We had a plan traduction Français
288 traduction parallèle
If we had a plan.
- Si seulement nous avions un plan.
I wasn't sure we had a plan.
J'ignorais qu'on en avait un.
We had a plan until you came along and messed everything up.
C'est toi qui as fichu en l'air tous nos projets.
- No, we had a plan. You were to stay one night and go back to your wife.
Tu devais rester une nuit et retourner à ta vie.
I guess you don't need it now, but... we had a plan too.
Vous n'en avez peut-être rien à faire, mais on avait une solution.
We had a plan, then SWAT opened up fire too early... and a perp took out my partner.
Nous on avait un plan, mais le SWAT a ouvert le feu trop tot... et un a eu mon co-équipier.
We had a plan. You were going to go as Frankenstein. We had a plan.
On avait un plan.
What do you mean? I thought we had a plan.
Je croyais qu'on avait un plan.
Garan, we had a plan.
Garan, nous avions un plan.
We had a plan.
Nous avions un plan.
We had a plan.
On avait fait un plan.
We have long had plans to create a paralysis of island shipping and communications.
Nous avons un plan pour paralyser l'ensemble des communications des îles.
No really good plan could include Mrs. Wilberforce, unless, of course, we had more men.
Nul plan ne saurait inclure Mrs Wilberforce. A moins d'être nombreux.
It was all part of a plan we had to prove...
Cela faisait partie d'un plan Destiné à prouver...
That's a good one. The first time we had marks, and a map.
- Mais à l'aller, on avait des repères, on avait un plan.
If we only had a floor plan.
Si seulement on avait un plan des lieux.
Anyway, now that we are here, we had better make a plan.
Puisqu'on est là, élaborons un plan.
We have a specific plan of action in such circumstances and as soon as the National Guard, who found the body, informed me that this had taken place those measures went into effect
Nous avons un plan d'action pour de telles situations, et dès que les gardes nationaux qui ont trouvé le corps m'ont informé de la chose, le plan est entré en application.
We had a change of plan.
Les plans ont changé.
But, you see... we had a different sort of plan in mind.
Mais figurez-vous... qu'on voyait les choses différemment.
That can be corroborated rather dramatically and we didn't plan it this way, governor, but the floor manager has just handed me a bulletin saying that the Russians had just exploded a hydrogen bomb.
Nous en avons la preuve. Ce n'était pas prévu, mais on vient de me présenter un communiqué disant que les Russes avaient fait sauter une bombe à hydrogène.
Therefore, together with other officers, including general Aragão, who had also been informed of the plan, we took action and, on the morning of the 13th, after arriving at the headquarters,
Pour ce motif, ensemble avec d'autres officiers, y compris le général Aragão, qui a aussi été mis au courant du plan, nous avons agi et le matin du 13, aprés notre arrivée au quartier général,
We had a perfectly good situation here And you had to screw it up on us.
On avait un plan d'enfer, il a fallu que tu fasses tout merder.
We couldn't afford to be caught with a car full of narcotics, so we had a backup plan in the form of a hole punched in the floorboard of our car.
On ne pouvait pas se permettre de se faire prendre avec la came, alors notre plan de secours était un trou dans le plancher.
Hey, baby, you and me, we had ourselves a little plan, remember?
Toi et moi, on avait des projets ensemble, pas vrai?
Yesterday, um, My partner and I were on a stakeout at the marina, and... it was a bum setup, so we were gettin'ready to leave, and I saw you struggling with a flat tire, and you looked pretty upset, and I've always had a thing- -
Hier... mon partenaire et moi faisions de la surveillance à la marina... et... c'était un mauvais plan, donc on s'apprêtait à repartir... et je vous ai vue bien embêtée avec votre pneu crevé... et vous sembliez bouleversée, et j'ai toujours eu un faible- -
- I wish we had a map.
- J'aimerais avoir un plan.
If this works out you're to tell the press we had a security agent on the plane as part of our anti-terrorist plan.
Oui. Vous direz à la presse qu'on avait un agent de sécurité à bord... dans une optique anti-terroriste.
Like, you know, I had a plan when we met, on that first date, to ruin her life.
Comme si, tu sais, j'avais prévu de ruiner sa vie lors de notre premier rencart.
Then we had to do the slow-motion thing.
Ensuite, on a dû faire le plan au ralenti.
This shot of Delroy dead, we had to shoot that four times.
Ce plan de Delroy mort est un plan qu'on a dû tourner quatre fois.
We could've had all of the loot at the wedding, but we followed the King's plan.
On aurait pu tout voler, mais on a suivi le plan du roi.
You had to have been set up and we're gonna get to the bottom of this right now!
C'est un coup monté et on va y remédier, on a un plan.
-... we had this plan.
Peu importe leur réaction, on a un plan.
- We still had it.
On a un plan.
We had a fuckin'plan!
- We had a plan!
On avait un plan.
We had to change our plans. Bullshit!
- Votre accident a changé le plan.
In the event we got caught, we did have a contingency plan. I had maps of Austria, Czechoslovakia and East Germany.
Si on était pris, on avait un plan d'urgence, et des cartes d'Autriche, de Tchécoslovaquie, de RDA.
We have not had success yet in banning those bullets off the streets. We plan a whack at it when Congress comes back from recess.
On n'a pas encore franchement réussi... à faire interdire cette arme et ces balles... mais on compte bien essayer à la prochaine session du Congrès.
We had five different options for a floor plan.
on avait envisagé 5 configurations.
- We had a payment plan.
M. Glass, on avait un plan de paiement.
Yeah, basically, we had in mind a different deal.
Pour tout te dire, on avait un autre plan en tête.
I thought we had a game plan.
On s'était mis d'accord.
We had a singular plan.
On avait un plan bien précis.
We had a vision, we had a plan.
- Comment ça?
- We had little time to formulate this plan.
- Tu l'as pas dit plus tôt. - On n'a pas eu le temps d'établir le plan. ça ira.
I know you thought it was silly to wait until we had this money before we got married, but now we can put a payment on a house we can plan a family...
Je sais que tu trouvais absurde d'attendre qu'on ait cette somme... pour se marier, mais on va pouvoir acheter une maison... fonder une famille...
We had nothing else, so we came up with the Nikaku attack plan, which was to put explosives underneath the tanks and destroy them.
On avait tout essayé, puis on a pensé au plan d'attaque Nikaku, qui consistait à mettre des explosifs sous les chars pour les détruire.
The interim report shows that we exceeded our targets in the first half, because investments were realized faster than our research had indicated.
D'apres les indices économiques, dans le premier semestre nous avons meme dépassé le plan... grâce a ce que les investissements se sont réalisés a un rythme beaucoup plus accéléré que les enquetes ne l'avaient pronostiqué.
I told you I had a plan that on this date we were gonna celebrate, party nomination in hand.
qu'à cette date, nous fêterions la nomination du parti.
we had a 51
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had 178
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had so much fun 21
we had sex 105
we had lunch 20
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had 178
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had so much fun 21
we had sex 105
we had lunch 20