You were fine traduction Espagnol
856 traduction parallèle
You were fine.
Lo hizo bien.
You were fine today.
Hoy estuvieron bien.
You were fine, dear, fine.
Estás bien, querida, bien.
Baby, you were fine.
Lo hiciste bien.
But you were fine earlier. - Yeah, it happened all of the sudden.
- Esta mañana estabas bien.
But you left in good health, you were fine... Don't know!
Pero te fuiste con buena salud, Estabas bien... ¡ No lo sé!
You were fine until now, and now you're worrying.
Estabas bien hasta ahora, y ahora empiezas a preocuparte.
He dropped you when you were fine.
Si te dejó cuando estabas sana...
You were fine, Carl.
Muy bien, Carl.
This past week you were still able to come to work, and function just fine while he was away on his business trip.
La semana pasada pudo venir a trabajar y funcionar bien sin él... mientras estuvo en su viaje de negocios.
- I'm fine. - What hospital were you in?
porque nos dio un teléfono?
And I told him you were getting along fine.
Y le dije que estabas bien.
You were always telling me, when McLaren got to the top everything would be just fine and dandy.
Y tú siempre me decías que cuando McLaren fuera jefe todo estaría perfectamente.
You were doing fine right here.
Aquí te está yendo bien.
You remember, in my last book, there were some very fine examples, especially the young nobleman.
Como usted sabe, en mi último libro presenté algunos ejemplos, sobre todo el de un joven noble.
Suppose you were living in a small town, getting along fine, and suddenly somebody dropped $ 20 million in your lap.
Suponga que vive tranquilamente en un pueblecito y de pronto le caen 20 millones de dólares.
That's fine, but in this instance I'm sure you were wrong.
Está bien, pero esta vez estoy seguro de que se equivoca.
That's fine, but in this instance I'm sure you were wrong.
Está bien, pero esta vez estoy seguro de que se equivoca. Así que ahora estoy equivocado.
Your parents were fine people, and here you are playing gangsters.
De buena familia. ¡ Y eres un matón!
- Harry's a fine fellow. Were you to help him, he shall have a splendid career.
Harry es un buen hombre y con tu ayuda hará buena carrera.
You were riding a horse called Caesar, which my father sold you... because, fine horseman though he was, he could never hold him himself.
Usted montaba un caballo llamado César que le vendió mi padre. Él nunca pudo dominarlo.
Say, you were going on fine.
Has estado muy bien.
You were distinctly heard to remark, "This is a fine country to live in."
- Le han oído comentar... "Vaya país"
Pero acabas de decir que están bien, ¡ muy bien! - ¿ Sí?
They remember what a fine fellow you were.
Ellos recuerdan que usted fue una vez un gran hombre.
- This fine gentleman... to whom you were willing to marry your daughter... took the keys and opened the box.
- Este fino caballero con el que estás dispuesta a casar a nuestra hija tomó las llaves y abrió la caja.
I was talking to her. She said you did fine. Why, you were better than the rest of them put together.
He hablado con ella y dice que Io has hecho muy bien.
Senor, I suspect that you were a very fine flyer. And before that, perhaps a promising shoe salesman.
Señor, sospecho que fue usted un gran aviador y, antes de eso, quizás un zapatero con futuro.
Remember, i told you your papa was sure, sure you were gonna be a boy, so he built it for you to live in with your nurse, like all the other fine families in new orleans.
Recuerde que su padre estaba seguro de que usted sería un varón. La construyó para que usted viviera con su niñera. Como las familias ricas de Nueva Orleans.
- You were in fine voice the other night.
- Tenía una voz excelente la otra noche.
We were engaged and one fine day he decided to marry you.
Tú no le querías mucho. Empujaste a uno a los brazos del otro.
- You were just fine.
- Claro que sí. Lo hiciste muy bien.
We were fine without you.
Estábamos tranquilos sin Ud...
You were doing fine with the company.
Lo hacías muy bien en la empresa.
Don't talk like that, Edie. Didn't that doctor tell you you were doing fine?
No hables así. ¿ Ese médico no te dijo que ibas por buen camino?
a fine hole where were you?
¿ Dónde estabais?
Now, you were great. You did fine with that testimony.
Estuviste fantástica con el testimonio.
- Well, you were just fine, Mr. Curtaintime.
Estuvo muy bien, Sr. Telonero.
Suppose that... instead of locking you in prisons cells, we were to take you to the shops here in Ourém and buy you fine new clothes, pretty ribbons and wonderful toys, all the sweets you can eat, and plenty to take home with you.
Supongan que en vez de encerrarlos en una celda los Ileváramos a las tiendas y les compráramos ropa, cintas y juguetes muchos dulces para comer y para Ilevar a sus casas.
- I thought you were doing fine.
- Pienso que lo hizo muy bien.
You said you were smart but you're no fine being a capper.
Dijiste que era inteligente, pero no eres bueno ni como mensajero.
I always knew you were a fine person... but it took really a great man to forgive another man... for signing his...
Siempre supe que eras un buen hombre, pero sólo un gran hombre... perdonaría a otro que firmó...
Now, pay a fine of 100 koruna for failing to do as you were told.
Ahora, pagará una multa de 100 coronas por no hacer lo que se le dijo.
Ah, fine. What were you talking about inside?
- Si. ¿ De qué parloteábais?
You were doing fine work there, doctor.
Hacía una muy buena labor allí, doctor.
All the time you were telling us your fine speech.
Todo este tiempo te has estado quedando con nosotras con tus finas palabras
If you were really in love... this would be to the other as gold to lead... as fine wine to muddy water... as mountain air to the stench of stables.
Si estuvieras enamorado de verdad, esto sería para el otro como el oro al plomo, como el buen vino al agua estancada, o como el aire de la montana al hedor del establo.
If that were all that's wrong, everything would be fine, but I know that you went to a hot spring resort with some geisha to relax.
Si eso fuera todo lo malo, hubiera estado bien, pero sé que os fuisteis a un balneario a relajaros con geishas.
We were doing fine till you showed up.
- Sí. Todo iba muy bien hasta que apareciste.
Although those were two fine fish you took yesterday.
Esos dos que Udes agarraron ayer eran buenos.
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were gone 87
you were incredible 39
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were gone 87
you were incredible 39