He was about traduction Français
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He was about to sign a lease, and he just lost it.
Il était sur le point de signer un bail, et il a pété un câble.
She couldn't find a husband if he was about to be [laughing] deported.
Elle ne trouvait pas de mari s'il était sur le point d'être expulsé. Ok.
He was about to make contact with the Americans.
Il allait entrer en contact avec les Américains.
- MIKE : He's the one I was telling you about.
- C'est de lui dont je te parlais.
And again, tell me if I'm wrong here, but I just felt like he was talking so much about himself.
Dites-moi si j'ai tort, mais j'ai eu l'impression qu'il parlait beaucoup de lui. Non.
returned at night and I have not slept a wink because? ... why? I was super nervous and... when I fell asleep, it was about, I do not know... seven in the morning, he?
Il est pas rentré de la nuit et j'ai pas fermé l'oeil... j'étais trop nerveuse et... quand je me suis endormie, il était environ... 7h00, quand il est arrivé.
And my guess is if Dante was thinking about showing up for the buy at all, he's spooked.
Et à mon avis, si Dante pensait se montrer pour la vente, il est effrayé.
What the priest said about him, about these people, he was right.
Le prêtre avait raison.
That's what he was talking about.
Lui, oui.
He said he was going to hurt people, and he wasn't lying about that.
Il a dit qu'il allait blesser des gens, et il ne mentait pas à ce sujet.
He was strung out, like, almost manic, and he had some plan about buying The Lobster Roll, and wanted me to go in with him.
Il a été enfilées sur, comme, presque maniaque, et il avait un plan sur l'achat de The Lobster Roll, et je voulais moi d'aller avec lui.
Moss was right about how much he drank.
Moss avait raison sur combien il avait bu.
Last night when CSI Stokes was here, he told you about a red pickup that had been spotted near where Brad was killed.
Hier soir l'agent Stokes est venu, il vous a parlé du pick-up rouge garé non loin du lieu où Brad a été tué.
You know, the stupid thing is, if this was about avenging the death of his friend, he killed the wrong guy.
Le truc stupide est que si c'était pour venger la mort de son ami, il a tué le mauvais type.
He said a lot of shit about insects, but there was other stuff too.
Il a dit des conneries sur les insectes, mais aussi d'autres trucs.
He was always thinking about something.
Il pensait constamment.
He was so kind and so worried about people. You know, if they were okay or if somebody got hurt.
Il était tellement gentil, se faisait du souci pour tout le monde, si quelqu'un allait bien ou si on avait fait du mal à quelqu'un.
When Kurt was about 15, he moved back in with Mom and I, and it was a struggle.
À 15 ans, Kurt est revenu vivre avec maman et moi. C'était très difficile.
'Cause he was just kind of clueless about it, you know?
Il n'avait pas remarqué.
And so he was also very careful and stubborn about how the way the art and the work was presented, because he didn't want to be humiliated.
Il faisait très attention et était très têtu sur la façon dont notre travail était présenté car il ne voulait pas être humilié.
You know, he was so sensitive that the one time that I thought about cheating on him, he fuckin'must have been psychic or something.
Il était tellement sensible qu'un jour, j'ai failli le tromper... Il devait être devin ou un truc comme ça.
And the response to it was... he took 67 Rohypnols and ended up in a coma because I thought about cheating on him.
Et la conséquence, c'est qu'il a pris 67 Rohypnol et a fini dans le coma, parce que j'avais pensé à le tromper.
He was lying about it.
Il mentait à ce sujet.
Told us a tearful tale about how he was living in a quaint town until he ruined everything.
Contant larmoyant avoir vécu dans une pittoresque ville jusqu'à ce qu'il gâche tout.
Maybe he was hesitant about killing so many people.
Il a peut-être hésité à tuer tant de gens.
Well, why did Allen hide the books if he was so open about them?
Pourquoi Allen a caché les livres s'il était à en parler?
I know I'm not being very rational, and I know I haven't seen him in a really long time, but... I think about him all the time, and... I knew he was always out there, and now it just feels... empty.
Je sais que je ne suis pas très rationnel, que je ne l'ai pas vu depuis très longtemps, mais je pense à lui tout le temps, et je savais qu'il était toujours là, et à présent ça semble...
So this wasn't about revenge on Gideon if he didn't lock the guy up ; then what was this?
Si ce n'était pas une vengeance, s'il ne l'avait pas enfermé, alors quoi?
All he's ever thought about since the day he was born was getting this
Depuis sa naissance, il ne pense qu'à ce jour.
He was telling the truth about everything but who he saw.
Il a dit toute la vérité sauf sur qui il a vu.
What about that piece of ass he was nailing in the toilet?
Et la bombasse qu'il s'est tapée dans les chiottes?
He was worried about losing his job again.
Il avait peur de perdre son emploi de nouveau.
I-I think he was worried about, uh... Holden getting out.
Il était inquiet de la sortie de Holden.
Didn't get into what he was worried about with you?
Dans les détails de ce qui l'inquiétait?
He... he was grumpy about it.
Ça l'a rendu un peu grincheux.
If I didn't say his land was suitable for building on, he'd spread a rumour about my true identity.
Si je ne classais pas ses terrains en zone constructible, il allait faire courir des bruits sur ma véritable identité.
Do you think he was talking about us and the job, or do you think he did something else?
Vous croyez qu'il parlait du boulot ou d'autre chose?
He wasn't talking about art, he was telling us where he wanted to go.
Il ne parlait pas d'art, il nous a dit où il voulait se rendre.
- I couldn't get him to change his mind about what he was doing, so I left.
- Je ne pouvais pas le faire de changer d'avis à propos de ce qu'il faisait, Alors je suis parti.
He was wrong about that, so maybe he's wrong about her, too.
Il avait tort sur ça, alors peut-être qu'il a tort sur elle aussi.
He was adamant about that.
Il a été stricte sur ce sujet.
What was he talking about?
Que voulait-il?
We were having dinner with Philip Roth last night... he's my neighbor in the country... and he was talking about the press this book is getting.
On a dîné avec Philip Roth, hier, c'est mon voisin. Il a parlé de votre succès critique.
In fact, it was all he could talk about.
À dire vrai, il n'a parlé que de cela.
Yeah. I mean, he wasn't thrilled about what happened with the lobster roll, but that was between him and Cole.
Il n'était pas ravi de ce qui s'était passé avec le Lobster Roll, mais ça ne concernait que Cole et lui.
My husband was... he was killed in a car accident about a year ago, and that's why we moved from Seattle.
Mon mari est... il est mort dans un accident de voiture il y a un an, c'est pourquoi nous sommes partis de Seattle.
I was worried about you, and he was a doctor, but he told someone, and now...
J'étais inquiète pour toi, et c'était un docteur, mais il l'a dit à quelqu'un, et maintenant...
I was worried about you, and he was a doctor.
Je m'inquiétais pour toi, et il était médecin.
He came to my room, you know, and started talking about how angry he was, about how I'd raped him.
Il est venu dans ma chambre, et a commencé à dire à quel point il était en colère, à propos du fait que je l'ai violé.
And then I went to his house to talk to him about everything, and he was drunk, and he was super, super defensive.
Et ensuite je suis allée chez lui pour lui parler de tout, et il était ivre, et il était super, sur la défensive.
You talking about when he was a little boy?
Vous parlez de quand il était petit?
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was afraid 36
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was afraid 36
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
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he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83