Bear down traduction Portugais
209 traduction parallèle
Now bear down on it.
Agora abaixem.
- He's sure gonna bear down on me.
- Vai contar muito a meu favor.
Bear down on that throttle.
Carregue no acelerador.
And mowing lawns in the dark so you wouldn't be stoking furnaces and could bear down on the books.
Além de cortar grama no escuro, para você não ter que alimentar fornos e poder estudar.
No, no. Show no mercy! Bear down on me!
Sem piedade, invista sobre mim.
That's one Bear down, 11 to go.
Um Bear já está, já só faltam 11.
Okay, Billy, bear down now.
Muito bem, Billy, aguenta.
Bear down, that's what they say in the hospital.
Tenha calma, é o que dizem no hospital.
Bear down. Push.
Aguenta firme.
He's gonna bear down on me and soft-soap you.
Vai ser duro comigo e mansinho contigo.
Bear down.
Put that moldy, old bear down.
Pousa o urso velho e bolorento!
- Push! Bear down now.
Força agora!
Bear down on her!
Dê ø luz!
- Bear down.
- Agache-se.
Bear down!
Vamos lá!
Bear down! Come on, bear down!
Vamos lá, força agora!
When you feel a contraction, bear down.
Quando sentir uma contracção, aguente-a.
All right, bear down.
- E faz força!
Put the teddy bear down.
Larga o urso de peluche.
Bear down.
Bear down, baby! Bear down!
If he'd only break down and say he's going up there... because he simply can't bear her another day.
Se ele me dissesse que ia pra lá, porque não a suporta mais...
I can't bear to see you break down.
Não suporto vê-lo destroçado.
Let every soldier hew him down a bough. And bear't before him.
Que cada soldado... derrube um galho... e leve-o diante de si.
Her grandfather is Bear Ghost, black foot medicine cheif. He all the time wants to get his granddaughter back he ask Recain to come down and buy her.
O avô dela é o Urso Fantasma, ele é Pajé dos pés pretos... muito bom Pajé, e a toda hora, ele quer a neta de volta.
He's tryin'to grin down a bear.
Está a matar um urso à risada.
Stay, you that bear the corse... and set it down.
Detenha-os! Vocês que levam os despojos e deixam na terra.
Cruise up and down Bear Canyon.
Patrulhem o Desfiladeiro do Osso.
But the water was rising, and the tide was coming in and all she did down there was fuss about her teddy bear getting wet.
Mas a água sobe com a maré e ela só pensa no Ursinho.
After we surfed, we'd go down to the old pier to the Bear's shop. Bear made our boards and told stories.
Depois de surfarmos, íamos para o paredao para a loja do Bear, que fazia as pranchas e contava histórias.
Bear down.
I can't bear to look down from a height.
Não posso olhar assim do alto.
We'll track them down through Daniel Running Bear.
Vamos localizá-los através do Daniel Running Bear.
I just spilled some coffee and a bear claw all over my uniform... and I can't get down there to grab the other one.
Acabei de sujar o meu uniforme com café e um bolo e não posso ir aí abaixo buscar outro.
If he'd only break down and say he's going up there because he simply can't bear her another day.
Se ele me dissesse que ia pra lá, porque não a suporta mais...
Well, my... horse broke down and a bear ate my boots... and I just forgot my hat.
Bem, o meu... cavalo avariou-se, um urso comeu-me as botas... e esqueci-me do meu chapéu.
Awe, you faced that bear down you did.
- Mas enfrentou o urso.
- It'll put down a bear for an hour.
Consegue pôr um urso de 200 kg a dormir durante uma hora.
Is that a polar bear directing'traffic down there?
Aquilo é um urso polar a orientar o trânsito?
Just calm down, Bear.
- Acalma-te, Bear.
A large bearlike animal, most likely a bear... has wandered down from the hills in search of food or, perhaps, employment.
Um grande animal parecido com um urso, provavelmente um urso, desceu das montanhas em busca de comida ou de emprego.
Drop down! Bear crawl, goddamn it!
Estão muito lentos.
But I couldn't bear it down there.
Mas eu não suportava estar lá em baixo.
- Hey, Bear! Met this guy down at the bowling alley.
Conheci este tipo no bowling.
Demetrius, thou dost overween in all, and so in this, to bear me down with braves.
Demétrio, exageras sempre! E julgas-te melhor que eu?
Unable to bear this humiliation, the British government decided to shut down the Champaner cantonment.
Incapaz de suportar esta humilhação, o governo britânico decidiu encerrar o acantonamento de Champaner.
The cow and the bear shall feed. Their young shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
A vaca pastará com a vas, suas crias se tornarão juntas, e o leão comerá palha como o boi.
He tries to act tough, but deep down inside he's a soft teddy bear.
Ele tenta parecer duro mas, no interior é um peluche fofo.
Pooh-Bear goes down, nobody gets hurt.
O Pooh-Bear é engavetado, ninguém se magoa.
They're going to tear down country bear hall.
Vão derrubar o Galpão dos Ursos Caipiras.
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41
down in one 23
down in front 26
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41
down in one 23
down in front 26