Whoever that is traduction Espagnol
1,219 traduction parallèle
So, do you think you can set up a meeting for me... with Mr. Dean or Mr. Deluca or whoever that is?
¿ Crees que puedas arreglar una reunión con el Sr. Dean o el Sr. Deluca o quién quiera que sea?
Whoever that is, I'm not here.
Sea quien sea, no estoy aquí.
- Warren, whoever that is.
- Warren, quienquiera que sea.
I have to find this state's attorney, whoever that is.
Debo encontrar al ayudante del fiscal, sea quien sea.
Yesterday, I had a conference call with Kitty, whoever that is.
Ayer tuve una llamada en conferencia con Kitty, quienquiera que sea.
I look like Buster Brown. Whoever that is.
Parezco Buster Brown, sea quien sea.
- You gotta hang up with whoever that is and call Campaign Scheduling and Advance...
- Tienes que colgar con quién sea que estés hablando y llamar al Equipo de Campaña...
Whoever that is is gonna know it's him.
Quienquiera que haya sido lo reconocerá.
Whoever's home is the closest, that is where we will travel to first.
Quien tenga su mundo natal mas cerca... allí es donde viajaremos primero.
This poor guy is butchered and whoever killed him thought he was that disco queen in Rikers.
Resumiendo, ese pobre hombre fue apuñalado y mutilado y el que lo hizo creía que mataba a esa reina de Rikers.
It's like, you know, how am I ever supposed to become... whoever it is that I'm gonna become while everyone's looking?
¿ Cómo voy a convertirme... en la mujer que seré si todos me observan?
Hug your friends and loved ones tight, what the heck, whoever that person is next to you.
Abracen a sus amigos y a quien esté a su lado. Aprovechen el momento.
The most important thing you gotta know right now... is that you can be whoever you wanna be on the phone.
Lo más importante que debes aprender ahora es que puedes ser quién quieras por el teléfono.
Whoever did away with the owners of that house is your killer.
Quienquiera que se deshiciera de los dueños de esa casa es tu asesino.
Whoever it is is telling me that he's got me under his thumb.
Quienquiera que sea me esta diciendo que me tiene en la palma de su mano.
Which means that whoever Chiana was linked to... is dead.
Lo que significa que quien quiera que estuviera enlazado a Chiana, ha muerto
It's possible that whoever did it is still on board.
Es posible que quién lo haya hecho, aún esté a bordo.
It means that whoever is immune has to pick between the other two people as to who goes to the jury.
- ¿ Qué, entonces? - El que gane la inmunidad tendrá que elegir a quien se lleva y quien se va al jurado.
Whoever told you that bullshit about boiling... is out of his mind.
El que dijo eso sobre hervir está loco.
Whoever her new one is, he can't be worse than that nut with his tape recorder.
Quienquiera que sea no puede ser peor que el loco con la grabadora.
Whoever said that Ms. Di Veroli is defeatist?
¿ Quién dice que la Sra. Di Veroli es derrotista?
Whoever that goes against me, whoever is my enemy.
Aunque estés contra mi, aunque seas mi enemigo.
It's still a good bet that whoever blew that hole in the captain's leg is connected somehow to the people that took Klaang.
Todavía puede apostar a que el que le hizo ese agujero en la pierna al Capitán está conectado de alguna forma con la gente que se llevó a Klaang.
May we not surmise that this is because he does most of his smoking out of doors, which in turn, is because whoever he shares his home with, objects, to tobacco smoke.
¿ No podemos suponer que esto es debido a que realiza la mayoría de sus fumadas al aire libre? ¿ Que a su vez, es porque con quien comparte su casa no está de acuerdo con el humo de tabaco?
Whoever paid that girl to say she was Kate Jones is the same person who gave her the pin and sent the tape.
El que la pagó por decir que era Kate Jones le dio el broche y te envió la cinta.
- All we know is whoever did it, busted through that window, although three stories up.
- Todo lo que sabemos es que quien lo hiciera, entró por esa ventana, aunque sea el tercer piso.
It's still a good bet that whoever blew that hole in the captain's leg is connected somehow to the people that took Klaang.
