When he says traduction Espagnol
1,415 traduction parallèle
But Grady is lying when he says I killed his wife... and the sheriff is lying about how I killed Slater.
Pero Grady miente, no maté a su mujer. Y el Sheriff miente al decir cómo maté a Slater.
Why do I always get nervous when he says that?
¿ Por qué esa frase suya siempre me pone nervioso?
No, it's just that they're always walking out of the room when he says her name, so all I get is "Ooey."
No, es que siempre salen del cuarto cuando él dice su nombre, y lo único que oigo es "Uy".
Her husband is right when he says :
Es hermosa. Tiene razón el marido cuando dice :...
When he says meet, he means M-E-A-T.
Cuando él dice conocer, quiere decir CONOCER.
nah, i prefer being independant of course i'm not sulking, we're just working that's all... yeah he reminds me of you when he says he says he doesn't want his parents to help.
No, prefiero ser independiente. Por supuesto no estoy de mal humor, nosotros trabajamos, eso es todo... si. Cuando él dice eso, me recuerda a algo lo de que él no quiere ayuda de sus padres.
When he says "Quiet, please", it means a murder.
Cuando dice "Silencio, por favor", significa un asesinato.
Did you catch that condescending tone when he says Glen Canyon Community- -
¿ Oíste ese tono condescendiente?
He thinks you're the greatest. When he says, "Iwant Wilhelm for mybirthday", theybettergetyou.
El piensa que Ud. es el mejor, y cuando él dice, quiero a Wilhelm para mi cumple, chico, más les vale ir a por Wilhelm.
But afterwards, when he says... Well, whatever!
Pero, después, cuando dice...
First time in 19 years I actually believe a guy... when he says he didn't know she was a hooker.
Es la primera vez en 19 años que le creo a un tipo... que dice que no sabia que era una ramera.
He does help Miriam though she's doing art at A-level, so when she has a bit of difficulty with something she says "Symon!" so he comes to the rescue at times
- Sí él me ayuda con Miriam eso sí ella va a hacer su examen final en artes, asi que cuando tiene alguna dificultad llama a Symon y el viene al rescate
I can tell quite a few stories here but the one that really irritates me the most is when we have an argument he says
lo que mas me irrita es cuando discutimos y el dice
And he says that when Jesus returns to Earth,... he's going to gather around him 144 000 good souls.
Y dice que cuando Jesús vuelva a la Tierra reunirá a 144.000 justos y después...
When we step in front of him, he pulls out his Luger... and he says, " I give you three seconds.
Cuando damos un paso delante de él, baja su Luger... y dice : "Les doy tres segundos."
Dad says he'll wait and meet him with you when you get back.
Papá dice que esperará y lo conocerá contigo cuando regreses
He turns to me and for a second he looked the way he did when we first met, and he says how he likes it better when I wear my hair back.
Se dio la vuelta y me miró como Io hizo la primera vez que nos conocimos. Y me dijo que yo le gustaba más con el pelo recogido.
The kid says he leaves it open when he takes his bike out.
El muchacho dice que lo deja abierto cuando sale a montar en bicicleta.
Men, when you're out there in the battlefield and you're looking into the beady eyes of a Canadian as he charges you with his hockey stick or whatever he has and people are dying all around you, just remember what the MPAA says :
Soldados, cuando estéis ahí fuera en el campo de batalla y miréis a los ojitos de un canadiense mientras os ataca con su palo de hockey o con lo que tenga y veáis cómo van cayendo vuestros compañeros, recordad lo que dice la MPAA :
Well, actually, he says, when you make love...
Bien, actualmente, el dijo, que cuando hacen el amor -
Says, you know, the flowers are from a secret admirer, when it's obvious he's the admirer.
Dice, las flores son de un admirador secreto cuando es obvio que el admirador es él.
He says he does it when he gets blocked and I thought he was hitting on me at first... but then I met his girlfriend and realized... that it's an actual artistic exercise, so...
Dijo que lo hace cuando se bloquea. Al principio pensé que me estaba coqueteando, pero conocí a su novia y me di cuenta que era un ejercicio artístico natural...
He quit blinking. He says that's when they get you.
Dejó de parpadear para que no lo atrapen.
Then again, he says, when it comes to backs nobody knows anything, really.
Pero también dice que sobre espaldas en realidad nadie sabe nada.
Like, he always says, "Why cuddle when we could do it?"
Como cuando, el siempre dice, "¿ Por que me acaricias cundo podemos hacerlo?"
He says that when he returns itself remembers nothing but... believes that in this period It is crazy.
Dice que cuando vuelve en si no recuerda nada pero... cree que en ese lapso se vuelve loca.
When Hitler comes to power, he has an entire nation that believes it's perfectly natural to do whatever he says.
