You had it traduction Français
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- You had it rough recently.
- Ça a été dur pour vous récemment.
Anything you would have done differently if you had to do it again?
Ce que vous feriez différemment, si c'était à refaire?
Yeah, you had to have seen it, it was a show.
Tu as dû le voir, c'était une série.
Why it always you had to go first?
Pourquoi les plus vieux partent-ils en premier?
Why do you think it had something to do with her?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser qu'elle en était la raison?
We had privacy, if you want to call it that.
On restait entre nous, si on veut le dire comme ça.
We've had a rough year, but you know what? I'm not gonna mess it up over some stupid fucking friend request. Just keep talking to your ex.
On a eu une année difficile mais je vais pas tout gâcher pour une demande d'ami.
So if you're going to be having sex that could result in pregnancy, and you haven't had this conversation with the woman that you're having sex with, you better have it.
Donc si vous êtes sur le point de faire l'amour et que cela se transforme en grossesse, et que vous n'en avez pas discuté avec la femme avec qui vous avez couché, Vous feriez mieux d'en discuter.
If you loved someone and lost them and had a chance to make it right?
Vous avez l'opportunité de récupérer une femme aimée.
What is it you had to put behind you?
Que fallait-il oublier?
I thought you had it there.
Je croyais que tu l'avions.
It's the very dream you had.
C'est exactement votre rêve.
Have you thought about how difficult it must be for Merry growing up the daughter of someone who's had so much attention for something as trivial as beauty?
Avez-vous songé à la difficulté que ça doit présenter d'être la fille d'une mère qui a attiré tant d'attention pour une chose aussi triviale que la beauté?
And I would have liked it if you had come. I would have... fucking hated it.
- J'aurais détesté.
You didn't say we had to do it in order, sir.
Vous n'avez pas parlé d'ordre.
You're goddamn right it's my party, and I had to drag it into the light kicking and screaming every inch of the way.
Un peu que c'est ma fête, et j'ai sué sang et eau pour la mettre au monde.
If I had known it was your birthday, I would have gotten you a present.
Si j'avais su que c'était votre anniversaire, j'aurais apporté un cadeau.
Are you saying witchcraft had nothing to do with it?
Tu dis que la sorcellerie n'avait rien à y voir?
I had it right in my hand, and you acted like I wasn't even there!
Je l'avais dans la main, t'as feint de ne pas me voir!
But it had run its course, you know.
She had her own dreams of becoming a star back in the day, and she gave it up to have me, so I really owe her for that, and I'm lucky to have her support. You wanna go first? I'll go first.
Jeune, elle rêvait aussi d'être une star, et elle y a renoncé pour m'élever, donc je lui suis reconnaissant, j'ai de la chance qu'elle soit là.
I had it specially made for you, man.
Je l'ai fait faire pour toi.
- Why didn't you tell us, why didn't you report it? - Monty, we had a lead.
- Tu ne nous l'as pas dit.
You're here because you think he had something to do with it.
Vous êtes ici parce que vous pensez qu'il à quelque chose à voir avec ça.
Whatever leash you had him on, you better get him back on it.
Quel qu'est été la manière, tu ferais mieux de le maintenir en laisse.
The guys, um... they had a little cake, you know, and a little something for me down at the station. It was...
Les collègues ont... ils ont fait un gâteau, tu sais, et... une fête pour moi, une fête au commissariat.
Interestingly enough, we've had a few calls, places that I can't tell you where they were, but listen, let's put it this way :
Ce qui est intéressant, c'est que nous avons eu des appels d'endroits que je ne pouvais même pas localiser, mais, on va dire que c'était les endroits les plus branchés de la ville
You know how much bare feet, if you had that privilege in your cell, and they didn't notice you wasn't wearing your shower flip-flops in your downtime, all you felt was that cold concrete with boogers and jizz on it.
Vous savez, si on se mettait pieds nus quand on le pouvait dans notre cellule ou quand on portait pas les sandales sous la douche, sans que les gardes le remarquent, tout ce qu'on sentait, c'? tait du ciment froid couvert de crottes de nez et de sperme.
Well, I had a guy use a knitting needle once. You could see right through it to the ankle bone with that one.
Un de mes patients utilisait une aiguille à tricoter.
She had a rather rough ride of it, just like you.
Elle a eu une arrivée un peu difficile, tout comme vous.
I always thought you had one chance at it and that's it.
J'ai toujours pensé qu'on avait qu'une seule chance et c'était tout.
- If you'd've asked me a couple of days ago, Fred, you could've had it, and welcome.
- Si vous m'aviez demandé plus tôt, je vous l'aurais volontiers donné.
You've had it for three weeks now.
Vous l'avez depuis trois semaines maintenant.
I bet you've never had anyone make you a cup of Bournvita with a tot of Johnny Walker in it, either.
Je parie que jamais personne ne t'a préparé une tasse de chocolat avec une lichette de whisky dedans.
- You think I'd do it if I had a choice?
- Tu crois que je le ferais si j'avais le choix?
You had a wretched start and there was nothing you could do about it.
Vous avez eu une enfance malheureuse et vous ne pouvez rien y changer.
I knew it had to be you.
Je savais que c'était toi.
You had to do it, I guess.
Il fallait le faire, j'imagine.
Call it what you will, but... like it or not, I finally accepted that that someone had to be me.
Appelle ça comme tu veux, mais que ça te plaise ou non, j'ai enfin accepté que ce soit moi.
So, you wouldn't have done it if you had known?
Tu ne l'aurais pas fait, alors, si tu avais su?
Whatever you paid, it had to be steep.
Quel que soit le prix, ça devait être raide.
You had no problem with it.
Toi, tu n'as pas eu de problème avec ça.
It looks like you might have had a seizure.
Il semble que tu aies eu une sorte de crise.
You think O.J. had time to do it?
Vous pensez qu'OJ a eu le temps de faire ça?
You had him believing it, all of them fooled. - And you lied.
Vous l'avez fait gober à tous, et vous avez menti.
You ran the Gauntlet trying to find your place in life and yet destiny had already found it for you.
Vous avez exécuté le Gauntlet essayer de trouver votre place dans la vie et pourtant le destin avait déjà trouvé pour vous.
- Yes. If you had to hear this, I wanted you to hear it from me.
Si vous deviez l'apprendre, je voulais que ce soit de ma bouche.
Bitch had it coming, calling fucking MPs on you.
Elle l'a méritée, Elle t'a dénoncé aux militaires.
Well, you know, if it was me who had all them jewels..... I think I'd just sit with them..... look at them..... touch'em.
Et bien, tu vois, si ces joyaux étaient à moi... je m'assoirais avec eux... les regarderais... les toucherais.
Saw you two had some history and it all kind of... came together.
J'ai vu que vous aviez un passé commun, et tout s'est enchaîné.
It will be as though you had never existed.
Ce sera comme si jamais vous n'aviez existé.
you had it coming 17
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had me worried 35
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had no idea 21
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had me worried 35
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had no idea 21