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But she was traduction Portugais

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Yeah, but she was so sweet, and now she's so... I don't know.
É, mas ela era tão doce, e agora é tão...
I tried to get her to go to the police, the Dean, anybody, but she was too scared.
Tentei convencê-la a ir à polícia. Ao director. A alguém.
He was fond of her, but she was young and fickle and broke his heart.
Ele gostava dela, mas ela era jovem e inconstante e partiu-lhe o coração.
And she also had blunt force trauma, but she was strangled to death with her bride-to-be sash.
E ela também teve um trauma com objecto contundente, mas foi estrangulada até a morte com a faixa de futura noiva.
But she was recovered without clothes on.
Mas ela foi recuperada sem roupas vestidas.
Abby agreed, but she was never really happy about it.
A Abby concordou mas nada satisfeita.
It was a misguided attempt, but she was trying to be an adult.
Foi uma decisão errada, mas ela estava a tentar ser adulta.
She had a little bit of a drug problem, but she was a very talented girl.
Tinha problemas com a droga, mas era uma rapariga muito talentosa.
I tried reaching out to my mother, but she was in Bible study.
- Tentei falar com a minha mãe, mas ela estava no estudo da Bíblia.
Not that she was boring, but I mean, you know, seamstress.
Não que ela fosse aborrecida mas, sabes, costureiras.
She said she was certain it was the lord Kol but with the face of a beast.
Ela disse que tinha a certeza que era o Lorde Kol, mas com o rosto de uma besta.
And one time she brought it to the car and gave it to me to hold, but I didn't hear what she said, and I thought she was giving it to me.
Uma vez, levou-a para o carro e deu-ma para eu a segurar, mas eu não ouvi o que ela dissera e pensei que estava a dar-ma.
This is the woman who was willing to kill Linda in order to escape Zoom, but now she's willing to help us catch him?
Não é a mesma mulher que queria matar a Linda para fugir do Zoom, mas agora quer ajudar-te a apanhá-lo?
I know that, but you haven't said who she was.
- Eu sei. Mas ainda não me disse quem era ela.
She may have signed that contract, But it isn't binding because she was only 16 at the time.
Ela pode ter assinado o contrato, mas não é vinculativo.
And if I was a poet or a best-selling novelist, then maybe I'd have a better metaphor, but, um, the 12th precinct... she's our home, our haven.
Se fosse uma poetisa ou... uma escritora de renome, talvez tivesse uma melhor metáfora, mas... a 12ª esquadra é a nossa casa, o nosso porto seguro.
She was supposed to be here, but she's just been slammed at Palmer tech for the past few days.
Era para ela estar aqui, mas tem muito trabalho na Palmer Tech.
My mother was a complicated person, but she would never do that.
A minha mãe era uma pessoa complicada, mas ela nunca faria isso.
Stefan, voice-over : I sat around all day like an idiot, past sundown, after nightfall, but she never showed up, so, yeah, I guess you could say I'm wondering what the hell the whole point was.
Fiquei lá sentado o dia todo como um idiota para lá do pôr-do-sol, depois do amanhecer, mas ela nunca apareceu, portanto, sim, pode dizer-se que gostava de saber qual diabo foi a ideia dela.
I mean, it was fantasy, but still, we secretly knew as long as she was a vampire, it's all it was.
Era fantasia, mas ainda assim no fundo sabia que enquanto ela fosse uma vampira, era o que tínhamos.
I was hoping she could help me destroy it, but it's not possible.
Esperava que ela me pudesse ajudar, mas não é possível.
Gail was disappointed with the program, obviously, but... well, she was nervous, too.
A Gail estava desiludida com o programa, obviamente. Mas também estava nervosa.
But the reason I threatened that suit is because she didn't like not getting her way with me, and she was going to call you instead.
Ameacei-a com o processo porque ela não gostou de não conseguir o que queria e porque ela ia ligar-te.
She was going to call you. So I'm sorry that Google pulled out, but I didn't really have the chance to think of every option...
