You were dead traduction Espagnol
3,650 traduction parallèle
We thought you were dead!
Creíamos que estabas muerta.
I liked you better when I thought you were dead.
Me gustabas más cuando creía que estabas muerto.
Steve told me you were dead.
Steve me dijo que habías muerto.
We believed that you were dead.
Creíamos que estaba muerto.
'Cause I thought you were dead.
Porque pensé que estabas muerto.
I thought you were dead.
Crei que estabas muerto.
Sarah, I thought you were dead!
¡ Sarah, creí que habías muerto!
Sarah, I thought you were dead! Aaah!
¡ Sarah, pensaba que estabas muerta!
He said you were dead in front of him
Dicen que pasará antes de la exposición.
- We thought you were dead.
- Pensamos que estabas muerta.
I thought you were dead.
Pensé que estabas muerta.
I thought you were dead.
Yo creí que habías muerto.
Maura, she thought you were dead.
Maura, ella creía que estabas muerta.
I wish you were dead!
¡ Ojalá estuvieras muerta!
All this time I thought you were dead square.
Siempre pensé que eras una pobre aburrida.
Claudia always told me that you were dead.
Claudia siempre me dijo que estabas muerto.
They just thought you were dead.
Solo pensaban que estabas muerta.
You were dead funny, so easy to wind up.
Estabas muy entretenida, era fácil convencerte.
I thought you were dead.
Pensé que estabas muerto.
You were dead since this evening!
¡ Llevas muerto desde la tarde!
I thought you were dead, you son of a bitch!
¡ Pensé que estabas muerto, hijo de perra!
I thought you were dead, you son of a bitch.
Crei que estabas muerto, hijo de perra.
You were either valuable, or you were dead.
O tenías algún valor o estabas muerto.
Man, I thought you were dead.
Hombre, pensé que estabas muerto
How many times did I have to drag you out of hotel rooms,'cause you were so wasted I didn't know if you were dead?
¿ Cuántas veces he tenido que sacarte arrastrando de habitaciones de hotel porque estabas tan colocada que no sabía si estabas muerta?
Father told me you were dead.
Papá me contó que estabas muerta.
Father told me you were dead.
Papá me dijo que estabas muerta.
They told me you were dead.
Me dijeron que habías muerto.
I saw that you were dead and the four legs of your bed... were slowly turning into the four ends of your coffin.
Vi que estabas muerto, y las cuatro patas de tu cama.. .. lentamente se convertían en las cuatro esquinas de tu ataúd.
Duke, we all thought you were dead.
Duke, todos pensamos que estabas muerto.
Yeah, let me repeat myself - - I thought you were dead.
Sí, déjame repetirme... pensaba que estabas muerto.
You were picked up three times on facial recognition - if I hadn't managed to intercept it, you and your brother would be dead!
¡ Te captaron tres veces cámaras de reconocimiento facial... si no hubiera conseguido interceptarlo, tú y tu hermano estaríais muertos!
There were four, two are dead, that leaves you two as our prime suspects. Did I miss anything?
Eran cuatro, dos están muertos eso los deja a ustedes dos... como nuestros principales sospechosos. ¿ Se me olvidó algo?
How many times did I have to drag you out of hotel rooms'cause you were so wasted I didn't know if you were drunk or dead?
¿ Cuántas veces tuve que sacarte a rastras de... habitaciones de hotel porque estabas tan bebido... que no sabía si estabas borracho o muerto?
I asked you once about Elizabeth's sons, the princes, and told you we wouldn't be safe... until they were dead.
Te he preguntado por los hijos de Elizabeth, los príncipes, y te dije que no estaríamos a salvo... hasta que estuvieran muertos.
Then, when that smoke cleared, and those mutts were lying dead on the ground, and my hands were covered in my partner's blood, you're saying I was a hero.
Luego, cuando se despejó el humo, y esos perros callejeros yacían muertos en el suelo, y mis manos estaban cubiertas con la sangre de mi compañero, dijeron que yo era un héroe.
You were dead.
Lo vi.
And I'm willing to bet whatever she was onto is why she's dead now. It's why you were framed.
Y apuesto a que lo que sabía llevó a su muerte y a que te incriminaran.
You'd be dead if I were.
Ya estarías muerto si fuera así.
Who told you they were dead?
¿ Quién dijo que estaban muertos?
While Dorney and I were away, you guys got involved in the Dead Rose Slasher case?
Mientras Dorney y yo no estábamos, ¿ han empezado a trabajar en el caso del Degollador?
You were poisoned a few hours ago, which means, in less than 24 hours, you will be dead.
Ha sido envenenado hace unas horas, lo que significa que en menos de 24 horas, estará muerto.
You were here when Ganzel drugged our captain, put a dead hooker in his bed.
Estuviste cuando Ganzel drogó al capitán... y puso a una prostituta muerta en su cama.
How many of you would be dead no if it were not for him?
¿ Cuántos de ustedes estarían muertos si no fuese por él?
You see, inconvenient though you occasionally were, you're always worth more to me alive than dead.
Ves, a pesar del inconveniente que has sido a veces, siempre has sido más valioso para mí vivo que muerto.
"Our hearts were light but now, you're dead... ".. and I am mate-less. "
Nuestros corazones eran ligeros, pero ahora estás muerto... y yo estoy sin compañero ".
That kind of publicity could buy you a new wing... instead of a long and costly lawsuit over four dead newborns, which is where you were headed until I stepped in.
Esa clase de publicidad podría sufragar un nuevo ala... en lugar de una larga y costosa demanda por cuatro recién nacidos muertos, que es hacia donde ibas derechito hasta que yo aparecí.
You were simply to recover my folio..... and now an innocent boy lies dead.
Simplemente ibas a recuperar mi cartera... y ahora un muchacho inocente yace muerto.
You knew you were a dead man.
Sabías que eras hombre muerto.
I saw that you were... dead.
Vi que tú estabas.. .. muerto.
With a shirt full of blood, a dead body in your room and no memory of where you were last night, it's not looking so good for you.
Con una camisa llena de sangre, un cadáver en su habitación y sin recuerdos de dónde estuvo anoche, esto no pinta bien para usted.
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were gone 87
you were incredible 39
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were gone 87
you were incredible 39