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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ D ] / Did they say anything

Did they say anything traduction Français

131 traduction parallèle
- Did they say anything about me?
- On parlait de moi?
Did they say anything mean about Tommy?
Ont-ils dit des choses méchantes sur lui?
Did they say anything?
Qu'ont-ils dit?
Did they say anything about going anywhere tonight?
Ont-ils parlé d'aller quelque part ce soir?
Did they say anything about the weather?
Ils ont parlé de la météo?
Did they say anything?
Pour quelle raison?
- Did they say anything?
- Ils ont dit quelque chose?
Did they say anything on the way?
pendant le parcours, ils ont parlé
Did they say anything before leaving?
En partant, ils ne vous ont rien dit?
Did they say anything about where they were going?
Ils n'ont pas dit où ils allaient?
Did they say anything to you when they arrested you?
Qu'ont-ils dit lors de l'arrestation?
Did they say anything about Darrin?
Ont-ils parlé de Darrin?
Did they say anything more specific about how they'd do that?
Ils t'ont dit comment ils allaient faire?
- Did they say anything about what we did with the diamond? - What?
Ils parlent du diamant?
Did they say anything else?
A-t-elle dit autre chose?
Did they say anything at all about
Ont-ils parlé de l'endroit
- Did they say anything about my butt?
Et mes fesses?
- Did they say anything about me?
- ils t'ont dit quelque chose sur moi?
Did they say anything to you?
Vous ont-ils dit quelque chose?
Anything new with them? Did they say anything new about themselves thatyou didn't know?
Ils ont dit quelque chose de nouveau que tu ne savais pas?
Did they say anything about style? Did they mention grace?
Ils ont mentionné son style?
Did they say anything?
Ils ont dit quelque-chose?
Did they say anything?
Est-ce qu'ils ont dit quelque chose?
- Wait, did they say anything, Daphna?
- lls ont dit quelque chose?
Did they say anything to each other when he was leaving?
Se sont-ils parlé quand Ali est parti?
Did they say anything about what part of Florida was hit?
Ont-ils dit quelle partie de la Floride a été touchée?
- Did they say anything else?
- lls t'ont dit autre chose?
- Did they say anything about his temper?
- Ils ont parlé de son tempérament?
Did they say anything, anything at all that might help us?
Ont-ils dit quoi que ce soit. Quelque chose qui pourrait nous aider?
Did they say anything else?
Ont-ils dit autre chose?
The signs - did they say anything about Christina's mother?
Les signes parlent-ils de la mère de Christina?
Did they say anything?
Ils ont dit quelque chose?
Did they say anything else?
Ils ont dit autre chose?
- Hey, did they say anything?
Ils ont dit quelque chose.
And, did they say anything about chef Paul?
Ont-ils dit quelque chose au sujet du chef Paul?
Did they say anything about Ceausescu?
Ont-ils dit quelque chose sur Ceausescu?
The others only wished it but they knew how to grop, did not say anything nice.
Ils me tripotaient, ils savaient rien dire. Toi, tu sais.
- Did they ever say anything? Sure.
Ils ne t'ont rien dit?
And even if they did so, they wouldn't dare to say anything.
Et même si, ils oseraient rien faire.
I did anything I needed to do. They say the winner is always right, don't they?
N'importe quoi, pourvu que je m'en sorte.
Samantha, did they say anything else?
Ont-ils dit autre chose?
Did he say anything, the boy they picked up?
Le garçon qu'on a arrêté a-t-il parlé?
Did anybody say anything about St James'being for alcoholics only? No, they didn't!
Pas un de ces connards ne nous a dit que St James était réservé aux poivrots!
Did someone come back from the dead and say they didn't feel anything?
Personne n'a ressuscité pour le dire.
And they didn't say anything about... why did mom leave?
Mais dedans, elle dit pas pourquoi... elle est partie.
So don't say I never did anything for you because they're waiting for you right now.
Ne dis pas que je n'ai pas essayé de t'aider, car en ce moment même, elles t'attendent.
Did anybody say anything that might suggest that they were ticked off about something?
Quelqu'un a-t-il dit quelque chose qui pourrait suggérer qu'il y avait un problème?
Why did they anything say us?
Pourquoi ne nous ont-ils rien dit?
- I did, and they didn't say anything.
- Je l'ai fait. Ils n'ont rien dit.
Did they say why or anything?
Ils ont dit pourquoi?
Did they say or do anything unusual? No.
Ont-ils dit ou fait quelque chose d'inusité?

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