You had a traduction Français
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That... that hit you had at right field, that was a bomb.
Ce coup sûr que tu as eu dans le champ extérieur, c'était de la bombe.
You had a history of harassing your neighbors, including dumping a bucket of dog waste on someone's front porch.
Vous avez un passif de harceleur auprès de votre voisinage, qui inclut d'avoir déposé des excréments de chien sous le porche de quelqu'un.
The guard said you had a beef with that guy.
Le garde a dit que vous aviez une dent contre ce gars.
- You had a good time, right?
- Tu as eu un bon moment, non?
I didn't know that you had a...
J'ignorais que vous aviez...
And then as the climax, you had a gladiatorial combat, and there was the feeling that gladiators were the headline act.
Le clou du spectacle, c'était les combats de gladiateurs. Il était clair que les gladiateurs étaient les vedettes incontestées des Jeux.
You say that like you had a choice.
Vous dites ça comme si vous aviez le choix.
You had already gone up The Bridge, but then you had to redo everything at a certain point.
Tu avais déjà monté Le Pont, mais ensuite tu as dû tout refaire à un certain moment.
Mr. President, I heard you had already seen and approved it.
On m'a dit que le projet de loi avait été examiné et approuvé par vous, monsieur.
[Hensley ] Now you had your Aryan Brotherhood, you had your Black Gangster Disciples, you had a little bit of the Crips, a little bit of Bloods in there... [ inmate whistles] and you had your black Muslim inmates.
Il y avait la Fraternité aryenne, les Black Gangster Disciples, il y avait des Crips, des Bloods... et des détenus noirs musulmans.
Kari, it's been three weeks, isn't it time you had a haircut?
Kari, ça fait trois semaines. Une coupe de cheveux s'impose.
But you are wearing a tan line, meaning you removed it before you walked in here and that you had a holiday recently.
Mais vous avez une marque de bronzage, alors vous l'avez retirée juste avant d'entrer et vous revenez de vacances.
You see, Stan had a slam dunk, A-1 felony possession case on Nicky.
Stan avait gagné d'avance, une affaire de recel contre Nicky.
He had me rewire the elevator so that when you select "roof," it went to the basement instead.
Il m'a fait reprogrammer l'ascenseur pour qu'en appuyant sur "toit", il aille au sous sol à la place.
We knew we had to get a line out to you with our location.
On savait qu'on devait vous informer de notre position.
The same way you had me run a background check on Raimy's softball coach?
De la même façon que tu m'as fait regarder les antécédents du prof de softball de Raimy?
Steve Fishman had a restraining order against you.
Steve Fishman a une ordonnance restrictive contre vous.
You had no idea what a jackpot you'd hit with me.
Vous n'avez pas idée du jackpot que j'aurais pu être.
She had a rich, full life because of you.
Elle a eu une belle vie grâce à toi.
Why didn't he just kill you then when he had the chance?
Pourquoi il ne t'a pas tué quand il en a eu l'opportunité?
I would never disrespect what we had, but I told you months ago we did what we did and it's over now.
Je ne cracherai jamais sur ce qu'on a vécu, mais il y a des mois que je t'ai dit que notre histoire était terminée.
I had a great time last night, you know?
J'ai passé un super moment hier soir, tu sais?
Remember when you had to leave Latvia because you weren't good enough to be a professional basketball player, and you came back home to be a full time babysitter?
Et quand tu as dû quitter la Lettonie parce que tu n'étais pas assez bon pour être un basketteur professionnel, et que tu es revenu à la maison pour être baby-sitter à temps plein?
Imagine a world where you woke up one morning and instead of your face, Look. - you had Donovan's face.
Imagine un monde où tu te réveilles un matin et à la place de ton visage, tu as le visage de Donovan.
That's a dad joke that I would've assumed I would have heard you make had you been around more.
C'est une blague de papa que tu aurais pu faire si tu avais été plus présent.
- Had you drawn a picture poo-poo, would that have been a good gift for my Cece?
- Si tu avais dessiné un caca, est-ce que ça aurait été un bon cadeau pour ma Cece?
Miranda was supposed to tell you in person, but then she had an emergency.
Miranda devait te le dire en personne mais elle a eu une urgence.
I had a feeling you didn't like being my handler, but to push me out, take my spot, to betray me...
