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Shove off traduction Français

396 traduction parallèle
Shove off!
Let's shove off.
We'll be ready to shove off the minute you step aboard.
On sera prêt à dégager dès que vous monterez à bord.
Come on. Shove off.
On va traverser.
Shove off!
Come on, Charlie, shove off.
Allez, Charley, partons.
Shove off, lads.
Du nerf, les gars.
Captain said to shove off at once.
- Le capitaine a dit de fuir.
Shove off, cabin boy.I
On y va, matelot!
Well, that's me. Guess I've gotta shove off.
Bon, il faut que je file.
Now, shove off.
Allez, du balai!
Come on, shove off!
Allez, grouille-toi! Oui, monsieur.
Well, we'll shove off as soon as you're ready, Mack.
Nous sommes prêts à partir.
Shove off before she wants to know where the barnacles are.
Levez l'ancre avant qu'elle nous assomme.
I guess I'll shove off.
Je vais m'en aller.
Shove off.
I might as well shove off. - I've never seen such a clean joint.
Je ferais aussi bien d'y aller.
We'll get married, shove off for Kansas, where I got Willie the Knife planted.
Nous nous marierons et partirons à Kansas City où Willie m'attend.
I must ask you to remain on board until we shove off.
Je vous demande de rester à bord jusqu'au départ.
Shove off.
I told you to shove off. Shove off!
Dégage, j'ai dit!
Shove off.
Fichez le camp.
- Mail this before we shove off.
- Postez ça immédiatement.
You shove off, go deep under the sea.
On appareille, on plonge...
It'll mean you're missing me like I miss you from the moment you shove off, every single time.
Et que je te manquerai autant que toi... tu me manques à chaque fois que tu pars.
Hold the boat. Stand by to shove off.
Préparez le bateau.
- Shove off, sailor.
Du paradis. - Décolle, matelot.
Shove off.
Well, we better shove off.
Allez, on part.
We won't shove off till midnight.
On ne partira pas avant minuit.
As soon as Lt. Jacobs and his men get here, we'll shove off.
Quand Jacobs et ses hommes arriveront, nous partirons.
Shove off, let me finish this story. It's for your paper.
Laisse-moi finir mon histoire, c'est pour ton journal.
Shove off at dusk.
Départ au crépuscule.
We'll shove off about 1800.
Départ, 18 heures.
Okay, Slug, relax until time to shove off.
Bien, Slug. Repos jusqu'à l'heure de départ.
We'll shove off at 2100.
Départ à 21 heures.
Good. Let's shove off, Al.
Prenons le canot, Al.
Tell them to shove off.
Dites-leur de déguerpir.
So, please be good enough to shove off.
Et, s'il vous plaît... "Déguerpissez!"
- Ok shove off then see you back at the shop.
A tout à l'heure.
Don't try to borrow two bits from me when you shove off.
N'essayez pas de m'emprunter 25 cents à ce moment-là.
Well, we'd better shove on off then.
Eh bien, vaut mieux y aller.
Shove her off, men. We're going over the side.
Préts à déborder!
You're not going to shove this kid off, too.
Vous ne comptez pas faire descendre la petite.
" Now you want to shove me off on a cheap picture show.
"Maintenant, tu veux m'emmener voir un film bidon. Merde!"
Don't get fresh with me. I'll shove you off the earth.
M'énerve pas ou je te dégage de la carte.
I'll shove you in as a Commissioner... then you won't feel like you bit off more than you could chew.
Je te nommerai fonctionnaire, t'auras pas l'impression d'avoir fait ça pour rien.
Shove off.
On y va!
Come on, shove her off, Hardy. Let's get.
Allez, on met les bouts, Hardy.
She's the one that's been circulating those poison-pen letters. Running off at the mouth to Matthews. Trying to shove Paul into the electric chair.
C'est elle, le corbeau, qui a écrit à Matthews pour condamner Paul à la chaise.
If I live long enough, and I will, I'm going to pull you down off that fancy horse of yours and shove your face in the muck.
Si je vis assez longtemps, et ce sera le cas, je vous jetterai à bas de votre beau cheval et je vous plongerai le visage dans la boue.

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