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You had enough traduction Français

2,147 traduction parallèle
Have you had enough yet?
En as-tu enfin assez?
Nicki, I wanna know why you had enough time to go shopping but not enough time to take care of your responsibilities here.
Je veux savoir pourquoi tu as eu le temps de faire des achats, mais pas d'honorer tes responsabilités.
At one time you had enough hair that a woman could grab it with both her hands.
A une époque, tu avais assez de cheveux pour qu'une femme puisse s'y accrocher à deux mains.
You had enough?
Tu en as assez?
Dr. Hill said you had enough in your system right now.
Le Dr Hill dit que vous en avez assez dans le sang.
Because that's when I knew that you had enough heart to take whatever life was going to throw at you.
Parce que j'ai su que tu avais assez de coeur pour encaisser ce que la vie t'infligerait.
It was to be expected, Amos, that after you two argued he decided he'd had enough and left the village.
Il fallait s'y attendre. Après votre dispute, il a en eu assez et a quitté le village.
- I've had enough of you!
- J'en ai marre de vous!
I've had enough of you.
You've had enough to eat.
Tu as assez mangé.
You've had enough heads.
Cela suffit!
There you go, only had enough sugar for one each.
Tenez. J'avais que deux sucres. Ça fait rien, merci.
How about, you've had enough?
Et si t'arrêtais?
I've about had enough of you!
Tu commences à m'énerver!
I have had enough of you!
J'en ai marre de toi!
Don't you think you've had enough to drink?
Vous ne pensez pas que vous avez assez bu?
I've had quite enough carriage exercise, and this is charming, if rustic. I wouldn't blame Your Majesty if you wanted to ride on.
Je ne vous blâmerai pas, Votre Majesté, si vous voulez continuer votre route.
Make sure he has had enough before you put him down.
Assure-toi qu'il a assez mangé.
Be honest, Ben. Have you had enough?
Sois honnête, Ben.
I can't believe I was stupid enough to let you in my head make me think Vic had something to do with Terry dying.
J'ai été assez stupide pour douter et croire que Vic avait tué Terry.
You know, I think I've had enough...
Je pense que je vais arrêter là...
- You've had enough! - There's never enough!
D'accord, ça en fait plus pour moi.
I think you've had enough caffeine.
Vous pouvez arrêter la caféine.
Felicia, I think you've had enough.
Ça suffit.
I think you've had enough lemonade, mister.
Je pense que vous avez bu assez de limonade, monsieur.
I'll tell you when I've had enough lemonade, mister.
Je VOUS dirais quand j'aurai bu assez de limonade, monsieur.
But her parents finally had enough of both of us, so they petitioned the court for custody of Jenny for a year. Just long enough for me and Nicki to prove that we can keep our lives together, you know.
Mais ses parents ont fini par en avoir assez de nous deux, alors ils ont déposé une requête pour avoir la garde de Jenny pendant un an, juste le temps que Nicki et moi on puisse prouver qu'on arrive à maintenir nos vies en ordre, tu vois?
Don't you think maybe Mom's had enough?
Papa, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chez toi?
But her parents finally had enough of both of us, so they petitioned the court for custody of Jenny for a year, just long enough for me and Nicki to prove that we can keep our lives together, you know?
Très bien, Haley James Scott, je te déclare maintenant... fabuleuse! Est-ce qu'elle te plaît? Tu es sans voix.
Don't you think maybe mom's had enough?
Oh, d'accord.
- You've had enough!
- Tu as assez bu.
I think you've had enough for the both of us.
Je pense que tu en as assez fait pour nous deux.
I don't know what's going on with you but I've had enough.
Je ne sais pas ce qui te prend, mais j'en ai assez.
You'd had enough, hadn't you?
Vous en avez eu assez, n'est-ce pas?
You haven't had enough?
T'en veux encore?
You've had enough already!
Tu en as déja eu assez!
I've had enough of you! Just enough! What have you done!
Je ne peux plus te supporter!
You've had enough.
Tu as assez bu.
- Haven't you had enough?
- Mais vous êtes pas écoeurés?
How much more pain do you need to cause me before you think I've had enough?
Combien de temps me feras-tu encore souffrir avant d'estimer que j'en ai eu assez?
You've had enough.
Tu en as assez.
Okay, I think you've had enough.
Bon, je crois que tu en as assez bu.
I think you've had enough.
Je pense que vous en avez eu assez.
Do you know what Carl had to say that was important enough to get Mr. Curtis a new trial?
Savez-vous ce qui était important au point que M. Curtis ait un nouveau procès?
You've had enough, haven't you?
Vous en avez eu assez, n'est-ce pas,
I think you've had enough exercise for today, Lizzy.
Je pense que tu as fait assez d'exercice pour aujourd'hui.
I've had enough out of you today.
J'en assez de vous aujourd'hui.
I think you've had enough to drink.
Je crois que tu as assez bu.
- I think you've had enough.
- Je crois que tu en as eu assez.
I've had enough of you.
J'en assez de vous.
when we haven't had enough You work and Mom works and you both work for an emergency situation... and you're gonna make money and continue to make lots of money.
- où nous n'avons pas eu assez d'argent... - vous travaillez tous les deux. - dans des cas d'urgence.

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