Cover us traduction Français
586 traduction parallèle
Men of the nations, there's a black cloud coming from the east to cover us all.
Représentants de nos nations, un nuage noir arrive de l'Est, il sera bientôt au-dessus de nos têtes.
Go back to the corporal. Tell him to pull the machine gun out. He's got to cover us until we cross the swamp.
Le caporal nous couvrira jusqu'à la traversée du marais.
When you get your men across, set the machine gun up to cover us. Go on.
Le marais traversé, couvrez-nous avec votre mitrailleuse.
Cover us! You get over there.
Cover us.
You will cover us with fire while we assault the gates.
Couvrez-nous pendant qu'on attaque les accès.
Cover us, Johnson!
Couvre-nous, Johnson!
All right, cover us!
Wise, cover us till we get across.
Couvrez-nous jusqu'à ce qu'on soit passé.
That should cover us for the moment.
Ça nous couvrira pour le moment.
Cover us, Bayle.
- Couvre-nous.
Cover us.
While they search for us over there, you cover us from here... and we'll make those woods.
Pour l'instant, ils nous cherchent lŕ-bas. Couvrez-nous ŕ partir d'ici. Nous, nous courons jusqu'ŕ ce bois.
British Spitfires and our P-47 s will cover us as far as Amsterdam.
Des Spitfire anglais et nos P-47 nous couvriront jusqu'à Amsterdam.
Either they cover us or they cash out.
S'ils ne les renouvellent pas, on liquide.
Rest of you men, get back there, cover us.
Les autres, reprenez l'assaut.
Stay here and cover us.
Restez ici et couvrez-nous.
- The buildings will cover us.
L'héliport est entouré de bâtiments. Nous serons couverts jusqu'au périmètre.
I want two planes to cover us. The rest can go home.
Que deux avions nous couvrent, que les autres rentrent.
Chico, you cover us while we get to the horses.
Cicio, couvre notre retraite... et nous, en selle!
_ Think you can cover us?
- Tu peux nous couvrir?
Casey, Nyles, cover us.
Casey, Nyles, couvrez-nous.
What happens if it's safe for us, if it becomes safe for us to go home, to break cover? How will we know that?
comment va-t-on le savoir?
She'll lead us to Hannay all right. ♪ Love is a song... Cover every exit.
Elle nous conduira à Hannay.
Zola's accusations cover a wide field yet you are allowed to confine us to six lines of his complete article.
Les accusations de Zola couvraient un domaine très vaste. Et vous nous limitez à six lignes de son article!
The gravestones will give us some cover in case we're spotted.
Les tombes nous serviront de cachettes.
You two go ahead. Cover us.
Allez en avant et couvrez-nous.
These maps cover only one small phase of the project... known to us as Plan B.
Ces cartes ne couvrent qu'une phase... de l'opération que nous appelons Plan B.
Cover us.
Couvre nous.
The rest of us will cover ya and follow.
On vous couvre, et on suit.
Riding alone, he can make up time it would take us days to cover.
Seul, il rattraperait vite le temps perdu.
Brownie, cover us.
Brownie, couvre-nous.
Give us a hand with this cover!
C'est grave? - Aidez-nous à retirer ça.
That's a lot of territory to cover. Could take us a couple of days.
Ça nous prendra deux jours.
There is no time for us to take cover!
Il est trop tard pour nous abriter!
John made it to cover. lt's a long way for us to run.
John est à couvert. C'est loin, en courant.
Your Uncle Willie wants us to have a photographer and reporter from SPY magazine cover your wedding.
Willie veut que nous recevions un photographe et un journaliste... envoyés par "On dit".
Now the purpose of that smoke in there is to give us cover.
Le but de la fumée est de nous cacher.
- If Gig didn't cover for us, we would've been in trouble.
Si Gig ne nous avait pas couvert on aurait eu des ennuis.
Give us some cover!
Well, the demands addressed to Calloway... Cover the three of us.
Les sommations adressées à Calloway nous concernent tous les trois.
We'll divide all these phases up between us... and cover every nightclub and movie theater and so on in the Bay area.
Nous allons donc, sur ces bases... établir une surveillance serrée.
There's enough stuff to give us plenty of cover till we get up close.
On aura de quoi se couvrir jusqu'à ce qu'on soit assez près.
Let us cover the Blessed Virgin with flowers.
Rendons grâce à la Sainte Vierge.
Let us cover her with the flowers... of her litanies.
Rendons-lui grâce par quelques litanies.
200 newspapers in the US alone, the front cover of Life magazine... every newsreel in the world, and he's alive. - What's he mad at you for?
Il a été dans plus de 200 journaux aux États-Unis, dans tous les cinémas
- He seemed to be able to cover all of us.
- Il a semblé pouvoir tous nous couvrir.
You stay here, Brad. Cover us.
Asakura sent this to us to cover our initial expenses.
Asakura a déjà payé le prix que nous coûtera cette guerre.
Marco, Jacques, you cover us.
- Entendu.
If he'd allowed us to give him cover, he might not be dead... and we might have a better idea of how far he'd got.
C'est une erreur qu'il a payée de sa vie et nous n'avons pas avancé.
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
used to 118
use me 43
use mine 46
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
used to 118
use me 43
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67