Cause if you did traduction Français
158 traduction parallèle
'Cause if you did, you got a pretty sick mind.
Si c'est le cas, t'es vraiment malade.
'Cause if you did, you'd sure see... what a beautiful piece of work this here thing is.
Autrement, tu apprécierais cette petite merveille.
Because if you did, that means you'd be canceling for me.
Si tu l'annulais, ce serait à cause de moi.
'Cause if you did, you'd know this woman knows absolutely nothing about business.
sinon, vous sauriez qu'elle ne connaît rien aux affaires.
That way, you don't even need to think... about how tough it was for you when you were growing up. It's probably a good thing, too,'cause if you did... you'd realize what a lousy... goddamn, shitty-ass parent you are.
Ça t'évitera de penser à combien ton enfance a été dure et c'est tant mieux, sinon tu te rendrais compte combien tu es odieuse et chiante!
'Cause if you did this, you need some help.
Parce que si c'est vous, vous avez besoin d'aide.
'Cause if you did, we could just stand and wait until 3 : 00.
Quelque part sur la place. Car si tu savais, on pourrait attendre ici jusqu'à, tu sais, 15 h.
'Cause if you did, you would understand Eve and me.
Car si c'était le cas, vous nous comprendriez.
'Cause if you did, and she hurt you and... maybe made a mark on your... you can tell me. And come clean before your wife gets here.
Si c'est le cas, qu'elle vous a blessé... qu'elle a laissé des traces sur... vous pouvez me le dire avant que votre femme n'arrive.
'Cause if you did, you wouldn't have tried to handle me like that.
Si vous le saviez, vous n'agiriez pas comme ça.
Even if you thought you did, you'd give him a break...'cause he might be a good guy.
Même si ce n'est qu'une impression, donnez-lui sa chance, car ça pourrait être un type bien.
Would you say he won it fair, darling? 'Cause if he did win it fair, then why did you go after him for it?
Et s'il l'avait méritée, pourquoi as-tu essayé de la lui prendre?
You should have known then that if I did it I must have had reasons.
Il aurait surtout fallu leur dire que tout ce j'ai fait je l'ai fait à cause de lui. Tu le savais, non?
There was always the chance, if you did, I would be a stranger to you.
A cause de la possibilité de devenir une étrangère pour vous.
If I may charge you m'lud, you are charged that on the fourteenth day of June 1970, at the Central Criminal Court, you did commit acts likely to cause a breach of the peace.
Si vous permettez, Vot'Honneur, vous êtes accusé par la Cour ici présente d'avoir commis des actes en infraction avec la paix civile.
I knew you did...'cause last night, out at the beach house... he lit a cigarette with a pack of matches... and he wouldn't have done that if his lighter had been working.
Je sais. Car hier soir, à la villa, il avait des allumettes. Ce serait absurde, si son briquet marchait.
If she means anything to you, you ought to be there. 'Cause I think she did it.
Si vous l'aimez, soyez là car je pense qu'elle l'a fait.
You know, if someone did kill Archie because of this, I'm not doing you any favors by giving it to you.
Vous savez, si quelqu'un a tué Archie à cause de ça... je ne vous rends pas service en vous le donnant.
In the courtroom, I can't imagine that you would win. And if you did, you would know it was against my wishes.
Même si vous obteniez gain de cause, ce dont je doute fort, vous sauriez que c'est contre mon souhait.
But if you did, I assure you, the sight of royalty would cause you to dismiss thoughts of bloodshed.
Mais si vous le faisiez, je vous assure... qu'au spectacle de la royauté, vous renonceriez à verser le sang.
If they can't recognise the client, you don't get paid, cause you could take out anybody and say you did the job.
Si on ne reconnaît pas le client, tu n'es pas payé, parce que tu peux buter qui tu veux et dire que le contrat est rempli.
I don't know how long it would take but if we were together, you'd start to hate me because of what you did.
J'ignore combien de temps cela prendra... mais tu finiras par me détester... à cause de ce que tu as fait pour moi.
