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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ R ] / Read it to me

Read it to me traduction Français

900 traduction parallèle
- Can you read it to me?
Alors là, bravo.
He's all right. Re-read it to me.
Il va très bien.
- Will you read it to me again?
- Tu veux bien me la relire?
Read it to me, please.
Lisez-le pour moi.
Go on now, read it to me.
Lis-le moi.
- Open it and read it to me.
- Ouvrez-le et lisez-le-moi.
- Read it to me, Flo. Read it.
What shall that mean? Please read it to me.
Lis-moi, veux-tu.
Read it to me, quick!
Lis-moi vite!
Read it to me.
Yes, will you read it to me.
Oui, lisez-le-moi.
Here's a letter from your brother, will you read it to me?
Il y a une lettre de ton frère. Tu me la lis?
Would you read it to me, on account of my...
Pourriez-vous la lire, à cause de...
I thought maybe you'd read it to me.
Vous pourriez le faire pour moi?
Yeah, Mutt read it to me.
Oui, Mutt me l'a lu.
Read it to me.
Here, you better read it to me.
C'est bien du gribouillage...
You can do that later. Read it to me, huh?
Lisez-moi vos notes.
Read it to me, please.
Lisez-le-moi, je vous prie.
Read it to me, please?
Non, lis-la-moi.
You know we got cherries jubilee. You read it to me out of a book.
Non, un clafoutis comme vous me l'aviez demandé.
I was attending church. You came to me personally and offered to modify the script, and in return, you brought your own script and asked me to read it.
Je suis allé à l'église. vous avez apporté votre propre script et demandé de le lire.
Let me read it to you.
Je vais vous le lire.
Go on, read it to me.
Allez, lis!
But it's impossible for me to read the mind of a woman I never saw nor heard of.
Mais comment savoir ce que pense une inconnue?
- Want me to read it to you?
- Tu veux que je te la lise?
Yeah, and it's gonna read, "Continued to expiration of sentence."
Ils me diront de purger ma peine jusqu'au bout.
Let me read it to you, Mr. Holmes.
Laissez-moi vous le lire.
Seems to me I read somewhere where they was gonna finish it this month.
Il me semble avoir lu qu'ils allaient le terminer ce mois-ci.
Read it to me, man.
Qu'y a-t-il?
Let me read it to you.
Je vais vous la lire. - Je vous en prie.
Kindly allow me to read it to you.
Et je vous demande la permission de vous en donner lecture.
It seems to me you might read something more beneficial.
- Vous pourriez lire des choses plus instructives.
The more I read our newspaper, the more it seems to me that we're agin everything.
Plus je lis notre journal et plus il me semble que nous nous opposons à tout.
Read it to me, will you?
I was gonna get somebody to read it for me later.
J'aurais demandé à quelqu'un de me le lire plus tard.
My mommy read it to me.
Oui, maman me l'a lue.
If only he could have been with me the day I went all by myself to the Statue of Liberty and read what it says there for the whole world to see.
J'aurais aimé qu'il soit avec moi quand je suis allée voir la Statue de la Liberté et que j'ai lu les mots écrits dessus.
Do you want to take it to read at home, seeing as you're a friend of Mr. Martinez?
Quand c'est arrivé, j'étais de service et je me suis occupé de lui. Le pauvre homme devait être un peu fou.
We'll read that tonight at 11. because there's a big reunion planned. Those who admit, those who deny, and it's my job to sort out this strange case.
Nous lirons ça ce soir vers 11h car il y a réunion dans votre cabinet de ceux qui avouent, de ceux qui n'avouent pas et je me charge d'expliquer ce crime assez curieux.
You got to read it to me.
What is it you want me to read to you, Aunt Sissy?
Que dois-je lire?
Father read it aloud to me.
Papa m'a lu l'article à haute voix.
So I sneaked it up to my room, started to read it.
Je l'ai rapporté dans ma chambre et je me suis mis à le lire.
- Do you want me to read it?
- Vous voulez que je la lise?
This little bit of paper is known as a bank draft. Would you read it to me?
Tu veux me le lire
If you'll be so good as to read it back to me.
Pourriez-vous relire, svp?
I take it out and read it every day. I read it to remind me of a guy I grew up with.
Je l'ai lue chaque jour pour comprendre un type en qui je croyais.
You give me the book of etiquette for this and I'll read it cover to cover.
Apprends-moi les bonnes manières et je t'imiterai.
To those who do not read, attend the theatre, listen to unsponsored radio programmes or know anything of the world in which you live, it is perhaps necessary to introduce myself.
Pour ceux qui ne lisent pas, ne vont pas au théâtre ou écoutent peu la radio, ceux qui ignorent ce qui se passe dans le monde, il faut peut-être que je me présente.
I heated her some broth, and she drank it just to please me, and then i read to her for over an hour.
Je lui ai fait boire du bouillon.

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