We had traduction Français
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It's just, um... You're already an hour late for the weekly meeting. And we had to push last week, so...
Vous êtes en retard pour la réunion et on annulé la dernière, donc...
We had a deal!
On avait un accord!
We had to shut down half the plant three months back.
On a dû fermer la moitié du site il y a trois mois.
All we had to do was...
Tout ce qu'on devait faire, c'était le nourrir.
So we had words outside.
On a eu des mots, dehors.
You know, we should've just thrown him over that cliff while we had the chance, mate.
On aurait dû le jeter de la falaise quand on en a eu l'occasion.
Uh, me and Sami prepared the food, then we had four of our staff take the finger food around.
Sami et moi avons préparé les plats, et quatre de nos employés faisaient tourner les plateaux.
We had a drink, she came back to my room.
On a bu, elle est venue dans ma chambre.
We had sex.
On a fait l'amour.
So we had about six or seven.
On en a mangé six ou sept.
Me and Jim, we had sex.
Jim et moi, on a couché ensemble.
Yeah, we had a client about 11 months ago, who disclosed to us, but never took it to the police.
On a eu une cliente il y a 11 mois qui s'est confiée à nous, mais jamais à la police.
We had a client 11 months ago, she never reported it.
On a eu une cliente il y a 11 mois, qui n'a jamais porté plainte.
We had a few drinks at The Anglers, and then a kebab on the way home.
On a bu à l'Anglers et mangé un kebab en rentrant.
Because I... I blew what we had.
J'avais tout fait foirer.
We had to run a standard background check.
On a dû enquêter sur vous.
We had the shooter contained, but MacLeish gave the order anyway.
Nous maitrisions le tireur, mais MacLeish a quand même donné l'ordre.
We had to take cover where we could.
On a dû se cacher où on pouvait.
Would you mind if we had a look around?
On peut jeter un œil?
Oh, we had a terrible row.
On a eu une grosse dispute.
We had a disagreement.
Nous avons eu un différend.
But we had a falling-out.
Puis nous nous sommes disputés.
Hi. I'm calling because we had an appointment with you guys for, I think, Wednesday?
Bonjour, je vous appelle parce qu'on devait se voir... mercredi, je crois?
- We did what we had to do.
On a fait ce qu'on devait.
I thought we had reached some kind of détente, but it's always a battle.
J'ai cru qu'on avait atteint une espèce de trêve, mais c'est toujours un combat.
Even if we had teams in place, I can't get munitions onto foreign soil that quickly.
Même si nous avions des équipes sur place, je n'aurais pas de munitions rapidement sur un sol étranger.
It'd be a lot simpler if we had real bullets.
Ce serait plus simple si on avait des balles réelles.
When he was, like, the only good quarterback we had.
Alors qu'il était notre meilleur quarterback.
Jason and I, we had a plan to go to this farm, upstate, and raise the baby.
Jason et moi, on comptait partir élever notre bébé dans une ferme au nord.
Otherwise, we would have had a meeting about carelessly revealing our true nature to a human.
Sinon, on aurait eu une réunion sur le fait de révéler imprudemment notre vraie nature à une humaine.
I had to call a board meeting tomorrow to discuss how we're gonna respond.
J'ai du appeler le conseil pour une réunion demain pour discuter de comment on va répondre.
The access they have to this stuff. We never had any of that.
Ils ont accès à tout, c'était pas comme ça pour nous.
The best I had was Alice Wilson reading the dirty bits of Jilly Cooper out loud when we were 13.
Ce que j'ai eu de mieux à 13 ans, c'était Alice Wilson lisant des passages cochons de Jilly Cooper.
We'd had a works do.
On a fait une fête au boulot.
My girlfriend, Danielle, she's basically ditched me cos I had her lie to you about where we were.
Ma copine, Danielle, m'a plaqué pour l'avoir forcée à vous mentir.
We've had an unconfirmed sighting of him in London.
Il aurait été vu à Londres. Ce n'est pas confirmé.
I knew he had a tattoo removed before we met.
Je sais qu'il se l'est fait enlever avant notre rencontre.
When we first interviewed him, he had no reservation about giving his DNA.
Quand on l'a interrogé la première fois, il n'a pas refusé de nous donner son ADN.
Sir, we've had some luck.
Chef, on a eu de la chance.
I had one woman threaten to kill herself if we didn't go on a second date.
J'ai eu une femme qui a menacé de se suicider si on avait pas de 2ème rendez-vous.
Where would we be if... say, Clarence Darrow had devoted the best years of his life to supervising his ne'er-do-well relatives?
Où serions-nous si... Clarence Darrow, par exemple, avait consacré toute sa vie à s'occuper de ses proches bons à rien?
- I gotta hand it to you. I mean, this is the busiest weekday we've had in the last six months.
- Je vous l'accorde, on n'a jamais eu autant de monde ces six derniers mois.
What, what? Like we never had a day like that before?
Comme si on n'avait jamais eu une journée comme ça avant?
We've had requests for transfers, and, yeah.
Nous avons des demandes de transfert.
And when we catch him, we're gonna remember who had our backs and who didn't.
Et quand on l'aura attrapé, on se souviendra de qui nous a aidés et de qui ne l'a pas fait.
Okay... so since the takedown of Hatcher hit the news last night, we have had a spike in the downloads of the APB app, and we've had a bunch of incident reports coming in.
Depuis l'arrestation de Hatcher aux infos la nuit dernière, nous avons eu beaucoup de téléchargements de l'app APB, et nous avons eu un tas de rapports dedans.
- And if you hadn't just killed him, we would've had a better chance of figuring out who he is and who the hell he works for.
Si vous l'aviez pas tué, on aurait su qui il était et pour qui il bossait.
You know, this is the most honest talk we've had in a while.
Il y a un bail qu'on n'a pas eu une conversation aussi franche.
Tonight's pep rally isn't like any other we've had in the past.
Le rassemblement de ce soir est différent des précédents.
We may have had a moment...
- Il y a peut-être eu rapprochement.
We know the Serpents had some kind of drug thing going on with Jason Blossom.
we had a 51
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had sex 105
we had so much fun 21
we had lunch 20
we had fun 85
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had sex 105
we had so much fun 21
we had lunch 20
we had fun 85