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But she died traduction Portugais

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My mama loved me, but she died.
A minha mãe gostava de mim, mas morreu.
Yes, but she died without revealing where she hid the evidence.
Sim, mas morreu sem dizer onde escondeu as provas.
I was married before, you know, but she died.
Fui casado antes. Ela morreu.
But she died.
Mas ela morreu.
Had she lived, I would certainly never had married anyone else but she died and left with one child,
Se não tivesse morrido, não me tinha casado com mais ninguém, mas ela morreu e deixou um filho...
Bullet entered right of her navel and lodged in her lumbar spine, but she died of strangulation.
A bala alojou-se na coluna, mas ela morreu por estrangulamento.
- Oh, I know. These things are difficult, but she died peacefully in her sleep.
Estas coisas são difíceis, mas ela teve uma morte santa.
She was struck with a blunt object, but she died from loss of blood.
Ela foi atingida com um objecto rombo, mas morreu devido à hemorragia.
reading it you will see Jeanne as she really was - not in helmet and armour, but simple and human a young woman who died for her country
Lendo este registo vemos Jeanne tal como ela era, não de elmo e armadura, mas simples e humana, mas uma jovem que morreu pelo seu país
But she was so young and she died so cruelly.
Mas ela era tão jovem e morreu tão cruelmente.
As a matter of fact. She died on her wedding night. But I think I better not tell you the circumstances
Não, por acaso ela morreu na noite de núpcias mas acho melhor não explicar as circunstâncias até nos conhecermos melhor.
She sensed that something pretty deep was wrong... but before she could get at the truth, he died.
Achou que algo estava errado... mas antes que pudesse saber a verdade, Mark morreu.
Queen Enid had died, but the rumor that she had given birth to a son continued to plague King Aella.
A Rainha Enid morrera, mas o rumor de que ela tinha dado à luz um filho continuava a atormentar o Rei Aella.
- My mother used to get letters, but after she died, he didn't write anymore.
- Minha mãe costumava receber cartas, mas depois que ela morreu, ele não escreveu mais.
She fainted.I ran to get her water but she must have died.
Eu corri para lhe trazer água... mas ela deve ter morrido. Sou o primo dele.
She not only embraced my ideals but even died for them.
Ela não só abraçou os meus ideais Sharda, mas morreu por eles.
Elizabeth is a headstrong woman, especially since her own baby died two weeks ago, but she's given her consent to be sold.
A Elizabeth é uma mulher teimosa, especialmente desde que o seu próprio bebé morreu há duas semanas, mas consentiu em ser vendida.
But before she died she taught it to you.
Mas ela lhe ensinou antes de morrer. Não.
Mommy says thanks, but she doesn't go to parties since Daddy died.
Ela agradece, mas não vai a festas desde a morte do pai.
They all died but one, and she died later on.
Todas morreram, excepto uma, e essa morreu mais tarde.
Someone else died too, and the cops are after her. - But she's done a runner.
Morreu outro em Valência e andam à procura dela, mas desapareceu.
But when she died she went straight to Heaven.
Mas quando ela morreu foi direita para o céu.
When he died, he left all his money in trust for his wife, Belle. But if she dies before me, I inherit...
Quando morreu, deixou tudo à mulher, a Belle, mas se ela morresse antes de mim, eu herdaria...
But, er, however, just before the war, her father died, so she was able to go to Bern and have an operation, which was a success.
Mas a operação deixou uma marca no pescoço, daí as pérolas.
Her husband died, but she's alive.
Sei que seu marido morreu, mas ela penso que não.
She died, but didn't hand in her dinner pail.
Mas não entregou a marmita do jantar.
Mary Magdalene died but Mary, Lazarus's sister she lives.
Maria Madalena morreu, mas Maria, a irmã de Lázaro, está viva.
Amanda knew more than she'd let on, but the only clue she'd left me was a reference to Aunt Belle changing her will just before she died.
A Amanda sabia mais do que revelara, mas a única pista que me deu foi dizer que a tia Belle mudara o testamento antes de morrer.
Always liked a drink... high spirits... But after our little girl died, she downed more and more, joyless.
Sempre gostou de beber... era alegre... mas depois de a nossa filha morrer, entristeceu-se mais e mais, perdeu a alegria.
