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There's no such thing as unconditional love with human beings.
Não há amor incondicional nos seres humanos.
- This is great! If you're a... Bachelor pushing 50 and you need to impress women.
Isso é ótimo se você é solteiro, chegando nos 50 e quer impressionar as mulheres.
- I never want back on your desk, Harvey, and I'm here to tell you that your honeymoon as Managing Partner is over.
Nunca quis que voltasse. Estou aqui para dizer que sua lua de mel como diretor acabou.
I called and made an appointment with the wedding team for us to go over some menu options.
Porque agora que será no Plaza, marquei uma reunião lá para vermos as opções do cardápio.
They said they can't disclose it because it would violate HIPAA rules.
Não podem liberar porque viola as regras. Droga.
- If I'm being truthful with you, I was never gonna get where I wanted to be as long as I was there.
Estou sendo sincero, eu nunca estaria onde gostaria, se continuasse lá.
He went out on a limb, and now I have been promoted to a position that people think I'm not ready for.
Ele correu um risco. Fui promovida para um cargo e as pessoas acham que não estou pronta.
You already threw everything you had at us once. - Didn't make a dent.
Você jogou todas as cartas de uma vez.
And if you take this deal, you're never gonna get the answers you want.
Se aceitar o acordo, jamais terá as respostas que quer.
- I'm not giving up your clients, Alex. I do that, I might as well let you go.
Não vou desistir de seus clientes, nem de você.
- You're gonna go back to finding out who's feeding them inside information, and you two are gonna figure out who they're coming after first.
Você vai procurar quem está passando as informações. E vocês dois vão descobrir quem será atacado primeiro.
As soon as I started looking in the right places, all the apples started falling from the tree.
Quando procurei direito, as maçãs caíram das árvores.
- You go over there and do this, you sure as hell better make it work.
Vá lá e faça isso, e tenha certeza de que funcionará.
Just like I also prepared something for you to sign saying you won't so much as look at any of our clients for the next ten years.
Também preparei um para você assinar, dizendo que não se aproximará de nossos clientes em 10 anos.
You called Tommy Bratton and gave him the roadmap to me and Louis, and I wanna know why.
Ligou para Bratton, e deu as informações, quero saber por quê.
- Jessica, I called you for advice, not so that you'd go behind the scenes - and manipulate things.
Jessica, pedi seu conselho, não pedi para manipular as coisas.
- Well, it doesn't matter when it is. As long as you're happy.
Não importa quando será, desde que esteja feliz.
Every conversation with my dad is like an M. Night Shyamalan movie. It's just 90 minutes of build-up to no payoff.
Todas as conversas com o meu pai são como um filme do M. Night Shyamalan, onde é 90 minutos a criar suspense para não dar em nada.
In the photo he's like, "You had better get all As."
Não se vê na foto, mas pensa : "É bom que tenhas só vintes."
Ira Glass says children are our future. "
O Ira Glass diz que as crianças são o nosso futuro. "
Every brown birthday party.
Em todas as festas de cor.
People ask, "Where does that come from?" Look at this kid's parents.
E as pessoas perguntam-se de onde vem isto. Olhem para os pais dele.
But I was like, " Hang on to your cards.
Mas pensei : " Guarda as tuas cartas.
Like, I had vision as a six-year-old.
Estava muito à frente com seis anos.
Why do you do this to your daughters? Every single brown mother makes your daughter quinceañera dress, chop cuts.
Não sei por que as mães de cor fazem isto, mas todas vestem as filhas num vestido quinceañera e corte à tigela.
And as an elder brother, I felt entitled to that bike.
Como irmão mais velho, senti que tinha direito à bicicleta.
Clothes, culture, money.
As roupas, a cultura, o dinheiro.
Isn't life like biryani, where you push the weird shit to the side?
A vida não é como um biryani, onde pomos as coisas esquisitas de lado?
"What will people think?"
"O que irão as pessoas pensar?"
Because I've played all my cards.
Porque já joguei as cartas todas.
Me and Dad run outside and all the windows on the Camry are smashed in.
Corremos lá para fora e as janelas todas do Camry estão estilhaçadas.
BMX bikes aside.
Fora as bicicletas BMX.
But as soon as I say that...
Mas assim que eu digo isso...
Dad, you're the guy that will argue with the cashier at Costco when he doesn't let you return used underwear. And now you want to be the bigger man?
Pai, és o tipo que se põe a discutir com o caixa da Costco quando não te deixa devolver as cuecas usadas e agora estás armado em superior?
But isn't it our job to push the needle forward little by little?
Mas não é o nosso dever puxar as coisas um bocadinho?
As immigrants we always have to put on these press releases to prove our patriotism.
Como imigrantes, temos sempre de fazer estes comunicados a provar patriotismo.
And I know the privilege debate is very heavy for white people.
E eu sei que a questão do privilégio é muito intensa para as pessoas brancas.
His rules with me were very simple.
As regras dele eram muito simples.
I was like, "I've got to go."
E eu disse : "Olha, tenho de ir. Olha as horas."
Because she knew the rules.
Porque ela conhecia as regras.
She knew the rules.
Conhecia as regras.
I have to change my pants.
Tenho de mudar as calças.
What are the chances? "
Quais são as hipóteses? "
As soon as I said that, I was like, "No!" I had bitten off more than I could chew.
Mas assim que disse isso, pensei : "Não! Tive mais olhos que barriga!"
So my slacks don't get caught up in the chains.
Assim as calças não se prendem nas correntes da bicicleta.
Fast enough to get there, but slow enough to not get pit stains.
Rápido para lá chegar, mas lento para evitar as manchas de suor.
Who was I to ruin their picture-perfect celebration?
Quem era eu para estragar as comemorações deles?
I didn't know that people could be bigoted even as they were smiling at you.
Não sabia que as pessoas podiam ser intolerantes, mesmo a sorrir para nós.
Same with the florist.
E as flores também.
- go over as much as possible. - Of course.
Sim, claro.
- As long as I don't tell you, you're not party to it.
- Como assim?

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