'Cause if you do, remember : They never did catch that rhino.
Ils n'ont pas capturé le rhinocéros, rappelle-toi!
If this day really did happen again just so you could save me...,... then, in a way, Argo's death is my fault.
alors Argo est mort à cause de moi.
I know you couldn't have known my position,'cause you're not that stupid that if you did, you wouldn't have turned up here scratching your arse with that, "What's going on here" look slapped all over your Chevy Chase.
Tu ne pouvais pas connaître ma situation, car si c'était le cas, tu n'es pas assez bête pour t'amener ici en te grattant les fesses avec cet air ahuri peinturé sur tout le visage.
If I recall, last time we were here, you were pretty upset about your family being outcasts, barely surviving in a camp because of what you did.
Si je me rappelle bien, la dernière fois qu'on était ici, tu étais dans tous tes états parce que ta famille avait été bannie, et devait vivre dans un camp à cause de ce que tu avais fait.
'Cause I'm thinking that if, uh- - lt somebody went into this place right here... and did, you know, a little bump and grind tor the good old boys, they could, uh- - they could probably walk out ot there with that amount ot money in their pocket.
Je me disais... Si quelqu'un entrait là-dedans et se trémoussait un peu devant les gars, il se ferait un paquet de fric.
And our other problem was our own flak coming down did as much damage to many of us as did the kamikazes, because it'd go right through your helmet, of course, if it hit you directly.
On avait un autre problème, nos propres obus antiaériens qui explosaient nous ont causé autant de dégâts que les kamikazes, car ils vous traversaient le casque, et vous touchaient directement.
Besides, even if I did tell her that... well you know. I'm not saying that I do,'cause I don't.
Et même si je lui disais, eh bien, tu sais, je dis pas que je le ferai, parce que c'est faux...
Although if you did tell her, she probably wouldn't understand much,'cause that flute thing banged her up pretty bad.
Quoi qu'elle risque de ne pas bien comprendre de quoi vous lui parlez, parce que ce coup de flûte l'a pas mal perturbée.
I've always wondered did you stay with me'cause we're brothers or did you stay'cause you thought that if you tried to leave I'd beat you up?
Je me suis toujours demandé... t'es resté parce qu'on était frères ou t'es resté parce que tu croyais que je te taperais dessus?
If it isn't because of you, why did it turn out this way.
C'est forcément à cause de toi si tout a foiré.
You know what? It's a good idea,'cause if it works, she thinks the prayer did it.
C'est une excellente idée, parce que ça marche.
I'm sorry, but I didn't want to lie to you... because you said they're been too much dishonesty already... and I knew if you knew I was coming, you'd be upset and I did with Mrs Williams...'cause I thought if I was with somebody, then you wouldn't be angry.
Je sais, j'suis désolée, mais je ne voulais pas te mentir... parce que tu as dit qu'il y avait déjà trop de mensonges... et si tu savais que je venais, tu serais contrariée j'ai emmené Mme William parce que si j'étais avec quelqu'un, alors tu ne serais pas en colère.
And I knew that if I sweet-talk you just right, you'd go see Fisher. And if you did go see Fisher, you'd see that awful truth. 'Cause...
J'ai su que si je savais vous flatter, vous iriez voir Fisher et que vous verriez cette terrible vérité, car c'est votre boulot.
If you think you're taking a siesta in the hospital just'cause White did, you're in for a rude awakening.
Si tu envisages de faire la sieste à l'hôpital parce que White l'a fait, tu vas être déçu.
Look, you know as well as i do That if we let him go with her, that'll be that, 'Cause no matter what she did to him, she's still his mother,
Tu sais aussi bien que moi que si on le laisse partir avec elle, ça sera la fin, parce que peu importe ce qu'elle lui a fait, elle est toujours sa mère, et on est deux pédés.
