Burn him traduction Français
568 traduction parallèle
Burn him up.
Gee, you think they'll burn him in the chair?
II ira sur la chaise électrique?
He won't tell. I think we'll have to burn him.
Il ne parlera pas, On devra le brûler vif.
We'll burn him... but not now.
On le brûlera, mais pas maintenant.
I'll burn him. Burn him up.
Je le brûlerai, je brûlerai tout.
I'll burn him.
je le brûlerai!
If they don't burn him alive when find out about Rock.
S'il n'est pas brûlé vif quand on saura qu'il a tué Rock.
The natives wanted to burn him, but a providential rain put out the fire.
Ils ont voulu le brûler, mais une pluie providentielle a éteint le feu.
Next time I see George, I think I'll burn him up about you and me, okay?
Je parlerai de nous à George.
- And then burn him!
- Ensuite, on le brûle.
- Yeah, and burn him good!
- On fait un feu de joie!
Sound? Having two small boys, I know noise doesn't do a man much good but burn him up, knock his house down?
Je n'aurais jamais imaginé que le bruit puisse... avoir de tels effets.
I'll fire him. I'll burn him over a slow fire.
Je le brûlerai à petit feu!
The Mexican people build a man out of straw and then they set fire to him, they burn him up.
Les mexicains fabriquent un homme de paille avant de le faire brûler.
Shall I burn him?
Dois-je le faire brûler?
Do you want me to burn him, then prove him a witch?
Dois-je le faire brûler avant les preuves?
Or shall I prove it, then burn him?
Ou dois-je le faire brûler après?
Then I shall prove him first, and then burn him later.
Donc, je fournirai des preuves avant de le faire brûler.
Can I watch? Are you going to burn him afterward?
Je peux regarder quand il sera brûlé?
We must burn him.
Il faut le brûler.
- Burn him!
- Au bûcher!
Burn him.
Au bûcher.
- Burn him!
- Brûlez-le!
Burn him!
I'd burn him alive.
J'aimerais le piétiner!
Don't make me jealous, or I'll burn it up and him in it.
Ne me rendez pas jaloux ou je le brûle.
Besides, how can an old lobster-man living alone with never a gossip in to see him, burn so many candles in a week?
Comment un vieux pécheur qui ne reçoit personne peut-il brûler six chandelles en une semaine?
He can burn the house down before I pay him a cent.
Quoi qu'il fasse.
It'll burn his eyes, make him cough.
Ça le fera pleurer et il toussera.
Then, take his keys, open his trunk and burn the papers. Then you shoot him. All right.
Prenez ses clés, ouvrez sa malle, brûlez les papiers, et tuez-le.
You can destroy him in one of two ways. Either drive a stake through his heart, or burn his grave before he reaches it.
Tu peux le détruire de l'une de deux façons... ou lui enfoncer un pieu dans le coeur... ou brûler sa tombe avant qu'il l'atteigne.
- It was 7 : 00. You oughtn't to burn up at him, you fed him the rum.
Vous avez forcé sur le rhum.
- He tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. So every year we burn a Guy of him.
Il a essayé de faire sauter les Maisons du Parlement.
Creased him is all. Nasty powder burn... Concussion... no more.
Des brûlures de poudre, des contusions, c'est tout.
- It will give us plenty of amps. - Enough to burn him?
Il est très puissant.
# And deep within him burn the fires of hate, murder and revenge!
Et au fond de lui, brûlent les feux De la haine, du meurtre... Et de la vengeance.
A common slave, you know him well by sight, held up his left hand, which did flame and burn like 20 torches joined.
Un esclave, tu le connais de vue, a levé sa main gauche qui a flambé comme vingt torches.
Do you know who met with the Czar before the battle of Moscow? Do you know who advised him to burn the city so that my troops could not winter there? Do you know who suggested that
Savez-vous qui a rencontré le tsar, qui lui a dit de brûler Moscou pour que nous n'y hivernions pas, qui a suggéré de me capturer pendant ma retraite?
You can burn his clothes and fumigate him.
Vous pouvez brûler ses vêtements et le fumiger.
Burn him.
le brûler.
We capture his inner mind. We reshape him. We burn all evil out of him.
Nous capturons son esprit, nous le réformons, nous brûlons le mal qui existe en lui.
Burn it, shoot him, blow him up?
La brûler, le fusiller, la gommer?
Either you go up there and tell him it was you who did it and chop it off clean so he never comes crying to you again or you hold his hand, wipe his poor, perspiring brow fan his smoldering, dampened ego so it can burst up into flames and burn...
Allez-y, avouez et ça signifiera une coupure nette... Vous éviterez qu'il vous relance. Ou bien prenez-lui la main, épongez-lui le front, ravivez les cendres de son amour-propre pour qu'il se remette à flamber...
They will kill the enemy if they can. Burn the crops that might feed him. And plant again when he's gone.
Il faudra brûler les récoltes qui pourraient nourrir l'ennemi... et semer dès qu'il sera parti.
Everything about him seemed to burn.
Tout semblait bruler en lui.
First they killed him, and then they tried to burn the place down.
Ils l'ont d'abord tué, puis ont essayé de mettre le feu.
- Call him on this number, then burn the paper
- Voilà son numéro Brûle le papier
I hate him, yet I hesitate to burn them.
Je le déteste, pourtant j'ai peine à les brûler.
All that's left of him now Be a shame to burn it
Je ne savais qu'en faire... les brûler, c'était cruel.
If somebody is hiding him, burn their house down... and kill them like dogs!
Si quelqu'un le cache, brûlez sa maison... et tuez-le comme un chien!
Let him burn! Let him burn!
Non, laissez-le brûler!
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
burn the witch 35
burn in hell 64
burn me 17
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
burn the witch 35
burn in hell 64
burn me 17