Did too traduction Français
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I kinda did too.
Moi aussi.
I did too.
Moi aussi.
Yeah, I did too.
Moi aussi.
I thought we did too, but it will be just as difficult after the inauguration, so I think we should do it now.
Je le pensais aussi, mais ce sera encore plus compliqué après l'investiture, Alors je pense que nous devrions le faire maintenant.
I went through my brownstone gate, and he did too.
J'ai passé ma porte et lui aussi.
- I did. I did, too!
- moi aussi, moi aussi!
Why did you show far too much affection for a creature named Meatball and then walk away from the Belles?
Pourquoi tu as montré beaucoup trop d'attention à une créature nommée Meatball et ensuite quitté les Belles?
Did I hit too hard?
T'ai-je frappé trop fort?
Yeah, I did think about lying on my profile, but too late now.
Oui, j'ai pensé mentir sur mon profil, mais c'est trop tard maintenant.
Maybe I looked the other way too much. Maybe I did.
Peut-être que j'ai trop souvent regardé ailleurs.
Maybe I did spend too much time away from my family.
Peut-être que j'ai passé trop de temps loin de ma famille.
Did you kick her too?
Tu l'as tabassée, elle aussi?
And I did some other stuff, too.
Et j'ai fait d'autres chose aussi.
Did you see him too?
Et toi aussi tu l'as vu?
Our victim, Rodney Harwood, did time at Plymouth, too... 1996 to 2001.
Rodney Harwood, a fait de la prison à Plymouth aussi... de 1996 à 2001.
Maybe I did have a drop too much ale.
J'ai peut-être bu un peu trop de bière.
And it was a good thing that I did, too, because I'll tell you what. - Mad dusty up there.
Et heureusement que je l'ai fait, car je vais te dire, y a pas mal de poussière.
And, lastly, Mr. Maguire, did you explain to Mr. Lansing that his regrets came too late?
Et, enfin, M. Maguire, avez-vous expliqué à M. Lansing que ses regrets sont arrivées trop tard?
I know you got hit in the chest, but did you get whacked in the head, too?
Je sais que tu as reçu un coup au torse, mais tu ne t'es pas cogné la tête aussi?
Did I tell you that Devon plays soccer too?
Je t'ai dit que Devon joue au foot aussi?
Yeah, I did, too, but, um,
Oui, moi aussi, mais, hum...
Did he give you the poison oak, too?
Vous a-t-il aussi donné du sumac vénéneux?
So I did what he asked, but I was too late.
Donc j'ai fait ce qu'il m'a demandé, mais c'était trop tard.
She- - Except for the things she did wrong, she did everything right, too.
Elle, à part ce qu'elle fait mal, elle aussi fait ce qui est juste.
Did you kill him too?
L'avez-vous tuer aussi?
- Did someone take their little assignment too seriously?
- Quelqu'un a pris son affectation un peu trop au sérieux?
Maybe Norris did, too.
Peut-être que Norris l'a aussi fait
All that time thinking that he didn't love me, only to find out that he did, and it was too late.
Tout ce temps pensant qu'il ne m'aimait pas, pour découvrir qu'en fait si, et c'était trop tard.
Did The Machine give us her number too late? No.
- La machine est arrivée trop tard?
His wife did it for him and she procured one for herself too.
En même temps que la sienne.
Did you explain to mr Lansing that his regrets came too late?
Avez-vous dit à M. Lansing que ses regrets sont arrivés trop tard?
You didn't lose that, too, did you?
Tu ne l'as pas perdue aussi, hein?
I didn't hurt you too much, did I?
Ça n'a pas fait trop mal, si?
- You'll never pay a nickel in taxes your entire life, not to mention your money will be too secure for someone to do what I just did.
- Vous ne paierez jamais d'impôts de votre vie, sans parler de votre argent qui sera en sécurité pour quelqu'un qui fait ce que j'ai fait.
Did you kill Jordan too?
Tu as aussi tué Jordan?
Perhaps someone else thought he did it, too.
Peut-être que quelqu'un d'autre pensait qu'il l'avait fait, lui aussi.
He did that day, too.
Il l'a fait ce jour-là, aussi.
Well, if she did, she left in too much of a hurry to tell me.
si elle l'a fait, elle nous a quitté trop vite pour me le dire.
Then when her son died when he did, too much.
Puis, quand son fils est mort, c'était trop.
Hey, did you get that smile from your grandma too?
Vous avez aussi pris ce sourire de votre grand-mère?
She did too.
Elle aussi.
- I know. I did, too...
- Je sais, Moi aussi...
Preston is one of those guys who is really shallow, bitchy, slutty and my god did he drink way too much and frankly I didn't want that kind of behavior rubbing off on me.
Preston était un de ces gars vraiment superficiels, un peu salope et oh bon dieu il buvait beaucoup trop Et franchement je ne voulais que ce genre de comportement ne déteigne sur moi.
- Did you look all the way in the back too?
- Vous avez bien regardé partout? - Oui.
... Help change kids'lives by teaching them music. Is it just me, or did she seem to enjoy that a little bit too much?
C'est moi, ou elle semblait apprécier un peu trop?
Did she see you, too?
Vous a-t-elle vu aussi?
( Rayna ) I think I did, too.
Je le pense aussi.
And I thought we did, too, but...
Et je croyais que nous aussi, mais...
- Oh, did the sprinklers come on too early?
- Oh, l'arrosage a commencé trop tôt?
I did a little digging, too.
J'ai un peu creusé aussi.
Just the musicians, or did the manager play, too?
Que les musiciens, ou le manager jouait aussi?
toothbrush 49
toothless 265
too much 521
too sweet 17
took you long enough 124
too low 22
too small 58
too long 209
toothpaste 44
too late 1299
toothless 265
too much 521
too sweet 17
took you long enough 124
too low 22
too small 58
too long 209
toothpaste 44
too late 1299
too big 68
too bad 1185
too soon 255
too much work 29
took off 44
tooth comb 58
took me 32
too soft 22
too strong 20
toothpicks 17
too bad 1185
too soon 255
too much work 29
took off 44
tooth comb 58
took me 32
too soft 22
too strong 20
toothpicks 17