They may say she died of a burst ventricle but I know she died of a broken heart.
Não, Jasper. Eles que digam o que disserem, mas eu sei que ela morreu de desgosto amoroso.
But she almost died when Father Ignacio told her that he had heard that Gertrudis worked in a brothel near the border.
- vá-se saber como o soube ele... que a Gertrudis trabalhava num bordel junto à fronteira.
Well, my mom died in her forties... but she was dead way before that.
Bem, a minha mãe morreu nos 40. Já tinha morrido antes disso.
Because she loved us so much, she tried hard to be one after he died, but when the plague killed our cattle, something inside her broke and never mended.
Como nos amava muito, tentou sê-lo depois de ele morrer. Mas quando a praga dizimou o nosso gado, algo dentro dela quebrou e nunca mais recuperou.
But if she goes on Geraldo and starts talking about how her boy died with one of my pacemakers in his chest, well, my whole company goes down the crapper.
Mas se vai à televisão dizer que o filho morreu com um dos meus pacemakers, a empresa vai por água abaixo.
Now, you children may not know it... but there was once an evil witch... and she died a horrible death.
Vocês, meninos, podem não saber, mas em tempos existiu uma bruxa má que sofreu uma morte terrível.
But I pray you both, possess the people in Messina here how innocent she died.
É impossível. Mas informal ambos a população de Messina da inocência dela.
She died, my lord, but whiles her slander lived.
Morreu apenas enquanto foi difamada.
Finally, they released her and she was on a boat to America to reunite with us. But she was served some bad fish and she died on the high seas.
Finalmente libertaram-na e veio de barco juntar-se a nós, na América mas serviram-lhe peixe estragado e morreu no alto mar.
That might have allowed Grilka to become head of the family, even though she's a woman but if Kozak died in an honorable fight was defeated simply by a better opponent then no dispensation would have been granted and without a male heir, the House will fall.
Isso podia ter permitido a Grilka tornar-se chefe da família apesar de ser mulher. Mas se o Kozak morreu numa luta honrada, foi simplesmente derrotado por um adversário melhor, nenhuma dispensa teria sido concedida. E sem herdeiro masculino, a casa vai cair.
Yeah, but I thought she died.
Pensava que ela tinha morrido.
I know her mother just died in a nuthouse but she's got a job to do.
Sei que a mãe morreu no manicómio, mas há trabalho a fazer.
She lived in Singapore, but then her husband died, and now she's the housekeeper at a hostel, a student hostel in Hickory Road.
Vivia em Singapura, mas ficou viúva e agora é governanta duma residência. Uma residência de estudantes, em Hickory Road.
But then she died and it was harder to argue with her.
Mas, depois, ela morreu e tornou-se mais difícil discutir com ela.
When she died I was already doing grad work, but Michael was in high school.
Quando ela morreu eu já era licenciado, mas o Michael ainda estava no liceu.
But his real love was Carol Martinez, Hell's Kitchen's half-breed. Half Puerto Rican, half Irish, she was raised by her father, her mother having died at childbirth.
Mas a paixão dele era Carol Martinez, uma mestiça de Hell's Kitchen, irlandesa e porto-riquenha criada pelo pai.
But if Grainger is right and she died of liver failure, no you couldn't.
Se Grainger tem razão e ela morreu de doença hepática, não podia.
But I myself believe that, the night she died, she has also taken a capsule which, slowly, has spread its poison and killed her.
Mas creio que, nessa noite, ela ingeriu também uma cápsula que, lentamente, espalhou o seu veneno e a matou.
But the truth is she died And someday you will too
Mas a verdade é que morreu E um dia vocês também vão marar
So you... you used me to figure out who it was and then you killed her, but, you know, you were too late, because Korenna gave me the Iast of her memories before she died.
Então vocês... vocês me usaram para descobrir que era esta pessoa e então mataram ela, mas, saibam que chegaram muito tarde, porque Korenna deu-me o restante de suas memórias antes de morrer.
She may have suffered, but she may have died without ever waking up.
Esmagou os comprimidos e misturou-os no vinho. Por que faria isso?
but you have no medical basis to say that she died peacefully.
Não sei ao certo.

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