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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ B ] / But she did

But she did traduction Portugais

1,951 traduction parallèle
But she did tell me what kind of work they do.
Mas contou-me que tipo de trabalho fazem.
But she did mention that she lived at 24th and 10th.
Mas ela mencionou que morava na Rua 24 com a 10.
No, but she did open her back door to let the cat in, and she saw someone hopping over the fence on their way out of Wilder's yard.
Não, mas abriu a porta de trás para deixar o gato entrar e viu alguém a saltar a vedação ao sair do quintal do Wilder.
No, but she did, at her personal trainer's house.
Não, mas ela tinha, em casa do personal trainer dela.
I called and explained it wasn't me that dropped out. She was not happy, but she did reinstate me.
Disse à reitora que não fui eu que desisti, não ficou contente mas aceitou-me.
But she did say something to me right before I shut her in.
Mas disse-me uma coisa, mesmo antes de a fechar lá.
I didn't hear it, but she did.
Eu não ouvi, ela sim.
She's like, five pounds, you wouldn't think she'd have that much blood, - but she did.
Ela nem 3 kg deve pesar, quem diria que ela tinha tanto sangue, mas tinha.
But she did look splendid, though.
Mas ela estava fantástica.
Your mother made a goddamn meal for you and it might be shitty and made with intestines, but she did it, and now she's catching all the shit for it.
A tua mãe cozinhou para ti! Pode ser uma merda e feita com intestinos, mas cozinhou. E, agora, está a levar com a merda toda.
Well, it's not really my place, but she did have a strong reaction when I told her your daughter's blood type.
Bem, não me cabe a mim dizê-lo, mas ela teve uma reacção forte quando lhe disse qual era o tipo de sangue da sua filha.
But she did.
Mas foi.
I thought she did, but she didn't.
Achei que sim, mas não.
- She did seem nervous. But why kill now?
Porque mataria agora?
But how did she do it?
- Como é que ela o fez?
I mean, she did say that he promised to stand by her, But the way that she said it Made it sound like he had broken his promise.
Ela disse que ele prometeu estar do lado dela, mas a forma como o disse foi como se ele tivesse quebrado a promessa.
But what can he take that's going to be as bad as what she did?
Mas o que pode tirar que seja tão mau como o que ela fez?
She did wonder about the kitchens, but I couldn't see the point.
Pensou em pô-la nas cozinhas, mas achei desnecessário.
But did you see the shoes she wore on Wednesday?
Viu os sapatos que ela usou na quarta-feira?
- But you didn't do anything wrong, did you? No, she didn't.
- Mas não fez nada de errado, pois não?
- But did she say she'd sack you?
- Mas ela disse que ia despedi-la?
Okay, maybe MacPherson did do something to her, but she's gone.
Talvez MacPherson tenha feito algo com ela... mas ela está desaparecida.
She knew he was alive, but did she know he was working for Racine?
Ela sabia que ele estava vivo, mas sabia que trabalhava para o Racine?
But as she did so, she didn't notice the car that passed her...
Mas enquanto o fazia, não reparou no carro que passou por ela...
I mean, I didn't catch her, catch her, but she lied to me. And did you know the other man?
E conhecia o outro homem?
Yeah, I... I know what she did was messed up, but, you know, she did the right thing in the end.
Ya, sei que o que ela fez foi errado, mas, sabes, ela fez a coisa certa no final.
Yes, she did, but she decided to send him back to his father in South Korea.
Tinha, mas decidiu mandá-lo de volta para o pai na Coreia do Sul.
But how did she get on to Emilio's murder in the first place?
Mas como é que ela soube do homicídio do Emilio?
But in the end, Lois, she did win them over.
Mas no fim, Lois, ela conquistou-os.
But it looks like she did.
Mas parece que ela o fez.
- Yeah, she did, but at least - we get to be a part of her "journey." - Ah, yes.
Sim, mas pelo menos faremos parte da "jornada" dela.
Get even with me all you want, but Ivy did nothing to you! She doesn't deserve any of this!
Ela não merece nada disto!
But she-she did hurt him.
- Mas ela magoou-o.
You said Eva didn't know who you were when she fell in love with you. But today when we went back to your room, - I saw something that proves she did.
Disseste que a Eva não sabia quem tu eras quando se apaixonou por ti, mas hoje quando voltei ao teu quarto, vi uma coisa que prova que ela sabia.
We did, but Jenny has a big test she has to study for and can't make it back to the city.
E disse mas a Jenny tem de estudar para um teste e não dá tempo de voltar.
Okay, yeah, maybe she wasn't thrilled about the head wound and some of my theories, but I certainly did not touch her.
Não, não. Talvez ela não estivesse contente com o ferimento na cabeça e algumas das minhas teorias, mas de certeza que não lhe toquei.
Exactly. That's- - Okay, but she did.
A Violet fez o que todos pedimos e em vez de a apoiarmos ou suspirar de alívio, porque, sim, já estava na hora,
But from time to time she reminds me of you - and of what you did to me.
mas por vezes... recorda-me a mãe e tudo o que me fizestes.
I was trying to protect Andie, but she acted like I did something wrong.
Queria defender a Andie, e ela agiu como se eu tivesse feito algo errado.
And I don't know if it was in the way that you wanted her to, but I know that she did.
E não sei se era da maneira que tu gostavas que fosse, mas eu sei que ela te adorava.
But did you ever think that maybe she had to go for some reason?
Mas alguma vez pensaste que talvez ela tivesse de ir por alguma razão?
Okay, she was upset with my sudden generosity but that's because she didn't understand why I did it.
Ficou aborrecida... pela minha repentina generosidade, mas reagiu assim porque não percebia
But what? What did she like?
De quê?
This midwife wasn't what you call chatty. But what she did say was she was afraid.
Essa parteira não falava muito, mas ela disse que estava com medo.
Sally was, you know, a little eccentric, But if everybody fixed up their house like she did,
A Sally era um pouco excêntrica, mas se toda a gente tratasse da casa como ela, a vizinhança era um lugar melhor.
But she got me to the right answer, which none of the rest of you did.
Não. Mas ela levou-me à resposta correcta, o que nenhum dos restantes conseguiu.
You said that, but Abby didn't listen to you, did she?
Você disse isso, mas a Abby não lhe deu ouvidos, pois não?
Yeah, she did, for a minute there. But I wouldn't think anything of it.
Sim, ela acreditou por um minuto, mas não pensava mais nisso.
I could barely understand my mom on the phone with all the crying, but she actually said Barry did her a favour leaving.
Mal consegui perceber a minha mãe ao telefone, com o choro todo, mas ela disse que o Barry lhe fez um favor ao partir.
We all did, but she turned them down.
A todas. Mas ela recusou-os.
I'm sure they did, but now we know that Mrs. Archer chose to take the suspect home instead of taking him so social services like she should have, we need to try to figure out why.
Tenho a certeza que sim, mas agora sabemos que a Sr.ª Archer trouxe o suspeito para casa em vez de o levar para a Assistência Social como deveria ter feito. Temos de perceber porquê.

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