It's mean traduction Français
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I mean, that's not technically stealing, is it?
Ce n'est pas vraiment du vol, si?
I didn't mean... It's...
Je ne voulais pas...
I mean, it's not like she's gonna get well.
C'est pas comme si elle allait se remettre.
I mean, it's bad enough that I lost track of you.
C'est déjà grave de t'avoir perdue.
I mean, it's Internet and cellular connected.
Elle est connectée à Internet et à un téléphone.
I mean, we've been friends for a long time and as far as I can see, it's all pretty much right here.
On est amies depuis longtemps, et de ce que je sais, elle ne cache rien.
Um, I mean, I have nightmares, paranoia... sweaty, PTSD micro-flashbacks, but other than that... it's horrible.
Je fais des cauchemars, j'ai des coups de paranoïa... je transpire, j'ai des micro-flash-back... mais hormis ça... c'est horrible.
I mean, you said it yourself, he's not gonna stop coming after me.
Je veux dire, vous avez dit vous-même, il ne va pas arrêter de venir après moi.
I mean, even if they did steal something, it's probably what they needed to survive.
Je ne pense pas que ces filles étaient des criminelles. Même si elles ont volé quelque chose, c'était probablement pour survivre.
I mean, Regina does okay, but you've been at it longer, and she's gotten, you know, ugh lately.
Je veux dire, Regina est bonne, mais tu le fais depuis plus longtemps, et elle est devenue, tu sais, "ugh" récemment.
I don't mean- - not "animals" like jungle animals- - it's not a race thing.
Enfin, pas "sauvages" comme les animaux de la jungle, rien à voir avec la race.
I mean, we're not technically supposed to tell anyone yet, because it's only eight weeks, but I don't care, fuck it.
On n'est pas censés en parler, car ça ne fait que huit semaines, mais rien à foutre.
I mean, maybe I am a racist. Maybe I'm just too stupid to know it, but shit, I am the friendliest racist that you are ever gonna meet, - so can't we all just get along?
Peut-être suis-je trop bête pour m'en rendre compte, mais merde alors, je suis la raciste la plus sympathique qui soit, alors, ne pourrait-on pas toutes s'entendre?
I mean, that's still really tender. - -We have to do it now or it won't match.
Il faut le faire maintenant, ou on verra la différence.
I mean, it's not like we have any proof.
On n'a aucune preuve.
I mean, I know it's just in my mind, but...
Je sais que c'est dans ma tête, mais...
I mean, there's evidence of her being beaten with it.
Il y des preuves qui indiquent qu'il la battait.
I mean, I miss my family and all that shit, of course, but... it's just the little things.
Je regrette ma famille et tout, bien sûr, mais... c'est juste les petits riens.
I mean, it's not your fault.
Ce n'est pas de ta faute.
I mean, where's it written that those jerks get to live in the castle and feast on lamb while the rest of us wallow in the muck and starve?
Où est-ce écrit que ces imbéciles doivent vivre dans un château, festoyer avec de l'agneau pendant que nous autres nous sommes vautrés dans la boue et mourrons de faim? !
I mean, it's okay.
Ça va.
I mean, you know, i guess if edie had fun, We can do it a little longer, right? Yeah?
J'imagine que si Edie s'est amusée, on pourra recommencer, non?
I mean, it's okay if you don't, because the manager sent this over to me.
- Deux jours avant ton intervention. Et, quand tu auras résolu celle-là? Laquelle sera la dernière?
I mean, she's got me doing new things. Oh, I get it, I get it. I'm happy for you.
Tu sais, je pourrais t'aider à régler ça, mais en quoi ce serait drôle?
What you guys have is really great. I mean, it's really, really special.
Ça c'est vrai.
I mean, making jingles, it's so exciting. Can you just hop into the booth and let me just, you know, throw you a track?
Dax était le commandant de Carly sur la mission quand ils ont été capturés.
I mean, it's not, it's not the UX or the design or anything that you can tweak.
Enfin, c'est pas--c'est pas l'UX ou le design ou quelque chose que tu puisses changer
Honestly? I mean, it's not like he's going to be out on the street.