J'avais le sentiment que tu n'aimais pas être ma superviseuse, mais me faire partir, prendre ma place, me trahir...
You know, Henry, we had a deal.
Tu sais, Henry, nous avions un accord.
You know, Henry, we had a deal.
Tu sais, Henry, on avait un accord.
A case you would never have had if it wasn't for Susie Freeling.
Un dossier que vous n'auriez jamais eu si ce n'était pour Susie Freeling.
You are atop of a system that managed one of the largest empires the world had ever known.
Ils étaient à la tête d'un système qui régissait le plus grand empire au monde.
If you look at the city of Pompeii, there are 13,000 examples of it that survive in a town that had a population of probably only that size.
Prenez Pompéi, par exemple. On a trouvé 13 000 graffitis dans cette ville qui comptait sûrement autant d'habitants.
While many people may accuse Commodus of having been paranoid, if you've been raised with this power from birth, there had to have been a legitimate concern on the part of Commodus that there is something to be feared.
On a souvent accusé Commode d'être paranoïaque. Mais ayant hérité d'un tel pouvoir à la naissance, on ne peut nier que Commode avait des raisons de se méfier.
And you could tell right away they had a New York attitude.
Et leur attitude était new-yorkaise.
And, um... he had me stay back, you know, when everybody else left, and, basically, we had sex.
Et, heu... il m'avait fait rester, tu sais, quand tout le monde était parti, et, pour tout dire, on a eu des relations sexuelles.
You know, like, I had a security guard on me, and then a person sleeping outside the door.
Tu vois le genre, j'avais un gardien de sécurité sur le dos, et en plus une personne qui dormait à l'extérieur de la porte.
I wish I had a dad like you, Mike.
J'aurais aimé avoir un père comme toi, Mike.
She has had her family destroyed because she stood up and said, "No, you have lied to me."
Elle a vu sa famille détruite parce qu'elle s'est levée pour dire : "Non, vous m'avez menti."
"Have you ever had a critical thought about L. Ron Hubbard?"
"As-tu jamais eu une pensée critique envers L. Ron Hubbard?"
to, uh, "Have you had sex with a dog?"
à, heu, "As-tu eu des relations sexuelles avec un chien?"
[Snodgrass] I was a rec worker, and I had access to a lot of, you know, things that the Muslims wanted, and one of them was ball bats.
Je m'occupais des activités et j'avais accès à un tas de choses qui intéressaient les musulmans, comme les battes de base-ball.
But wait, you said he had a clean record, so he wouldn't have a prior.
Tu as dit que son casier était vierge, qu'il n'avait pas d'antécédents.
It's over a foot long, it weighs almost two pounds, and you had to charge it for ten hours just to get a 30-minute conversation.
Il mesure plus de 30 cm, pèse près d'un kilo, et il faut le recharger dix heures pour avoir une conversation de 30 minutes.
Now, if you had enough of these cog wheels in enough sizes, you could make an entire musical scale.
Si on a assez de rouages de tailles différentes, on peut faire une gamme musicale entière.
I told you I had a jet.
Je vous avais dit que j'avais un jet.
We knew the kidnapper had said not to call the police, but we did not hesitate to call them, because you need the police's help in a kidnapping situation.
Le ravisseur avait précisé de ne pas appeler la police, mais on n'a pas hésité à le faire, parce qu'il faut l'aide de la police dans une telle situation.
And in the end, you had to go, effectively, through the Russian authorities.
Au bout du compte, on a dû faire appel aux autorités russes.
A believing person who had compassion in the heart, you know, and that is Yolande Korkie.
Une croyante capable de compassion, voilà ce qu'est Yolande Korkie.
You did not tell her that we haven't had sex yet.
Tu lui as dit qu'on n'a pas consommé le mariage?
When I think of my life just a year ago and now... how different things would be if my father had died or you had said no instead of yes.
Quand je pense à ma vie il y a un an et maintenant... comme les choses seraient différentes si mon père était mort ou si tu avais dit non au lieu de oui.
you had a bad day 18
you had an accident 24
you had a gun 20
you had a choice 41
you had a vision 21
you had an affair 18
you had a bad dream 17
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had sex 37
you had an accident 24
you had a gun 20
you had a choice 41
you had a vision 21
you had an affair 18
you had a bad dream 17
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had sex 37