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Did they say why traduction Français

92 traduction parallèle
- Did they say why they wanted it?
Que se passe-t-il?
- Did they say why? - No.
Ont-ils dit pourquoi?
Did they say why they cut your food stamps?
On vous a dit pourquoi vous avez moins de coupons?
Did they say why you can't marry Kasidy?
T'ont-ils dit pourquoi tu ne peux épouser Kasidy?
- No. - Did they say why?
- Ils ont dit pourquoi?
- Did they say why?
- Il a dit pourquoi?
Did they say why?
ils ont dit pourquoi?
- Did they say why not?
- Ils ont dit pourquoi?
- Did they say why?
Ont-ils dit pourquoi?
Did they say why or anything?
Ils ont dit pourquoi?
Did they say why?
Elle t'a dit pourquoi?
Did they say why he killed him?
Est ce qu'ils savent pourquoi il l'a tué?
Your honor, did they say why?
Votre Honneur, ont-ils dit pourquoi?
Did they say why?
Ils ont dit pourquoi?
Well, did they say why?
Sait-on pourquoi?
Yeah? Then why did you say they played Brahms's First and Beethoven's Ninth at the concert Friday night?
Alors pourquoi m'avoir dit qu'on avait joué Brahms d'abord puis Beethoven au concert?
That's why they decided to keep her out front and say that she did it and why they're gonna keep her there.
C'est pour ça qu'ils disent que c'est elle et qu'ils maintiendront leur histoire.
- Why did you say they were dead?
- Pourquoi m'as-tu menti?
Why did you say "They," David?
Pourquoi avoir dit "ils", David?
Cette homme et cette femme ont dit m'avoir déjà vue. Je ne comprends pas.
I sure did. Now that you explained to me why they looked at me like that I can't say I'm too impressed.
Mais, maintenant que je sais pourquoi ils me regardaient, je suis moins impressionné.
They never did say why, but as I was sitting in Lieutenant Matteo's office, waiting for execution,
Ils n'ont jamais dit pourquoi, mais, comme je m'asseyais dans dans le bureau du lieutenant Matteo, attendant mon exécution,
But they did not say so. Do you know why?
Parce que je ne leur ai jamais caché ma vraie personnalité.
Did they say why?
Did they say why, Willard?
Vous ont-ils dit...
Lf, as you say, these globes softened your fall... why did they just leave you there?
Si les sphères ont amorti votre chute... Pourquoi vous ont-elles laissé en bas?
Why did you say that? You knew where they were..
Tu savais où ils étaient et qui ils étaient.
Otherwise he may say : "Why did they write that?". If there's no coarseness... he'll think we wanted to be coarse and we didn't succeed. That's true. "Forgive the coarseness, just in case.".
S'il n'y a pas de vulgarité..... il pensera que nous avons voulu être vulgaires et que nous n'y sommes pas arrivés.
So they had him on TV saying, "Why did you say this?"
À la télé, on lui demandait pourquoi il avait dit ça.
Why did you say they are getting along better?
Pourquoi tu as dit qu'ils s'entendaient mieux?
Did they say why, sir?
Sans explication?
And they didn't say anything about... why did mom leave?
Mais dedans, elle dit pas pourquoi... elle est partie.
All I hear is voices that sound like my own... but they don't say why Alvarez did this.
J'entends que des voix comme la mienne, mais elles disent pas pourquoi Alvarez a fait ça.
You know, I don't know why on the commercials, they say these pregnancy tests are hard to read, this seems pretty clear to me. 01 = 31 = Ol = 20, 01 = 31 = 09 = 1 O, We did it!
Pourquoi on dit que c'est dur de lire les tests, ça me semble clair à moi.
Why did the reporters say that then... I don't know why they say that
Je vois pas pourquoi ils inventent ça.
Why did they say that?
Why did they anything say us?
Pourquoi ne nous ont-ils rien dit?
A man and woman meet, a spark is struck, for a brief while, they can't keep their minds off it... I know what an affair is, why did you say I have one?
Un homme et une femme se rencontrent, s'enflamment. Pendant un temps ils ne peuvent plus penser à rien d'autre. Je connais.
Well, if the wife did it, why did four witnesses say they saw a man leave the crime scene?
Ouais, d'accord. C'est pas trop tôt. Enfin une parole censée.
They're not? Then why did you say that- -
- Alors pourquoi tu as dit que...
Why did they say Stig Inge is an actor?
Ils disent que Stig Inge est comédien?
Did either one of them say why they wanted the information?
Ont-il dit pourquoi ils voulaient ces informations?
- Your mother and I we want you. They - ¿ Why did not say something?
Pourquoi t'as rien dit?
Don't get into the mess of who said it and why did they say it.
N'entrez pas dans ce discours de qui a dit et pourquoi il a fait.
Why didn't I just say Azula did that? They would have believed that.
J'aurais pu dire que c'était Azula, ils m'auraient cru.
Why did the fatso say... they can't fire the gun?
Le gros ne voulait pas utiliser l'arme. Pourquoi il a réagi ainsi?
Why did you say that? You know they went to Catholic church.
Tu sais bien qu'ils sont allés à l'église catholique.
Did Smith say why they were rioting?
Smith a expliqué son geste?
- Did she say why they broke up?
A-t-elle dit pourquoi ils avaient rompu?
They're nothing to do with you, either. Why did you say you'd keep them?
elles ne vous concernent pas non plus, pourquoi accepter de les garder?
So... er... this school you auditioned for, did they say anything, you know, like why you didn't get in?
Donc... euh... cette école pour laquelle tu as auditionnée, ils ne t'ont rien dis, tu sais du genre pourquoi ils ne t'ont pas prise?

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