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Get us out traduction Portugais

3,696 traduction parallèle
Get us out of here!
Tira-nos daqui!
- No, sir. Get us out of here.
Tira-nos daqui.
Get us out of here.
Tira-nos daqui!
- Get us out of here! - I'm trying!
Tira-nos daqui, Brian!
Trust me, if anyone's gonna get us out of this, it's Scott.
Se há alguém que nos pode safar desta é o Scott.
FBI sent a team to get us out.
O FBI enviou uma equipa para nos libertar.
Just follow my orders. I'Il get us out of here.
Cumpre as minhas ordens e eu tiro-nos daqui.
hurry up. Get us out of here.
- Vá lá, tirem-nos daqui.
- Somebody get us out of here!
Alguém que nos tire daqui!
Get us out!
I can get us out of the country.
Eu consigo tirar-nos do país.
i promise i will get us out of here in time.
Eu prometo que nos tiro daqui a tempo. Boa.
Okay, bud, get us out of here.
Está bem, amigo, tira-nos daqui.
Why I've been so hell-bent on trying to get us out of guns.
O porquê de estar tão obcecado em tentar tirar-nos do negócio das armas.
Maybe it's smarter to bet on Hoffman to get us out of this.
Talvez seja mais inteligente apostarmos no Hoffman para nos livrar disto.
I think he has a plan to get us out of this.
Acho que tem um plano para nos livrar disto.
And I cannot step off this pad free you, and get us out of here before this place blows.
E não posso sair deste tapete, libertar-te, e tirar-nos daqui antes deste sítio explodir.
You've gotta get us out of it!
Tens que nos livrar dele!
How long till you can get us out of here?
Quanto falta para que possas nós tirar daqui?
- Get us out of here, Donnie!
Tira-nos daqui, Donnie!
Get us out of here.
- Que nos tirem daqui.
- He's right. They need to get us out.
- Ele tem razão, têm de nos vir buscar.
Nobody is going to get us out of here.
Ninguém nos vem buscar.
Put a speaker out in the woods, make some noises, scare us a little bit, get some reactions.
Colocar um altifalante na floresta, fazer alguns barulhos, assustar-nos um pouco, obter algumas reacções.
I believe that the trap that was set that got Irene, and the spear that had the message for us to get out...
Acredito que a armadilha montada que apanhou a Irene, e a lança com a mensagem para nós irmos embora...
If you don't get out in front of this thing, it'll bring us both down.
Se não saíres disso, nós dois cairemos.
Look, we get that you're looking out for us, but... but Stephen called it.
Entendemos que estejas a cuidar de nós, mas... Mas o Stephen pediu-nos.
He told us to get out, and we ran.
Disse-nos para vir cá para fora, e fugimos.
If two of us lay down enough cover fire, it should be enough for the other one to get out.
Se dois de nós derem cobertura a atirar, o outro deve conseguir sair.
* woof * Get out of my way, loser! Huh! ?
Quero que a Sra. Goodman te compre por US $ 2?
Uh, get us some help out here, will you?
Uh, traz-nos ajuda para aqui, trazes?
Yeah, okay, there's three of them and three of us, but we only went because Rose really needs to get out more, so...
Sim, havia 3 deles e 3 de nós. Mas só fomos porque a Rose precisa mesmo sair mais...
I thought you meant it when you told me we could disappear, get out from under the debt, make a new home, make a new life for us, just us.
Pensei que era para valer quando disseste que podíamos desaparecer, livrarmo-nos da dívida, construir um novo lar, construirmos uma nova vida. Apenas nós.
Door number one, I tell the truth and the both of us get kicked out of this White House.
Porta número 1 : conto a verdade, e somos ambos expulsos da Casa Branca.
I was helping us get out of school.
Estava a arranjar maneira de sairmos da escola.
The man's a prisoner, and it's up to us to get him out.
Ele está preso. Cabe-nos a nós salvá-lo.
Let's get animal control to meet us out there in case Bolton's dogs killed those guys.
Encontramo-nos lá com o Controlo Animal, caso os cães do Bolton tenham morto estes tipos.
He was screaming, and anna looked really scared, And she was yelling for us to get out of the river, And...
Estava a gritar, a Anna parecia muito assustada... e gritava para sairmos do rio e depois...
I know you went out on a limb to get us that offer.
Há muita coisa em jogo.
And when the funds run out, it's on us to get out there and raise some more.
Quando o dinheiro acaba, depende de nós arrecadar mais.
You were supposed to get us both out.
Era suposto libertar ambos.
Dave, get your ass up here and sing us out already.
Dave, arrasta o rabo até aqui e canta-nos qualquer coisa.
Excuse us, Director, but something has gotten into Mr. Palmer, and I would like to get it out now.
Desculpe-nos, Director, mas há um problema com o Sr. Palmer, e eu gostava de o resolver agora.
If it'll get us out of here.
- Se nos tirar aqui.
If I wanted some signal, some flash of light to get out to that event there, which would be, let's say, an alien in some distant galaxy, taking a telescope out and looking at us, then it would have to travel - the influence, the light - would have to travel faster than the speed of light.
Se eu quisesse enviar algum sinal, algum raio de luz que chegasse até este evento aqui, que seria, digamos, um extraterrestre em alguma galáxia distante, a pegar num telescópio e a olhar para nós, então teria de viajar - a influência, a luz -
They're trying to move us on, trying to tell the journalists to get out.
- Listen, the others might be too afraid to say it, but you have to haul ass on out of town, kid, or you're gonna get us all killed.
- Ouve. Os outros podem ter medo de te dizer isto, mas tens que bazar desta cidade, miúdo. Ou vais nos matar a todos.
In the meantime, you need to figure out a way to get us off that beach.
Entretanto, arranja forma de nos tirar da praia.
Now, get us the fuck out of here!
Agora saiamos daqui!
The two of us looked for ways to get out of poverty.
Os dois procurávamos formas de sair da pobreza.
Oscorp betrayed us both so I can't get in there without you and you can't get out of here without me.
A Oscorp traiu-nos aos dois e eu não consigo entrar lá sem ti, nem tu consegues sair daqui sem mim.

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