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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Have you eaten

Have you eaten traduction Portugais

566 traduction parallèle
- Have you eaten well, friend?
- Comestes bem?
Have you eaten?
Já comeste?
Have you eaten?
Já comeu?
Have you eaten?
Já jantou, minha cara?
Have you eaten anything?
Não comeste? Nada?
I'll put up some of my jewelry as collateral. Have you eaten?
Darei algo de minha joalheria como seguro comeu?
Have you eaten?
Com este?
Have you eaten?
Have you eaten!
Have you eaten recently?
Comeste recentemente?
Have you eaten, Miss AngeIi?
Bem, eu tenho que desempacotar, Toni.
Now I've got you Gauls, I'll have you eaten by the lions.
Desta vez, gauleses, vou por-vos no espeto.
Have you eaten anything lately?
Comeste, recentemente?
- Have you eaten?
- Já comeste?
- Have you eaten?
- Já comeste? - Sim.
Have you eaten, are you hungry?
- Já comeste? Tens fome?
- Have you eaten?
- Comeste?
Have you eaten?
- Já comeste?
- Have you eaten?
- Já comeram?
- Fine. Have you eaten?
Já comeu?
What have you eaten?
O que comeste tu? - Eu?
- Have you eaten anything as yet?
Já comeu alguma coisa?
- Have you eaten?
Comestes alguma coisa?
Have you eaten?
Já comeu? E sua bebida?
You could have eaten anyone!
Podias ter comido qualquer um!
When you knock on the door I'll have that moth-eaten Romeo playing the balcony scene.
Quando bateres à porta terei aquele Romeu de meia-tigela a fazer a cena da varanda.
- I thought you have eaten them.
São magnificas - Pensei que as tivesse comido todas
- What would you have eaten?
- E comíamos o quê?
I suppose you and Dr. Mears have already eaten.
Suponho que já comeram.
Why have you not eaten?
Porque não comeram?
Sometimes men have eaten worms and grubs and roots. - You read that in a book. - I ate a worm once, but I was very young then.
- Uma vez comi uma lagarta, mas era muito novo.
- Have you already eaten?
- Já comeste?
Not until you have eaten with your friends.
Não até teres comido com os teus amigos.
I know because you have not eaten anything!
Eu sei porque você não tenha comido nada!
When you have eaten, I ask you to go and leave us in peace.
Depois de comer, peço-lhe que se vá embora e nos deixe em paz.
We have never eaten together, so don't address me as "you".
Nos dois nunca comemos do mesmo prato! Portanto, deixa de tratar-me por tu! Lembrem-se!
You must have eaten it without realizing.
Você comeu-o todo sem perceber.
Don't you know you might have been eaten wandering off that way?
Não sabes que podias ter sido devorado, a vagueares por aí?
- Have you ever eaten better food?
- Ou comeste comida melhor?
You have already eaten and slept, now you must pay 13 rupees and a half.
Você já comeu e dormiu, agora deve pagar 13 rupias e meia.
You took care of everything here! Damn it, how much you have eaten!
Não se "aguentaram" nada, como é que é possível?
You know how many years it has been since I have eaten beef or...
Sabe há quantos anos eu não como carne de vaca?
Have you ever eaten a dog, Mr. Russell?
Já alguma vez comeu cão, Sr. Russell?
Have you ever eaten with one?
Tens comido com um deles? Vai!
You have eaten too much and you are paid too little, stop work now!
Vocês têm trabalhado demais para um ordenado tão magro, parem já!
Had man not been given to invention and experiment... then tonight you would have eaten dinner in a cave.
Se o homem não tivesse inventado e feito experiências esta noite estaria a comer a sua ceia numa caverna.
- You should have eaten something.
- Devias ter comido qualquer coisa.
You're thinking I should have eaten on the plane.
Estás a pensar que devia ter comido no avião.
Couldn't you at least not have eaten this morning? !
Não podias ao menos ter comido esta manhã?
If you'd thrown it at me, you would have eaten it for sure.
Se algum de vocês volta a atirar o gato, obrigo-vos a comê-lo.
You haven't eaten cat, have you?
- Não comeste um gato, ou comeste?

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