Franchement, il ne va pas se retrouver à la rue.
I mean, it won't be anywhere close to what you're owed in back pay, but at least it's something.
Ça payera pas ce qu'on te doit, mais ce sera déjà ça.
I mean, it's all gonna be property of Gavin Belson in an hour, so.
Ça appartiendra à Belson dans quelques heures.
I mean, I guess now we're a video chat company, but the best part of it is it's us, you know?
On fait du vidéo-tchat. Mais le top, c'est qu'on est ensemble.
I mean, it's been so long since I've been to my own doctor.
Cela fait très longtemps que je n'ai pas vu mon docteur.
I mean, ever since my divorce went through, it's just...
Depuis mon divorce, c'est juste...
No, it's probably not a big deal. I mean, there's an explanation.
Non ce n'est surement pas un gros problème, il y à sans doute une explication.
I mean, well, that's part of it, sure, but it's a comprehensive...
Enfin si c'est une partie, bien sur, mais c'est une compréhensive...
No. I mean, yes, but it's yours?
Enfin, oui, c'est le vôtre?
I mean, that's the plan, isn't it?
C'est l'idée, n'est-ce-pas?
I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but I don't like it.
Je sais pas ce que ça veut dire mais j'aime pas ça.
I mean, it's nothing. Can we take the selfie?
On fait ce selfie?
I mean, it's possible that Janet was killed over a hundred bucks, but take a look at this.
Janet a pu être tuée pour quelques centaines de dollars, mais regardez ça.
I-I mean, uh, yeah, yeah, it's-it's true.
C'est... vrai.
I mean, he put a hidden camera in Janet's apartment, he wrote journals about her, took pictures of her... anyone looking at his deranged little scrapbooks would have sworn he did it.
Il a planqué une caméra chez Janet, il tenait un journal sur elle, prenait des photos d'elle... N'importe qui voyant ça jurerait qu'il est coupable.
I think that it's, um, similar to what the Greeks call the golden mean.
Je pense que c'est similaire à ce que les Grecs appellent le juste milieu.
I mean, Blake knows exactly when it's the best time to get me.
Balke sait exactement quand me joindre.
I mean, doing it in front of your own mom... That's strange.
Mais devant sa propre mère, ça, c'est bizarre.
I mean, it's kind of an amazing company.
C'est une société incroyable.
If by "baby," you mean the most powerful entity ever known, the singular force that could shift the balance of power, threaten all of creation, then, yeah, it's a baby.
Si par "bébé", vous entendez "entité surpuissante jamais connue " qui peut bouleverser l'équilibre "et menacer toute créature", alors, oui, c'est un bébé.
Honestly, I mean, what a terrible name. It's just awful.
Ce nom est trop pourri.
I mean, it's just errands.
J'ai déjà fait des courses.
'Cause, um... I mean, it's bad.
Parce que... c'est mal.
I've been thinking a lot about what you said today in my office, and, uh, I-I just want you to know that, uh... what happened between us... you know, the sex stuff... well, not only was it great, but it... it did mean something to me.
J'ai beaucoup réfléchi à ce que tu m'as dit dans mon bureau et euh, je, je voulais que tu saches que, euh... ce qui s'est passé... tu sais, le truc sexuel... eh bien, non seulement c'était bien, mais ça... ça voulait dire quelque chose.
it's meant to be 26
it's meaningless 29
mean 565
means 817
meaning 1068
meanwhile 1776
meant 63
meantime 222
mean machine 26
meaningless 41
it's meaningless 29
mean 565
means 817
meaning 1068
meanwhile 1776
meant 63
meantime 222
mean machine 26
meaningless 41
meaningful 21
means a lot to me 20
meaning what 376
means a lot 21
meant to be 24
means no 19
meaning me 22
meaning you 22
mean anything to you 97
mean it 34
means a lot to me 20
meaning what 376
means a lot 21
meant to be 24
means no 19
meaning me 22
meaning you 22
mean anything to you 97
mean it 34
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387