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Camera shutters clicking traduction Portugais

13 traduction parallèle
- Yea! Oh! - [Camera Shutters clicking]
- Bart created a ruckus on a Hawaiian Airline jet... - [Camera Shutters Clicking] attacking several flight attendants. While he was in rehab, the part of Bart Simpson was played... by his good friend Richie Rich.
Depois de ser júri no concurso da Miss Havai Beleza Tropical, no Sheraton Halia Kahlua Lea, o Bart criou desacatos num jacto das linhas aéreas havaianas, ao atacar várias hospedeiras.
Tudo bem, tudo bem. Vocês são loucos.
( Camera shutters clicking ) I'd like to start by thanking special agent in charge Brendan Johnson for all of his help in keeping the public safe.
Quero agradecer ao Agente Especial Brendan Johnson, pela sua ajuda com a segurança das pessoas.
( Camera shutters clicking ) He is grateful for the continued support and respect of privacy by the American people.
Ele agradece o apoio e o respeito do povo americano.
And here we have the Powell Murder House, which boasts not one, not two, but three gruesome deaths. [Camera shutters clicking]
E aqui temos a Casa de Homicídios dos Powell, onde ocorreram não uma, ou duas, mas, três mortes horríveis!
- [camera shutters clicking ] - [ Parsons] The suspicion I had was that the Russians promoted instability in Chechnya, and that the Russian military intelligence was actively connected to the hostage-taking.
Eu suspeitava de que os russos promoviam a instabilidade na Tchetchénia e de que os serviços de informação russos estavam ativamente ligados à tomada de reféns.
- [Camera Shutters Clicking]
Dura mais tempo.
( Camera shutters clicking )
Sr. e Srª.
( Camera shutters clicking ) Open the door.
Abre a porta!
[Camera shutters clicking]
Vitaly Yurchenko, Vitaly Yurchenko,
♪ ♪ [camera shutters clicking]
Boa tarde.
- [chattering ] - [ camera shutters clicking ] [ Wood] I do not think that he was a villain.
Não creio que ele fosse um vilão.

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