The drug is risky and overused, and I will prove today that a man can be operated on with no general anesthesia and that that same man can perform the operation himself.
La droga es arriesgada y usada excesivamente, y hoy probaré que un hombre puede ser operado sin anestesia general y que ese mismo hombre puede realizarse la operación él mismo.
Today, the Washington Mall is the real Field of Dreams.
Hoy, la Explanada es el verdadero campo de los sueños.
Oh, after all the strangers I've met today, it is good to see some friendly faces.
Después de todos los extraños que he conocido hoy, es bueno ver algunas caras amigas.
Just so you know, today is not the day to mess with me.
Para que lo sepas, hoy es el día no meterse conmigo.
today is the day 36
today is my birthday 30
today is friday 17
today is your lucky day 29
today is 18
is there a problem 1009
is there anybody there 26
is there anything i can do 222
is there anything i can do for you 78
is there 1220
today is my birthday 30
today is friday 17
today is your lucky day 29
today is 18
is there a problem 1009
is there anybody there 26
is there anything i can do 222
is there anything i can do for you 78
is there 1220
is there anything i can do to help 82
is there something wrong 213
is there someone else 57
is there any 28
is there something wrong with me 23
is there anything you need 35
is there anything else i can do 21
is there anything else 252
is there anything i can get you 21
is there anything wrong 31
is there something wrong 213
is there someone else 57
is there any 28
is there something wrong with me 23
is there anything you need 35
is there anything else i can do 21
is there anything else 252
is there anything i can get you 21
is there anything wrong 31