Short notice traduction Français
1,165 traduction parallèle
It was very good of you to come at such short notice.
C'était une bonne chose que vous soyez venus dans d'aussi brefs délais.
Agent Scully, thank you for coming on such short notice.
Agent Scully, merci d'être venue aussi vite. Je vous en prie.
Thanks for doing this on such short notice. - I promise I'll do a good job. - I know you will.
Si je ne le fais pas maintenant, ça n'arrivera jamais.
We really appreciate you taking the children on such short notice.
Merci beaucoup de vous occuper des enfants au pied levé.
Thank you, all, for making it here on such a short notice.
Merci... d'être venus si rapidement.
I appreciate you coming on such short notice.
J'ai apprécié votre promptitude à accepter notre offre.
I know it's short notice, but...
Je m'y prends un peu tard...
Tom, thanks for being here at such short notice.
Tom, merci d'être venu. Pas de problème.
- Sorry about the short notice.
- Désolé d'avoir prévenu si tard.
Janet, I'm so glad we're able to meet on such short notice.
Janet, je suis heureux qu'on ait réussi à se voir.
Cal, thanks for coming on such short notice.
Cal, merci d'être venu aussi vite.
Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.
Merci de me recevoir à l'improviste.
Thank you, Wendy, for coming over here on such short notice.
Merci, Wendy, d'être venue ici aussi vite.
Hey, thank you so much for coming in on such short notice.
Merci d'être venu ventre à terre.
- "Short notice."
"Ventre à terre."
... but it was short notice.
on n'a pas trouvé à temps!
- Uh, well, I have to prepare a speech on very short notice. - What speech?
J'ai un discours à préparer très vite.
I mean, it just wouldn't be fair to ask you... to do it our way on such short notice.
Je ne peux vous demander de le faire ainsi avec si peu de temps.
On this kind of short notice?
Sans prévenir?
I appreciate your seeing me on such short notice, Ambassador Mollari.
J'apprécie que vous me receviez si vite, ambassadeur Mollari.
- Shoot. - A Minbari trade delegation is coming here next week. I know it's short notice...
- Une délégation minbari... arrive la semaine prochaine.
I know it's short notice, but... ... we need to talk about this.
C'est un peu rapide... mais nous devrions en parler.
I appreciate your coming at such short notice.
Je te suis reconnaissant d'être arrivé si vite.
Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.
Merci de me recevoir si rapidement.
Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Admiral Winslow.
Merci de me recevoir si vite sir.
Hello, gentlemen. Nice of you to come on such short notice.
Messieurs... merci à tous d'être venus si vite.
It's not like I don't want to pay up. With such short notice, how can I get the money now?
Je voudrais bien te rendre ton argent, mais maintenant, je n'ai pas la somme.
What do you want on such short notice?
Normal, tu étais pressé.
I apologize for the facilities, minister but it's the best they can provide on such short notice.
Désolé de vous accueillir ainsi... mais c'est ce qu'ils peuvent offrir de mieux en si peu de temps.
I'm not used to being summoned on such short notice.
Je n'ai pas l'habitude qu'on me convoque de la sorte.
- Frank. Thanks for coming on short notice.
- Merci d'être venu si vite.
You may all be wondering why I've called you here on such short notice.
Vous devez vous demander pourquoi je vous ai convoqués ici.
Agent Scully, thank you for coming on such short notice.
Agent Scully, merci d'être venue si vite.
Thanks for turning this materials analysis around on short notice.
Merci d'avoir effectué les analyses si vite.
Au dernier moment?
I did try to find a replacement for you, but with such short notice, it was impossible.
Je vous ai cherché un remplaçant, mais c'était impossible.
Thanks for coming on short notice, but save the fight for later.
Merci d'être venue si vite, mais ça vous ennuierait de vous disputer plus tard?
Thank you so much for coming on such a short notice.
Merci infiniment d'être venus si rapidement.
I don't have the money or equipment... ... to handle something that big on such short notice.
Je suis pas équipée... pour gérer un si gros truc!
I'm sorry, admiral. I know this is short notice.
Je suis désolée, c'est un court délai.
Damn short notice.
Un délai sacrément court.
Thanks for coming on such short notice.
Merci d'être venu si vite.
- Thanks for coming on such short notice.
- Merci d'être venu si vite.
The remaining bio - implants are stable and better than anything I could synthesize at such short notice.
Le reste des bio-implants sont stables. Je ne pourrais pas faire mieux.
Thank you for coming to see me on such short notice.
Merci d'être venue si rapidement.
Thanks for comin at short notice.
Merci d'être venu si vite
I found it on short notice.
Je l'ai trouvé très rapidement.
Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.
Merci de me recevoir si rapidement.
Thanks for seeing me on such short notice, admiral.
Merci de me recevoir si promptement, amiral.
Thanks for coming at short notice.
Merci d'être venu si vite.
Don Migliaccio. Thank you for coming, short notice.
Merci d'etre venu aussi rapidement.
notice 40
noticed 24
notice anything 42
shorts 41
short 461
shorty 285
shortly 55
shorter 26
shortstop 18
short hair 23
noticed 24
notice anything 42
shorts 41
short 461
shorty 285
shortly 55
shorter 26
shortstop 18
short hair 23