We had a row traduction Français
59 traduction parallèle
We had a row.
Nous nous sommes querellés.
Yes, we had a row about something he did. - What was it?
On s'est disputé pourquoi?
- Oh, this is too much. We had a row that all London is talking about.
Nous avons eu une dispute dont tout Londres a parlé,
We had a row about it in town.
- Cela a caus une dispute en ville.
We had a row and we did not speak for a week.
On s'est disputées.
She threw a fit. We had a row.
Elle m'a fait une crise ce matin, puis on s'est engueulés.
Until we had a row in a year He snatched it and wore it
Jusqu'à l'année dernière, sans me le dire, il l'a prit et l'a porté.
We had a row.
Il avait une rayure.
We had a row last night. A big one.
On s'est disputés, hier soir.
- We had a row about his car.
On s'est engueulés.
I was supposed to go with her on that last field trip but... we had a row, another row.
Je devais l'accompagner dans sa dernière expédition. Mais... On s'était disputés.
As you can see, we had a row last night.
Comme vous le voyez, nous nous sommes disputés hier soir.
That we had a row.
On s'est disputés,..
I know, we had a row and I tore it up apparently.
Oui, on s'était disputés et je l'avais déchirée.
The day before the accident we had a row.
Ce jour-là... Avant l'accident...
- We had a row about his father.
- On s'est engueules au sujet de son pere.
- We had a terrible row over the food.
- Je me suis plaint de la nourriture.
One day, we had a row.
Un jour, on s'est disputés.
Yeah, before we could say a word he had us lined up here like a row of..!
- D'un seul coup, il nous a alignés là.
- Comfy? - Mm-hmm. 'Remember the row we had in Camry?
Tu sais, quand ton fer à friser a brûlé mon peignoir...
It all happened minutes before the prisoner was taken from death row to maximum security on the first floor, where we had to spend the night, watched by two guards chosen by him.
Tout s'est passé très vite. Le prisonnier a été transféré du couloir de la mort au quartier de haute sécurité situé au premier étage, où nous devions passer la nuit, Il était escorté par deux gardes choisis par ses soins.
I did have my boyfriend with me, but we had this terrible row.
Il était avec moi, mais on a eu une dispute terrible.
We had an awful row after the restaurant.
- On a eu une dispute terrible, après le restaurant.
No row. Why? Did she say we had?
Pas du tout, elle a dit le contraire?
Oh, yeah. There was one time... me and my friend Dennis... we were 8 or 9... we were in the front row of the grand stand... and I had a Coke in my hand.
oh, ouais il y a eu cette fois moi et mon ami dennis - nous avions 8 ou 9 ans nous étions au premier rang du spectacle.
Madame de la Fontaine had just rocked the fashion world by taking her husband's symbolically vacant seat in the front row, wearing what fashion observers could only speculate to be a vintage Dior dress, we think.
Mme de La Fontaine avait déjà choqué le monde de la mode en occupant le fauteuil symboliquement vacant de son mari au premier rang,... dans une robe qui d'après des observateurs, pourrait être signé Dior.
I believe we had six or seven in a row
Je crois qu'on avait eu 6 ou 7 numéros un á la file
If we had a constant row in the studio... when I say "row" it was disagreement... it was where his voice should be in the mix.
Les querelles qu'on avait au studio, ou plutôt les désaccords, portaient sur la place de sa voix.
Isn't this the fourth day in a row, we've had the same casserole?
Ça fait quatre jours qu'on a le même ragoût, n'est-ce pas?
Oh, well, we had a bit of a row yesterday, so I went and stayed at Daves last night.
En fait, on s'est disputés hier soir. Alors j'ai dormi chez Dave.
We had a bit of a row.
On s'est disputés.
Maybe it was because we wanted to receive the images first, when they were still new, still fresh. Before they cleared the hurdles of the rows behind us. Before they had been relayed back from row to row, spectator to spectator, until, worn out, the size of a postage stamp, they returned to the projectionist's cabin.
Peut-être pour recevoir les images en premier, quand elles étaient encore nouvelles et fraîches, avant leur course d'obstacles vers le fond, sautant de rangée en rangée, d'un spectateur à l'autre, pour finir, usées, grandes comme un timbre,
It was the first time... we'd had a row,... and then the transfer.
C'était la première fois... qu'on se prenait la tête. Puis est venu le transfert.
- We've had dinner four nights in a row.
- On dîne ensemble depuis 4 jours.
We had a row.
On s'est engueulé.
We had a bit of a row.
On s'est un peu disputé.
We've had dinner outside four Sundays in a row.
On a mangé à l'extérieur quatre dimanches d'affilée.
And we had a whole row of white folk too, all the way across.
Il y avait une rangée de Blancs.
There's just no way we should've had it two weeks in a row.
C'était pas possible, nous enchainions deux week-ends d'affilée.
This is th this is the fifth date in a row that we've had at the hospital cafeteria.
C'est le cinquième rencard d'affilé que l'on passe à la cafétéria de l'hôpital.
Wish we had a front-row seat.
J'aurais aimé être aux premières loges.
We had the sort of attendance that you get for a decent show at the Museum of Modern Art or something, only over three days and in skid row.
Nous avons vendu autant d'entrées pour ce show que pour une exposition de... en trois jours, dans un entrepôt pourri
We had a row.
On s'est disputées.
She'll know we've had a row.
Elle saura qu'on s'est disputés.
We had a row about the price.
Différent au sujet du prix.
We had a big row.
On s'est disputés lourdement.
We haven't had a rape-murder all year, then two in a row while thousands of sailors are in town?
Zéro viol-meurtre de l'année, et là, deux d'affilée, alors que les marines sont en ville?
This isn't the first time we've had lunch together, and you forget I take three coffees in a row.
C'est pas la première fois qu'on déjeune ensemble. T'as oublié que je prenais trois cafés en ligne.
Thanks to Nolan, we had a front-row seat to the drama unfolding between Lydia and the Graysons.
Grâce à Nolan, nous étions aux premières loges du drame se déroulant entre Lydia et les Graysons.
We had a row.
On s'est disputés.
Normally we all go back to the city together, but after the row Katie had with Marie, she wanted to stay a while longer.
En général nous rentrons toutes ensemble en ville, mais après sa dispute avec Marie elle voulait rester un peu plus longtemps.
we had a 51
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had 178
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had sex 105
we had so much fun 21
we had lunch 20
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had 178
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had sex 105
we had so much fun 21
we had lunch 20