Try this traduction Espagnol
12,527 traduction parallèle
Do not try this at home.
¡ Que les dije! No intenten esto en casa.
Here, why don't you try this?
Toma, ¿ por qué no pruebas esto?
- we'd try this?
- lo que intentaremos hacer?
Okay, we can try this and when he fails I'll do it myself.
Bien, podemos tratar esto y cuando él no lo haré yo mismo.
Jimmy, try this :
Jimmy, prueba esto :
Okay, then let's try this.
De acuerdo, entonces hagamos esto.
We try this first.
Intentaremos primero esta.
Let's try this again.
Vamos a intentarlo otra vez.
I always wanted to try this.
Siempre quise probar esto.
Try this.
Prueba con esto.
Let's-let's try this again.
Intentémoslo de nuevo.
No. Here, try this.
Prueba esto.
Try this.
Try this.
Prueba esto.
Do not try this.
Es mejor no intentarlo.
Shall we try this one together?
¿ Deberíamos intentar unirnos?
Okay, let's try this.
Vale, vamos a intentar esto.
If you think this is so easy, Danny, then why don't you try it?
Si crees que esto es tan fácil, Danny, ¿ por qué no lo intentas?
Joker is going to try to send this virus worldwide.
Joker va a intentar enviar el virus a todo el mundo.
You don't have to try and make me feel better about this.
No ha de intentar hacerme sentir mejor sobre esto.
Don't try to talk your way out of this.
No trate de hablar de su manera de salir de esto.
Hal, please help me while I try to understand all this.
Hal, por favor ayúdame a tratar de entender todo esto.
Don't try and tell me you found it this way.
No intentes decirme que la encontraste así.
Hey, you're not the first person on this planet to try to it's own...
Oye, tú no eres la primera persona en este planeta que trata de...
Ming is sure cocky to try attacking at this point.
Ming parecía estar deseando.. .. atacar ya en este momento.
Did he do it again this morning, or try to?
¿ Lo ha hecho esta mañana, o lo ha intentado?
But let's try to do more than this.
Pero intentemos hacer algo más que esto.
Now just don't try to make this day all about you, Violet.
Ni se te ocurra intentar convertir este día en tu día, Violet.
If you want to change things, perhaps you should try from within, because this is what happens from the outside.
si quieres cambiar las cosas, quizá deberías empezar desde dentro, porque esto es lo que sucede fuera.
Don't try to talk me out of this.
No intente que no haga esto.
And listen, everybody, if it's a small critter again, let's try to remember the air holes this time.
Y escuchen, todos, si es un bichito otra vez, tratemos de recordar las ventilaciones esta vez.
Bill collectors try to threaten you, they can't even threaten you in this economy.
Los cobradores no pueden amenazarte en esta economía.
As for this Jane Doe, let's try to squeeze some blood out of that stone.
En cuanto a esta Jane Doe, vamos a sacarle algunas respuestas.
And do try to bear in mind, we expect an honest and productive negotiation this evening. Mm-hmm. Shall we begin?
E intenta meterte en la cabeza, que esperamos honestidad y negociaciones productivas esta tarde. ¿ Empezamos? ¿ Parece que necesite compañía?
You try another attack now, you'll all be arrested or imprisoned, this time for life.
Si intentáis otro ataque ahora, todos seréis detenidos o encarcelados, esta vez para el resto de vuestra vida.
Okay, Vin, I like what you're doing there, but I want you to try it one more time, like this :
Okay, Vin, me gusta lo que haces, pero quiero que lo intentes una vez más, asi :
This guy, he's clearly incredibly dangerous, so I need you to at least let us try to protect you.
Este hombre, que es claramente increíblemente peligroso, así que necesito que al menos tratemos de protegerte.
I just wanted to say, let's try to be friends this time, shall we?
Sólo quería decir, que intentemos ser amigos en esta ocasión, ¿ de acuerdo?
You make it sound like this try is happening somewhere else?
Haces que parezca que este intento estuviese sucediendo en otra parte.
Don't try to politick your way out of this.
No intente salirse de esto con política.
I'm ready to move on and try succeeding in this business on my own name.
Estoy lista para seguir e intentar tener éxito con mi propio nombre.
So, whoever is doing this has to try to kill me before you get off your ass!
Así que, el que está haciendo esto tiene que tratar de matarme antes de obtener el culo!
I don't need a gold star, and I don't need Platt or the Ivory Tower knowing, in case they try to talk me out of this or, you know, suspend me.
No necesito una estrella de oro, y yo no necesito Platt o la Torre de Marfil saber, en caso de que tratan de convencerme de esto o, ya sabes, me suspender.
Try and keep this elevated as much as possible.
Intenta mantener esto elevado todo el tiempo que puedas.
This wouldn't be happening if you didn't try to suspend me.
Esto no habría sucedido si no hubieses intentado suspenderme.
I was just about to try them, but it'll be much more fun if we do this together.
Iba a empezar a probarlas, pero será mucho más divertido si lo hacemos juntas.
This is all that comes up when you try to use Ana's software now.
SERVICIO NO DISPONIBLE - Esto es todo lo que resulta... SERVICIO NO DISPONIBLE -... cuando se intenta utilizar el software de Ana ahora.
Must not the leaders of the public... warn this administration... warn the prime minister and his ministers that if they continue to act on this awful treaty, if they continue to try to apply it in the territories... they will be liable by Torah law, by Jewish law... to the Din Moser, punishment accorded to traitors... since they are placing the lives of Jews in the hands of gentiles?
¿ No deben los líderes populares ... advertirle a este gobierno... al Primer Ministro y su gabinete que si continúan negociando... este horrible Acuerdo,... si persisten en tratar de aplicarlo sobre los territorios ( ocupados )... son pasibles de que caigan sobre ellos las leyes talmúdicas, las leyes judías... .. hasta el Din Moser ( castigo divino ) previsto para los traidores puesto que están poniendo las vidas de los judíos en manos de gentiles?
This report does not exempt Israeli society from its obligation to conduct a thorough investigation... and to try to answer the question of how we reached the point of the assassination of an Israeli PM by an extremist... and how violence turned into a means of solving political conflicts.
Este informe no exime a la sociedad israelí de su obligación de realizar una profunda investigación en pro de responder la pregunta de cómo llegamos al extremo... de asesinar a un Primer Ministro israelí a manos de un fundamentalista. Y cómo la violencia se convirtió en un medio para resolver conflictos políticos.
Try to handle this!
¡ Intenta controlar esto!
Dipper, I was a fool to try to hide all this.
Dipper, fui un tonto al intentar ocultar todo esto.
try this one 103
try this on for size 21
try this on 41
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
try this on for size 21
try this on 41
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is me 479
this is different 405
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is me 479
this is different 405
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700