I hope nothing happened to her after you left the loft...'cause if something did and you didn't tell anybody- -
J'espère qu'il s'est rien passé après que vous l'ayez laissée. Si c'est le cas et que vous n'en avez pas parlé...
Oh, well, that's a shame,'cause if Caleb did go to jail, then you'd be out on the street, and I could go back to living with Dad.
Oh, et bien c'est dommage. Parce que si Caleb allait en prison, tu serais à la rue et je pourrais retourner vivre avec papa.
Cause if you did, you are in big trouble.
Si tu mens, tu auras affaire à moi.
# They said the good ones are always taken. # # But I know that that's not true. # # Cause if the good ones are always taken, # # then how, oh how did I find you?
# Ils disaient que les meilleurs étaient toujours pris. # # mais je savais que ce n'etait pas vrai. # # parce que si les meilleurs sont toujours pris, # # alors comment, oui comment t'ai je trouvé?
Are you sorry you did it? 'Cause if you don't want me to, I won't use it.
Tu t'en veux de l'avoir fait?
As you can see, I have all our family pictures here and I'm video taping this because I have a couple of questions for you about zayda. I would like to know if Zaydeh lost his mind when he began to transcribe the Torah by hand, or did that cause him to lose his mind.
Comme tu vois, j'ai toutes les photos de famille et je le filme parce que j'ai quelques questions à te poser à propos de Zayda Je voudrais savoir si Zayda a perdu l'esprit quand il a commencé sa traduction de la Torah à la main
Did you think, like, I couldn't handle it, or...'cause if you were keeping it from me, then - -
Tu croyais que je ne pourrais pas le supporter, ou...? Parce que si tu voulais me le cacher, alors...
I mean, sure, he did tell me to come up here and talk to you, but I was gonna do that anyway'cause I wanted to ask you if I should wear hooker heels or flats with my pink skirt
Enfin, si, c'est lui qui m'a dit de monter ici et de te parler, mais j'allais le faire de toute façon parce que je voulais te demander si je devais mettre des chaussures plates ou à talons avec ma jupe rose
Now, if the day ever comes where I have to stand before a judge and account for what I did here, you and your boss will do whatever it takes to help me.
Si, un jour, j'ai à passer devant un juge à cause de ce que j'ai fait ici, vous et votre patron ferez tout pour m'aider.
Of course, if you did, everything would be ruined'cause you wouldn't be as pure.
Bien sûr, si tu parlais ça gâcherait tout, car tu ne serais pas aussi pur.
I don't want him, obviously, you know, because, even if I did, I couldn't... I couldn't have him, because of all the rules.
Je ne le désire pas, de toute évidence, parce que de toute façon, je ne pourrais pas l'avoir, à cause des règles.
I don't think we've got enough radiation to cause what we're talking about here and if we did have enough radiation, why isn't everyone showing the same symptoms, you know?
Je crois pas qu'on a assez de radiations pour causer ce dont on parle, et si on en avait assez, pourquoi tous les gens n'ont pas les symptômes?
I meant, if we searched for Costi, We would find him at the TV station, cause that's where he wanted to go. Did I beat you up? Torture you?
Je vous ai tapés ou torturés?
If you think I'm not going to sleep well tonight because of what I just did, then you're wrong.
Si tu crois que je ne dormirai pas bien cette nuit à cause de ce que je viens de faire alors tu as tort.
cause if you don't 56
cause if you do 44
cause if not 24
cause if you are 29
cause if it is 25
cause if so 19
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if you didn't 56
if you did that 17
if you didn't know 17
cause if you do 44
cause if not 24
cause if you are 29
cause if it is 25
cause if so 19
if you did 198
if you didn't 56
if you did that 17
if you didn't know 17
if you didn't do it 20
you did 4907
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
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you didn't answer 45
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you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you did 4907
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
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you didn't 2413
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you did well 217
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you didn't like it 52
you did great 231
you didn't answer my question 88
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you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't do it 92
you didn't call 40
you didn't see anything 59
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you did great 231
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't call me 25
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't do it 92
you didn't call 40