Close friend traduction Français
785 traduction parallèle
Los'close friend and colleague - Engineer Spiridonov.
L'ingénieur Spiridonov ( N.Tseretelli ) ami et collegue de Loss.
- In my tongue, close friend.
Dans ma langue, ami proche.
Oh, Miss Hooper, isn't it true that for years you've been a close friend of, and, before she married, roomed with Mrs. Garrett?
Est-il vrai que vous êtes l'amie de longue date, et même d'avant son mariage, de Mme Garrett?
I'm sorry, but you see, I happen to be a close friend of Mr. George Marson, the theatrical agent in London.
Je suis désolé, mais je suis un ami proche... de M. George Marson, de l'agence théâtrale de Londres.
With the same amiability one tolerates only from a very dear and close friend.
Animé des mêmes sentiments qu'on aurait seulement pour les proches et amis chers.
A friend of mine a very close friend of mine, has gotten himself into a jab.
Un de mes amis, un ami très proche, s'est mis dans le pétrin.
Campeau's partner is a close friend of yours, isn't he?
Le partenaire de Campeau est votre ami, non?
Yes, he's a close friend of my husband.
C'est un de ses amis intimes.
At any rate, he isn't a close friend.
En tout cas, pas amicalement.
Close friend, someone you know so well...
Un si bon ami!
Of course I was his friend, close friend.
Bien sûr, un grand ami.
Oh, Patty, she's just a close friend.
Patty est... C'est... une amie.
The only close friend I've ever had.
C'est le seul ami que j'aie.
He's a close friend of Heriberto.
C'est l'ami d'Heriberto.
Un très bon ami à moi.
Mr. Williams, when you read in the newspaper that the hitchhiker who attacked you had been a close friend of your wife for some time, it must have been a great shock to you.
Quand les journaux ont révélé que votre agresseur... était... très proche de votre femme... cela a dû être un choc.
Senator Guarnieri is a close friend of the owner.
Voici : le sénateur Guarnieri est un ami du propriétaire du journal.
It would've been a nice opportunity to invite lieutenant Wolfe. My close friend.
On aurait pu y convier le lieutenant Wolfe, un ami et un connaisseur.
- When did he last see her? He was a close friend of the Bartlows.
Gaucho était un ami des Bartlow.
- Maryk was a close friend.
- Maryk est un ami proche.
"... and his close friend and associate Stanley Shriner Hoff ".
"et son ami et associé Stanley Shriner Hoff."
If you wanna be a close friend... ask me something.
Si vous voulez être un ami proche, demandez-moi quelque chose.
It was when he was still at university, and he had a very close friend.
Quand il était à la faculté, il avait un ami très proche.
He's such a close friend and yet you didn't tell him?
Pourquoi ignorer Kaji? Vous êtes comme des frères.
It is said to have been imported by a close friend of old Mrs Armfeldt.
Il a été importé dans les années 50 par un ami de Mme.
Not what you'd call a close friend anymore but he writes to me, and I answer him.
Ce n'est plus ce qu'on peut appeler un ami proche, mais il m'écrit, et je lui réponds.
I'm a close friend of his father's. - I assure you, you must be wrong.
Son père et moi sommes très proches.
I've known him a long time, he's a very close friend.
Il a dû le trouver au Jockey, c'est un ami très cher.
I had a single close friend, Anastasia.
J'avais un ami proche, Anastasia.
- Professor Logan is a close friend.
Il se trouve que le professeur Logan est un ami très proche.
Tony, listen to me. Isn't Chet's uncle a very close friend of the Rankins?
L'oncle de Chet n'est-il pas l'ami des Rankins?
Wouldn't we be placing Mr Eaton in a rather embarrassing position... By asking him to attempt to exercise impartial judgment... Where his close friend Mr Porter is concerned?
M. Eaton ne va-t-il pas être mis dans une position embarrassante en lui demandant de tenter d'exercer un jugement impartial alors que son ami M. Porter est concerné?
- Miss Alice, her friend. They're very close.
- Mlle Alice, son amie.
She stuck too close to her friend Masters.
Elle restait trop près de son ami Masters.
O you, friend of books and of insects,... learned librarian, delicate entomologist,... the butterflies you loved so much will choose this tomb to close their wings.
O toi, l'ami des livres et des insectes,... bibliothécaire émérite, délicat entomologiste,... les papillons que tu aimais choisiront ce tombeau pour refermer leurs ailes.
If he was just a friend, why did you close the door?
Si c'était un ami, pourquoi fermer la porte?
That was a close call, my friend.
Vous l'avez échappé belle.
- Yes. - He's a close personal friend of mine.
C'est un de mes amis.
I've been keeping a close check on your friend Mrs Fenshaw.
J'ai tenu à l'oeil votre amie, Mem Fenshaw.
Who's your friend? Our faces close together.
Qui est votre ami?
You know, I thought you were gonna be my friend, someone I could look up to, someone to be real close to me.
Je pensais que tu serais mon ami, quelqu'un que j'admire, qui est proche de moi.
But none was as close to him as our friend Simon of Galilee, whom he loved as his own brother, and whom he called Peter.
Mais aucun de nous aussi bien que notre ami Simon de Galilée, qu'il a aimé comme son propre frère et qu'il a appelé Pierre.
Stay close to me, Sinuhe friend.
Reste près de moi, mon ami.
He's also a close personal friend.
C'est aussi un ami proche.
Was he a friend of yours? A close friend, sir.
- C'était un ami à vous?
My daddy was T.C. Carson McCorkle... he died last summer, when I got married... he was a very close personal friend of the manager of the hotel.
Mon papa était T.C. Carson McCorkle, qui est mort l'été dernier, à mon mariage. C'était un ami intime du directeur de l'hôtel.
Close your eyes, my friend.
Fermez les yeux, mon ami.
We live close and Maddalena is your friend.
Riccione, c'est petit, on est voisins, Maddalena est votre amie...
Mon meilleur ami.
It also happens that a very well known advocate is a close personal friend of the family's.
Et l'un des plus connus est ami de ma famille.
A very close, very special friend.
Un ami très proche, très spécial.
close friends 22
friends 2160
friend 1938
friendly 281
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friendly fire 24
friends of yours 55
friends 2160
friend 1938
friendly 281
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friendly fire 24
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
friend or foe 27
friend of a friend 19
friend of mine 37
friend of yours 87
closet 47
close 700
closed 242
closer 395
closes 126
friend or foe 27
friend of a friend 19
friend of mine 37
friend of yours 87
closet 47
close 700
closed 242
closer 395
closes 126
closets 45
closely 21
close the window 34
close your mouth 50
close your eyes 1096
close one 17
close enough 217
close the gate 44
close the door behind you 29
close range 54
closely 21
close the window 34
close your mouth 50
close your eyes 1096
close one 17
close enough 217
close the gate 44
close the door behind you 29
close range 54