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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ D ] / Did you tell them

Did you tell them traduction Portugais

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Did you tell them about Misako?
Contou para eles sobre Misako?
What did you tell them?
O que lhes contaste?
- What did you tell them?
- Que lhes disseste?
What did you tell them?
Que lhes disseste?
What else did you tell them?
Que mais lhes disseste?
What did you tell them?
O que é que lhes disseste?
- Did you tell them that?
- Você lhes contou?
- Did you tell them about the money?
- Há-lhes dito o do dinheiro?
O que lhes disse que fazia?
Did you tell them where to find her, Dan? No, captain, I never did.
- Disse-lhe onde a podiam encontrar?
Did you tell them it could mean the end of the United States?
Disse-lhes que pode significar o fim dos Estados Unidos?
- Did you tell them about me?
- Que disseram? Falou-lhes de mim?
Did you tell them I'm not a colored girl?
Que disseram quando lhes contou que não sou de cor?
- What did you tell them?
- Que é que lhes disseste?
Did you tell them?
Você disse-lhes?
Did you tell them how to get through and cover 30 miles to Clermont?
Disseste-lhes como passar e cobrir 30 milhas até Clermont?
Did you tell them I was a physician and had to have a phone?
Você disse a eles que era médico e que preciso de telefone?
- Did you tell them he was dead?
Disseste-lhes que estava morto?
Did you tell them you were on parole?
Disse-lhes que estava em liberdade condicional?
- What did you tell them?
- Que é que lhes contaste?
What, what did you tell them?
O que lhes disseste?
- Did you tell them about our little friend? - Who? - What?
Falaste-lhes do nosso amigo?
Why did you tell them?
- Porque lhes disseste?
Did you tell them about the X-rays?
Falou-lhes sobre os raios X?
What did you tell them? What else.
- O que é que lhes disseste?
- Did you tell them?
Tu disseste-lhe alguma coisa?
What did you tell them?
Que lhes disse a elas?
Tell me, Roy, did you really crack them for 500 G's?
me diga, Roy, seriamente vale 500 dos grandes?
Fisher. Then you did tell them about Fisher.
Sempre lhe contaste.
Well, if you promise not to tell anyone, I'll let you in to my guilty secret. I did murder them all.
Se prometeres não contar a ninguém, conto-te o meu segredo :
- Tell them two years ago I did you out of a wedding by eloping in Maryland.
- Diz-lhes : "Já lhes frustrei uma boda".
Tell them you did it, but you don't know why you did it, and you'll never do it again.
Diz-lhes que foste tu, mas não sabes porque fizeste aquilo e não o voltarás a fazer.
Did you not tell them that no human being should be subject to the will of another?
Não lhes disse que nenhum ser humanos devia estar sujeito aos desejos dum outro?
And did you not tell them that to obey any man unquestioningly was old-fashioned?
E não lhes disse que obedecer a qualquer homem inquestionávelmente era antiquado?
How did you get the ear of the prosecution to tell them about this conversation you had with Lt. Manion?
Como conseguiu contactar a acusação... para lhes contar a conversa que teve com o Tenente Manion?
Did you try to tell them there were three possibilities?
Tentou dizer a eles que havia três possibilidades?
Disse quem as roubou?
Tell me, Mr. Grimes... how did you happen to be with them in the first place?
Diga-me, Sr. Grimes... Para começar, como estava com eles?
Did they make you tell them about Taylor, too?
Obrigaram-te a contar do Taylor?
Tell me M. Pivert ; the Wogs, did you see them? I sure I did!
Mas diga-me senhor Pivert, esses homens, você viu-os?
Tell me, did you lose your battles or win them?
Diga-me perdeu ou venceu as suas batalhas?
- Tell us, how did you drive them off?
- Diga-nos, como você conseguiu afastá-los?
If I call the police, will you tell them what I did?
Se chamo a polícia, dir-lhes-á o que fiz?
Perhaps you'd like to tell them- - How did you feel... actually being in the Beatles'hotel room?
Talvez você gostaria de lhes dizer... Como você se sente... É verdade que tudo começou no quarto dos Beatles no hotel?
Mom, it took guts to tell them what you did.
Mãe, foi preciso muita coragem para contar-lhes o que fez. Obrigado, querida.
I mean, you can't bring Ian back... but if you tell them the things you did wrong... the things that you wish you would've done... you just might save the life of one of those boys.
Se lhes contares o que fizeste de errado, e o que gostarias de ter feito, talvez salves a vida a um deles.
Listen how much did you tell them? - Everything.
No. you tell them we did ii.
Não, diga-lhes que nós nós o conseguimos.
Did I tell you I thought of them first?
Já te disse que fui o 1º a ter a ideia?
Did I tell you I had the idea for them first?
Já te disse que fui o 1º a ter a ideia?
If you did see them, you'd tell me, wouldn't you?
Se tu os tivesses visto dirias-me, não dirias?

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