Hang on there traduction Français
656 traduction parallèle
Hang on there, Shep!
Tiens bon!
You hang on there, Browning.
Accroche-toi là, Browning.
Hang on there, fella.
Tiens bon, mec!
Hang on there, hang on there!
Tiens bon, accroche-toi!
Hang on there, baby.
Tiens bon, chérie!
There's a rope around my neck right now, and they only hang you once.
J'ai la corde au cou et on n'est pendu qu'une fois.
There's politicians in this town trying to hang something on him. That's all.
Ce sont les politiciens qui essaient de lui faire porter le chapeau.
Well, of course, if you're just looking for someone to hang suspicion on, there's not a man on my faculty that wouldn't come under that heading.
Si vous essayez de trouver un suspect personne dans mon école ne peut y échapper.
Go ahead. You want them to hang the man before we get there?
Vous voulez qu'on pende cet homme avant notre arrivée?
Hi diddle-dee dum dum dum Move over there, here we come Hang on to your cappies, chappies Here we go again
dégagez, on arrive ayez confiance, les amis c'est reparti on est fauchés comme le sont les blés gardez la foi, les gars c'est reparti pourquoi pleurer quand ça n'a pas marché?
Sure. Cut down your diving speed with flaps and just hang up there in the air.
Bien sûr, on stoppe net l'avion et on reste suspendu dans les airs.
There was a sassy brat who used to hang on the gate and stick her tongue out.
Une jolie chipie, à la grille me tirait la langue.
If we meet in battle, there is a brave of the Cheyenne that will take the scalp of Pahaska and hang it to his lodge pole.
Si l'on se rencontre en bataille, le guerrier cheyenne prendra le scalp de Pahaska pour l'accrocher à son totem.
There he goes! Hang on to Bobby!
- Le voilà!
You wouldn't want to hang a man if there was the slightest doubt.
On ne pend pas un homme s'il subsiste un doute.
I'm gonna hang numbers on there backs like football players.
Je vais leur mettre des dossards, comme au foot.
Now, there's a man with both feet on the ground, until they hang him.
Pas facile de garder les pieds sur terre, une fois pendu.
There on the pendent boughs... her coronet weeds clambering to hang, an envious sliver broke... when down her weedy trophies and herself fell in the weeping brook.
Elle voulut les accrocher aux rameaux. Une branche jalouse se brisa. Avec ses trophées de fleurs elle tomba.
But I thought maybe there would be some things you'd wanna hang on to.
Mais je me disais qu'il y en avait peut-être que tu voulais garder.
- We all hang out there.
- Nous tous, on était là.
Well, I'II be honest, the first 1 00 miles- - First 50 miles I was a Little nervous, but after you get the hang of it, there's nothing to it.
Pour être honnête, les premiers 150 km... Les premiers 80 km, J'étais un peu nerveux, mais quand on a pris le coup, tout va très bien.
He'd been terrifying the countryside for months. As a warning to others his body has been left on a gibbet, just outside the town. It'll hang there till it rots or it's stolen.
Afin de servir d'avertissement, son corps exposé, va pourrir.
Why there's them would see me hang if I was to ride there again.
On me pendrait si j'y remettais les pieds.
There's someone outside. Hang on.
Il y a quelqu'un dehors attendez une minute.
Hang on, we're there.
Courage, on arrive.
If I was to ride south with you, there's them that'd see me hang.
Si j'allais au sud avec toi, on me pendrait.
Only trouble is, if I ride back there, there's them that'll see me hang.
Mais le problème, c'est que si j'y retourne, on va me pendre.
Now just hang your guns over there on the fence, and you can pick'em up when you leave.
Accrochez vos armes. Vous les prendrez en partant.
You hang your clothes there, and... Can't you read?
On met les trucs là et ça y est!
Strangways and me, we slip in at night. He take some samples, we came straight back. Don't do to hang about there.
J'y suis allé avec M. Strangways. ll a pris des échantillons et on est vite repartis.
It's not like it's a new thing. I was there in 1927. I didn't hang around when they put hussars on motorcycles.
Mais dites-vous bien messieurs que la subversion ne date pas d'hier je l'ai vu naître, en vingt-sept lorsqu'on a monté les hussards sur des motocyclettes.
You can't just let it hang there like spaghetti.
On ne peut pas les laisser pendre comme ça!
I've hung on to every bit of rubbish... there is to hang onto in life.
Dans ma vie, je me suis accrochée... à toutes sortes de conneries.
I'm not afraid to die, and there was no reason for me to hang on.
La mort ne me fait pas peur, alors rien ne me forçait plus à vivre.
There isn't a customer here who doesn't want to hang his fedora on her.
Tous les clients en ont après elle.
I'll hang a shirt on the line and leave it there, until the police have been and gone.
Je mettrai une chemise à sécher s'ils sont là.
Try to hang on in there.
Essaie de tenir encore un peu.
Why don't you hang it on the wall over there, major.
Pourquoi ne pas l'accrocher sur ce mur, commandant?
You hang on in there, Luke. You hang on.
Tiens bon, Luke.
Hang it on the grille there, Sergeant.
Accrochez-le à la grille.
Hold on, Roku! Hang in there!
Roku, tiens bon!
Wait a minute. There's a lot of strategy in this once you get the hang of it.
Il y a beaucoup de stratégies, une fois qu'on a pris le coup.
You can hang your clothes right down there on the peg.
Accrochez vos vêtements à la patère.
You just hang on in there until I'm done with this job and I'll take care of you real good.
Attends que je finisse ce travail... et je m'occuperai vraiment bien de toi.
But hang in there and we'll try and get you back.
Sois patient. On essaiera de te faire revenir à Tokyo.
If there's any reason we should hold on the story... hang up the phone before I get to 10.
Si nous devons tout stopper, raccrochez avant dix.
Hang a left here, Harry, there's a jam on Bay.
Tourne à gauche, il y a un bouchon à Bay.
Hang on till I get there, OK? I'm coming with you.
Hang on back there.
Au boulot!
We'll hang it on that tree over there.
On pourra l'accrocher dans l'arbre.
Here, when someone dies, we hang the ribbons from the wreaths over the doorway, and leave them there until they fall off.
Quand quelqu'un meurt, la coutume veut qu'on accroche des rubans provenant des couronnes mortuaires, on les laisse jusqu'à ce qu'elles fanent.
hang on 6701
hang on a minute 322
hang on a second 520
hang on tight 37
hang on a sec 167
hang on one second 63
on there 23
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
hang on a minute 322
hang on a second 520
hang on tight 37
hang on a sec 167
hang on one second 63
on there 23
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22