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No more talk traduction Français

391 traduction parallèle
Perhaps now, Yancey, you'll stop this ranting up and down... and be content to settle down here in Wichita... run that newspaper of yours, and conduct your law practice, such as it is... with no more talk of Oklahoma.
Yancey, tu vas peut-être cesser de divaguer et être content de t'installer ici, à Wichita, diriger ce journal, devenir avocat et ne plus nous parler de l'Oklahoma.
Now you get out, and no more talk.
Maintenant, sortez. Pas un mot de plus.
There will be no more talk of war.
assez parlé de la guerre.
No, no more talk.
Non, j'ai assez parlé.
No more talk now.
Plus de conversation maintenant.
Let's have no more talk of Bothwell.
Ne parlons plus de lui.
No more talk of kingdoms and thrones. Let's talk of you and me.
Ne parlons plus de politique, mais rien que de toi et moi.
No more talk.
Trêve de bavardages.
Ora I got one thing to say, then I'll have no more talk about it.
Ora... j'ai une chose à dire, puis nous n'en parlerons plus.
- Sam. - No more talk tonight.
Ne dis plus rien, ce soir.
- Well, let's have no more talk Of ending our association.
Ne parlons plus de mettre fin à notre association.
There'll be no more talk of the captain being crazy.
Plus personne ne dira que le capitaine est fou.
Look, let's have no more talk about love or eternal devotion... Shall we?
Ne parlons plus d'amour ou de dévotion éternelle, d'accord?
We'll have no more talk about hangings.
Ne parlons plus de pendaisons.
No more talk, Steve.
- Fini de parler!
There'll be no more talk about what could have been or should have been.
On ne parlera plus de ce qui aurait pu ou dû se passer.
- no more talk of the last judgement, eh?
On ne parle déjà plus du Jugement dernier?
No more talk against us, that the Gods were against us and brought drought to the land.
Plus de mots à notre encontre pour dire que les Dieux étaient contre nous et nous ont apporté la sécheresse.
There'll be no more talk to Laniers!
- Je ne parle plus aux Lanier!
No more talk of that.
On n'en parle plus.
! No need to talk more. As per Sung Min Ah's request, change the script.
Ne parlez pas plus et faites ce que Sung Min Ah a demandé ; changez le script!
Don't you talk no more about getting job.
Et ne parle plus de travailler.
I don't believe I'm gonna let you talk me out no more money...
J'ai décidé que vous avez fini, de me dépouiller de mon argent.
No more of that talk.
N'y pensez plus!
No more of such talk, do you hear?
Jamais plus, vous m'entendez?
Step down to Lloyd's and take out an insurance policy and it won't cost you more than it did last week when there was no talk of a comet or the world running into one.
Prenez une assurance à la Lloyds. Ça vous coûtera pas plus... que quand on parlait ni de comète ni de fin du monde.
No more bilge talk.
Assez fabulé.
No more war talk.
Plus parler guerre.
I don't want you to come around here no more. My minïs made up so don't try to change it with any of that soft talk of yours.
Je ne veux plus te voir, et je ne crois pas que je changerai d'avis.
No, Papa, talk some more.
Katie, don't talk about it no more, kid.
No, don't talk to me any more, I don't count any more, it's she
Non, non, ne cherchez pas un mot à voir, ce n'est pas moi qui compte, c'est elle.
Don't talk funny no more.
Ne dis plus de trucs bizarres.
Hey, Mama, why you don't talk to me no more?
Dis, Mama? Pourquoi tu ne me parles plus?
Now that you are both here... she is sure the prophecy has been fulfilled... and she will talk no more of peace.
Maintenant que vous êtes là tous deux, elle sait que la prophétie s'est réalisée. Et elle ne parlera plus de paix.
- Do we have to talk more about this? - No, we'll never talk about it again.
- Faut-il encore en parler?
Let's talk of it no more... please.
Arrêtons là cette discussion.
I don't know you because we don't talk no more.
Je ne te connais pas.
No, she wouldn't talk to a stranger, Dad. She hardly talks to us any more.
Elle ne parlerait pas à un inconnu, papa.
No more of such talk!
Bien sûr et c'est pas la peine de discuter.
I got no more to talk to you about.
Je n'ai plus rien à vous dire.
When force threatens, talk's no good any more.
Quand la violence menace, les mots ne servent à rien.
No more talk.
Tête de mule!
Don't let me talk no more, Doc.
Ne me laissez pas parler, Doc.
Well, yes, you did. You come up and talk with me when I was alone and I just wasn't alone no more.
Vous êtes venue me parler quand j'étais seul et du coup, je n'étais plus seul.
Now, Larry... no more of that silver tongue of yours... that we always said would talk you to the top.
Larry... trêve de cette éloquence dont nous disions qu'elle vous mènerait au sommet.
Becky, I don't wanna start laying the law down on your first day back home, but I'll have no more such talk.
Becky, je ne voudrais pas fixer des règles dès ton retour à la maison, mais je ne veux pas parler de ça.
No more big speeches? No more big talk, huh?
Tu sais ce que tu verras en te regardant dans le miroir?
- No more time to talk now, darling.
- Le temps presse.
"No more talk of errors."
Ne discutez pas des fautes.
No, besides, we've got far more important things to talk about.
Et il y a des choses bien plus urgentes.

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