Pero existe una buena posibilidad que quienes hirieron al capitán estén conectados con la gente que raptó a Klaang.
She is free to date whoever she wants, and if that's a "ladies'man" like Gianni, so be it.
Es libre de salir con quien quiera y si es un "Casanova" como Gianni, que así esa.
So, the director is insisting that whoever play that part... ... be authentically, anatomically... ... not Jewish.
Bueno, el director insiste que quien interprete el papel sea auténtica y anatómicamente no judío. ¿ Me explico?
So you better know whoever's the bad guy on that little U-boat... even if it is the captain... we are going to torpedo him right out of the water.
Más vale averiguar quién es el villano, así sea el capitán... porque lo vamos a hundir en el mar.
Whoever that asshole is who's been ignoring you, He won't be taking you for granted any more.
Quienquiera que sea el gilipollas que te ha estado ignorando, ya no te tendrá como algo seguro nunca más.
I suppose that, whoever it is, they're still afraid of confronting the Asgard,
Supongo que debemos tener la seguridad de que sea quién sea tiene miedo a enfrentarse a los Asgard... o habría atacado la Tierra.
I mean, I think it's great that you want to be the next... you know, whoever the next greatest impressionist is.
Creo que es estupendo que quieras ser el próximo... Ya sabes, quien sea, el próximo mejor imitador.
Leave those bodies where you found them and go after whoever is in that tunnel.
Dejad los cuerpos donde están y buscad a quienquiera que ande por el túnel.
We gotta find whoever it is that's still down here, Lieutenant.
Tenemos que encontrar a quienquiera que ande por aquí.
It is rumored that whoever eats the golden apples will become a god themselves.
Es rumor que quienquiera que coma de las manzanas doradas se volverá un dios.
I would hope that whoever wins has played the game as morally and as ethically as is physically possible to have done out here in the outback.
Espero que quien sea que gane haya jugado tan moral y éticamente... Y a decir verdad aún no tomo una decisión de por quien voy a votar.
Good, whoever that he is, he wants to eliminate the competition, and to force to Vass to that he negotiates with them
Bueno, quien quiera que sea, quiere eliminar la competición, y forzar a Vass a que negocie con ellos
Whoever that it has wanted to kill to Kevin like Michael Turner probably it does not know that he is dead
Quien quiera que haya querido matar a Kevin como Michael Turner probablemente no sabe que está muerto
Well, go tell whoever it is that feeds you.
Díselo a quien te da de comer.
And whoever is doing that SM. Stop it.
Y quien esté haciendo eso de sadomasoquismo.
Whoever that somebody Is, they'll be calling the cavalry In soon.
Sea quien fuere a quien llamó, vendrán a rescatarlo rápidamente.
The invisible friend, whoever it is that she's talking to all the time.
La amiga invisible, a la que le habla siempre.
So, what you're saying is whoever was in Jane Gallagher's bed was on the ice the night that Terry Rivers died.
Insinúas que quien estuvo en la cama de Jane Gallagher estuvo en el hielo la noche que murió Terry Rivers.
Tells me that whoever is missing a shopping cart is also missing his jacket.
A mí que a quien le falte el carrito, le falta también el chaquetón.
When you decide you want to be with someone, whoever that person is, it will be your choice.
Cuando decidas estar con alguien quienquiera que esa persona sea, será tu elección.
Quienquiera que se lo haya dicho va a tener serios problemas.
And I think that whoever is doing it doesn't have very much respect for me.
Y quien lo haya hecho no tiene respeto por mí.
You've got to understand, whoever that woman is - -
Que? Debes entender, lo que sea que esa mujer...
When a child goes missing... whoever claims to have seen them last is usually the one that took them.
Cuando desaparecen niños, la última persona que dice haberlos visto suele ser quien los raptó.
You better pray to whoever it is you pray to because you got 24 hours to find that X before I find you.
Como sea. Mejor que reces a quien seas que tú reces... porque tienes 24 horas para hallar el éxtasis antes de que yo te halle a ti.
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is not true 434
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that is ridiculous 146
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is not the case 19
that is ridiculous 146
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is not the case 19