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Did you call him traduction Portugais

237 traduction parallèle
What did you call him?
Do que o chamou?
- What did you call him?
- Ele disse que era o Ernie Caldwell?
Why-why did you call him creature?
Porque... porque lhe chamou criatura?
Why did you call him?
Porque é que o convidaste?
- What did you call him?
- Que foi que lhe chamaste?
When did you call him?
- Quando é que lhe telefonaste?
There's a plumber here for the radiators. Did you call him?
Há um picheleiro a verificar os radiadores, está ao corrente?
- Did you call him a fool, Mort?
- Chamaste-o de idiota, Mort?
- Did you call him?
- Você ligou pra ele?
What did you call him?
Que lhe chamaste?
Did you call him?
did you call him?
Did you call him?
Uh, did you call him MacGyver?
Você chamou-o... de MacGyver?
Why did you call him O'Brien and him Murphy?
Porque lhe chamou O'Brien a ele e Murphy a ele?
Why did you call him O'Brien and him Murphy?
Por que lhe chamou O'Brien a ele e Murphy a ele?
- Did you call him?
- Ligaste-lhe?
Why did you call him Hercules?
Porque o chamou de Hércules?
Did you call him about the earthquake?
Preveniu-o acerca do terramoto?
What did you call him for?
Telefonaste-lhe para quê?
- Did you call him?
- Telefonaste-lhe?
Did you call him an idiot?
- Você chamou-o de idiota? - Claro que não.
Not bad for, what did you call him last time we were here?
Nada mau para um, que lhe chamou da outra vez?
Deborah. Why did you call him? After the photos, after the betrayal.
Deborah, porque o chamou, depois das fotos e da traição?
Did you call him Lloyd?
Chamaste-lhe Lloyd?
You did everything but call him out.
Fez tudo menos desafiá-lo.
What did you call him?
Que foi que lhe chamou?
How long did Mr. Nelson, as you call him, stay here?
Quanto tempo é que o Sr. Nelson, como lhe chama, cá ficou?
How did you happen to call him Harvey?
Porque é que o chama de Harvey?
- Did I hear you call him Dr McCoy?
- Ouvi-o chamar-lhe Dr. McCoy?
Did you hear? Did you hear him say he'd pay for the call?
Ouviste-o dizer que paga a chamada?
Would you call him brave or a fool? I'm glad you did not die.
Mas, no seu estado puro, emite um gás inodoro e invisível que retarda o funcionamento da mente e exalta as emoções.
- Did you call him back?
- Ligou-lhe?
Yes, But why did you call him a liar?
Mas porque lhe chamou mentiroso?
- What did you call him?
- Que lhe chamaste?
Did you order him to call the goddamn FBI or what?
Mandou-o telefonar à porra do FBI, ou não?
Did you call Eddie and remind him about our anniversary?
Tu ligaste ao Eddie e lembraste-lhe do nosso aniversário?
Did you call your father to wish him a merry Christmas?
Telefonaste ao teu pai para lhe desejar um Feliz Natal? Desiste, querida.
I really don't want to call him Boob, the book isn't, you know, made to work that quick. Even if you did as an accident.
Mesmo se você o fizer por acidente?
Did you tell him where the show would be and ask him to call his father?
Disse-lhe onde seria a gravação e pediu-lhe para ligar ao pai?
Can I ask you a question? Sure. Did you call him down here?
só saberão o que eu quiser a meu respeito.
Why did you have to call him?
Porque o chamaste?
Did he make you call him Maestro?
Obrigou-te a tratá-lo por Maestro?
Did you really think you could call up the devil and ask him to behave?
Achou mesmo que podia chamar o diabo e pedir-lhe que se portasse bem?
- Did you call Psych for him?
Chamaste a Psiquiatria?
Honey, you did call him back.
Querida, tu telefonaste-lhe.
This man Krycek, or "Arntzen," as you call him, how did he come into contact with you?
Este Krycek, ou "Arntzen", como lhe chama, como é que entrou em contacto consigo?
- Did you tell Vic want him to call me?
- Disse ao Vic para me telefonar?
The person that should feel awkward is you. Did you tell him not to call me?
Não lhe disseste para não me ligar, pois não?
You did call him from Jarod's cabana, didn't you?
Ligou para ele da cabana do Jarod, não ligou?
Why did you call for him?
Por que o fizeste?

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