To be continued traduction Français
392 traduction parallèle
It's always "to be continued", even during the team dinner.
C'est toujours "à suivre" même pendant les repas de l'équipe.
To be continued.
Il continua.
To be continued.
Ce qui s'ensuivit...
To be continued.
Et ce qui suivit...
To be continued.
À suivre...
To be continued
à suivre...
- Sounds like one of those "to be continued next issue" stories. - Yeah.
On dirait une de ces histoires "À suivre".
To be continued in our next.
La suite la prochaine fois.
To be continued.
La suite dans un instant.
À suivre.
Où, maintenant?
"To be continued".
la suite au prochain numéro.
I would like Mr Wenke's bail to be continued.
J'aimerais que la mise en liberté provisoire puisse se prolonger.
"To be continued in next month's issue."
"Suite dans le prochain numéro."
I must tell you that the film has to be continued in any case.
Le tournage du film doit continuer coûte que coûte.
It's horrible when you sense the "to be continued" coming, you know.
C'est affreux de sentir la suite venir.
To be continued.
A suivre.
To be continued.
Suite au prochain numéro...
To be continued.
A suivre, hein?
How is the history of the Kingdom to be continued?
Quelle suite donner à l'histoire du Royaume?
- Well. To be continued.
- Bien, "à suivre".
I warned you, if you continued to associate with those men... everything would be over between us.
Je vous avais prévenu de cesser tous rapports avec vos amis. Ou ce serait fini entre nous.
In view of the extensive testimony, your continued silence... and on the recommendation of the doctors... the court considers it advisable, for your own safety... that you be committed to an institution... as prescribed by law.
En raison des nombreux témoignages, de votre silence continu... et des recommandations des médecins... la cour recommande, pour votre propre sécurité... que vous soyez remis à une institution... comme le prévoit la loi.
Something important, dangerous, I went to fight. If it had continued happening tobacco, would not be where I am.
Si j'étais resté à Clermont à vendre du tabac, j'en serais pas là!
I am not, you'll be pleased to hear... going to make a speech, but merely on your behalf... to wish them all success... and great and continued happiness... in their future life together.
Rassurez-vous, je ne ferai pas de discours, mais en notre nom à tous, je leur souhaite la réussite et beaucoup de bonheur ensemble.
Undaunted by the vicious campaign of slander launched against them as a whole and as individuals, they have staunchly continued their investigation pursuing their stated beliefs that anyone who continued to be a Communist after 1945 is guilty of high treason.
Les membres de la Commission, ignorant les calomnies dont ils font l'objet, ont courageusement continué leurs enquêtes, convaincus que tous ceux qui sont d'allégeance communiste, après 1945, sont coupables de haute trahison.
She continued to be the last to come down.
Elle continuait toujours de descendre la dernière.
[People continued refusing to be married, be born or die.]
Don Camillo ne reviendrait pas.
But I... continued the experiment... hoping that in the short time... left to me, I'd be able... to prove the... nutrient... would work.
Mais j'ai continué l'expérience, en espérant qu'avec le peu de temps qui me restait, je pourrais prouver que le nutriment fonctionnerait.
"To be continued next week."
Suite la semaine prochaine. "
"Stahr continued to be dazzled as they danced out along the floor."
" Stahr restait ébloui tout en continuant à danser.
But HE continued to be the envy of his neighbours because she had already passed into legend.
- mais il continua à faire l'envie des voisins...
They've continued to Be very active
Ils ont continué à être très actifs
Still the work that Davis was on must be continued. As his assistant, I suppose you got to know him pretty well, didn't you?
Je précise, en passant, qu'il aura peu de temps pour être précepteur.
But flying was strictly for the birds... and continued to be so for thousands of years.
Mais seuls les oiseaux le pouvaient. Il en fut ainsi des millénaires.
But I think we can all feel pleased that the general trend towards what used to be regarded as basic analysis is being continued at our level.
Mais je pense qu'on peut se réjouir que le mouvement général vers ce qui avait coutume d'être considéré comme de l'analyse fondamentale se perpétue à notre niveau.
Now, Wednesday morning, if necessary the president will issue an appropriate message to the nation Emphasizing the courage and determination of the crew And their final wish, that the program be continued without pause
Mercredi matin, s'il le faut le Président adressera un message au pays en soulignant le courage et la résolution de l'équipage qui a exprimé le souhait que le programme continue normalement
The Prescott Frontier Days celebration... is the original cowboy rodeo in America... and in the years since, it has continued to be... one of the most honored and well-known rodeos in America.
Le rodéo Frontier Days de Prescott... fut le premier rodéo des cow-boys américains... et depuis cette époque il est demeuré... un des shows les plus connus et les plus respectés.
I'm sorry, but the pretense must be continued to Rome.
Je regrette, mais il faudra continuer de faire semblant à Rome.
Please be sure to take your belongings. Arrangements will be made for your continued journey as quickly as possible.
N'oubliez pas vos affaires, et je vous promets... que votre voyage se poursuivra dès que possible.
On the map I continued to follow what I thought might be a sensible route.
Je continuai à suivre sur la carte ce qui semblait un chemin raisonnable.
But ever since Costa e Silva, and despite the fact... that his economic model stimulated foreign capital investments... which brought about tremendous... Brazilian macro-economic GNP growth... distribution of income continued to be inadequate.
Mais à partir du gouvernement Costa e Silva, dont le modèle économique... a stimulé l'importation de capitaux étrangers... provoquant un développement important... de la macroéconomie brésilienne, la croissance du PIB... quoique avec... une répartition du revenu insuffisante...
And the marriage continued to be a happy one?
Et le couple était encore heureux?
I'll be obliged if you send Nora and the girls to church for the next month to pray for the continued health and strength of the Misters Gilliam, Reese, Snider Campanella, Robinson, Hodges, Furillo, Podres, Newcombe and Labine collectively known as the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Je vous serai obligée d'envoyer Nora et les filles à l'église afin de prier pour la santé et la force des messieurs ci-après : ... Campanella, Robinson, Hodges, Furillo, Podres, Newcombe et Labine... collectivement connus sous le nom de Brooklyn Dodgers.
In the hours since his birth, Troi's baby has continued his rapid growth, and appears, physically and mentally, to be a child of eight.
Depuis sa naissance, l'enfant a continué une croissance fulgurante. Il a l'apparence physique et mentale d'un enfant de huit ans.
She has every right to be there, she's helped us spot crime... and I for one would be, uh, very happy if she continued to stay there.
Elle a le droit d'être dans le ciel. Elle repère les criminels. Moi, je serais très heureux qi elle restait où elle est.
No, and he continued to be the youngest for a while to be precise, until the birth of the brother.
Et il l'est resté un certain temps. jusqu'à la naissance de son frère.
Mr Hess, according to Federal regulation seven dash seven, dash B, dash point six, I have to inform you that continued exposure to this machine - the electrolyte neutron-magnetic test scanner - can be lethal.
Monsieur Hess, conformément au règlement fédéral n ° 7-7-B-.6, je dois vous informer qu'une exposition prolongée à cette machine, le scanner de tests par électrolyte à neutrons magnétiques, peut être mortelle.
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to be loved 19
to better days 18
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be or not to be 51
to be quite honest 33
to be happy 39
to be with you 30
to be on the safe side 18
to be loved 19
to better days 18
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be or not to be 51
to be quite honest 33
to be happy 39
to be with you 30
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to be fair 354
to begin with 126
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to be fair 354
to begin with 126
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
to be 126
to be safe 60
to be clear 133
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be 126
to be safe 60
to be clear 133
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21