Lamento que a Google tenha desistido, mas não tive oportunidade de pensar em todas as opções.
She wasn't answering my calls but I, I thought she was just catching up on some sleep, just like we all do.
Ela não atendeu as minhas chamadas, mas pensei que estivesse a aproveitar para dormir, como todos fazemos.
My sister, she was always inside, playing with her dolls, but... but you were a tomboy.
A minha irmã, ficava sempre dentro de casa, a brincar com as bonecas, mas... tu eras uma miúda-rapaz.
We were all friends when we were little kids like you, and well, she was gone a long time, but now, she's back.
Éramos amigos quando éramos crianças como tu, e... bem, ela esteve fora por muito tempo, mas agora, voltou.
No idea, but you've got to see this motorcycle she was riding.
Nenhuma. Mas precisamos de ver a moto dela.
But she, too, was aware of the risk, and she was more than willing to take it.
Mas, ela também tinha noção dos riscos e estava totalmente disposta a corrê-los.
I was furious and I was humiliated when she dumped me, but I think I... I think I've rebonded pretty well.
Estava furioso e senti-me humilhado quando ela me deixou, mas acho que me recompus bastante bem.
I knew she was going skating, but I thought it was with her friends.
Eu sabia que ela ia patinar, mas pensava que era com as amigas.
She did, but the plates were stolen, so there was no way to identify the driver.
Sim, mas a matrícula era roubada, não identificamos o motorista.
I used to think that she was just a dancing girl. But now, now I get it.
Eu achava que ela era apenas uma dançarina, mas, agora, já percebi.
Right, but if she was hit by a car...
Mas se foi atingida por um carro...
- But was she right?
- Mas... tinha razão?
I mean, there was a time I would've done anything for that woman, but she dumped me.
- Tenho. Houve um tempo em que eu faria tudo por aquela mulher, mas, ela deixou-me.
But Peggy was always his one true love, and after she died, Harrison took it upon himself to provide for her daughter.
Mas a Peggy sempre foi o seu verdadeiro amor, E depois da morte dela, Harrison encarregou-se de olhar pela filha dela.
Now, she can tell you when I left, but I remember it was late.
Ela pode dizer-vos quando saí, mas lembro-me que era tarde.
But I got the sense it was something that she'd stolen.
Mas achei que era algo que ela tinha roubado.
But, still, she was someone.
Mas, ainda assim, ela era alguém.
But there she was.
Mas lá estava ela.
She was supposed to die in the interrogation room, but she escaped, so Citadel has no idea how much she does or does not know.
Era para morrer na sala de interrogatório, mas escapou, e a Citadel não faz ideia do quanto ela sabe ou não sabe.
Not much of a description but she did say that it was a white male, light-colored jacket and jeans.
- Não há muita descrição, mas ela disse que ele era branco, usava casaco colorido e jeans.
But the last thing Chavez said before she died was,
A última coisa que a Chavez disse antes de morrer foi :
Now, that explains the vacation days, but everything we learned about Garrett, she was more focused on her career, not babies.
Isso explica os dias de férias, mas de tudo o que soubemos sobre a Garrett, ela estava mais focada na carreira, não em bebés.
But she will wish she was not.
Mas ela irá desejar não o estar.
Then there was that Aaskvarian I dated once and never called, but you know, she had an attitude.
Depois houve a Aaskvarian com quem sai uma vez e nunca liguei de volta, mas sabem, ela tinha mau feitio.
I gave her the story, but she didn't believe I was being honest.
Contei a história, mas ela não acreditou em mim.
Well, she is, in that her function was improving, but the swelling of her brain is getting worse.
Ela está, as suas funções estavam a melhorar, mas o inchaço no seu cérebro está a piorar.
She's good now, but it was a real scare.
Ela está bem agora, mas foi assustador.
Look, I know you were just playing a role, but... When she asked you if there was any hope for us and you didn't say anything, it was...
Sei que estavas só a interpretar um papel, mas... quando ela perguntou se havia esperança para nós e não respondeste, foi...

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