Pasé todos estos meses tratando de encontrar una lógica dentro de sus mentes.
He uses that tone when he meets a woman he likes. He speaks slowly and agrees with everything she says.
Cuando una mujer le gusta, habla despacio y está de acuerdo con ella en todo.
And then he asksme, he says, "Pop-Pop, when people play the numbers, what number do they try to win?"
Y entonces el me pregunta, "Abuelito... cuando las personas tocan los numeros... que numeros ellos intentan hacer ganar?"
When a man says he'd give anything to have a certain woman in his life, I just assume she means something to him.
Cuando un hombre dice que daría lo que fuera por estar con una mujer, supongo que es porque siente algo.
He says he likes it when things fall apart.
Él dice que le gusta esto, cuando las cosas se derrumban.
When an army man says that to a marine, he means it.
Si un militar se lo dice a un infante de marina, no bromea.
When he hits her, he says, "See what you made me do?"
Cuando la golpea, dice : "¿ Ves lo que me has hecho hacer?"
He says, "Now, when you move the thing -"
Decía : "Cuando muevas eso."
He says that when Mabel comes back... from being in the institution -
Cuando Mabel vuelve del hospital,
Sort of like being a medium, you know... when they come in with the crystal ball... and they're all sitting around the thing and - and the medium says, " I am in contact with the soul.
Es como una médium, cuando llega con la bola de cristal, con todos alrededor y la médium dice : "He contactado con un espíritu."
When he opens the door, Says, "I'm home"
Cuando abre la puerta y dice :
Court's not gonna remove her when he denies it and she says it's not him.
Ningún juez la sacará de casa si lo niega y ella lo niega.
'He says,'Tell you when I find it.'
Contesta : "Se lo diré cuando lo encuentre".
When Frankie says, "I don't know whether to shit or go blind" he's at a crossroads.
Cuando Frankie dice : "No sé si defecar o quedarme ciego" está en una encrucijada.
He says he got the gun from Mrs Fox after it went off by accident, when she struggled with her husband.
Dice que obtuvo el arma de la señora Fox después de que se disparó por accidente, cuando ella luchaba con su marido.
This is like The Godfather when Pacino says he's gonna kill the cop.
Esto me recuerda a El Padrino cuando Pacino dice que matará al policía.
Bud LaPierre says he'd been watching TV and had gotten up to go to bed when he found Amber Lynn missing.
Bud LaPierre estaba viendo la tele y se iba a acostar cuando Amber Lynn desapareció.
The bible says : "If the master knew when the thief will come, he would not be robbed."
El Evangelio dice :'Si el hombre supiera cuando viene el ladrón..... no dejaría que entrase en la casa'.
Sara, when Edgar Price says he'll meet you you don't say : "Wait, how about next month?"
Sara, cuando Edgar Price dice que quiere conocerte no dices "Espera, ¿ por qué no el mes que viene?"
Crushed when he caught his wife cheating, he's feeling older, he looks around and says "Maybe it's time I get mine."
Se hundió al ponerle cuernos su mujer. Se siente mayor. Mira alrededor y dice :
When you ask a peasant how far the cemetery is, and he says 1.5 kms, you know it's twice as far.
Cuando le preguntas a un campesino si el cementerio está lejos, si te responde que está a 1, 5 km, es que está al doble.
He would simply put cameras everywhere he could so when Peter was off flying high Stanley says, "I don't want anything to be lost."
Ponía cámaras en todas partes así que cuando Peter volaba Stanley decía : "No quiero perder nada".
And when I scold him he says I'm right and just goes on doing it.
Y cuando lo reté me dijo que tenía razón pero sigue adelante con la misma cosa.
He says, "l'm afraid when I do get it, I'm really gonna get it."
Y añadió : "Me temo que cuando me den, será definitivo".
When it has passed he says : "Would you like a little more?"
"¿ Quieres un poco más?"
when he died 111
when he was born 18
when he was young 17
when he dies 19
when he was 88
when he said 21
when he comes back 25
when he came back 43
when he comes 26
when he 34
when he was born 18
when he was young 17
when he dies 19
when he was 88
when he said 21
when he comes back 25
when he came back 43
when he comes 26
when he 34
when he gets here 18
when he was a kid 17
when he wakes up 46
when he gets back 21
when he's ready 23
when he does 75
when he left 30
he says 1126
he says to me 27
he says no 33
when he was a kid 17
when he wakes up 46
when he gets back 21
when he's ready 23
when he does 75
when he left 30
he says 1126
he says to me 27
he says no 33
he says hi 20
he says it's important 32
he says that 22
he says it's urgent 59
says 221
says who 419
says me 53
says you 129
says it's urgent 25
says here 24
he says it's important 32
he says that 22
he says it's urgent 59
says 221
says who 419
says me 53
says you 129
says it's urgent 25
says here 24