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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Have you seen

Have you seen traduction Portugais

14,716 traduction parallèle
- Have you seen anything tonight?
- Viu algo esta noite?
Have you seen my jacket?
Viste o meu casaco?
Have you seen Jim Gordon?
- Viste o Jim Gordon?
Have you seen the news?
- Viste as notícias?
Have you seen them?
! - Alfred, tenha calma.
Excuse me, have you seen Hitchcock and Scully?
Desculpe, viu o Hitchcock e o Scully?
- Have you seen them recently?
- Viu-os recentemente?
I've just sent you a text, have you seen it?
- Mandei-te uma mensagem, viste?
- Have you seen it?
- Viste-a?
- Have you seen a doctor?
- Já foste ao médico?
I'm exhausted, but have you seen how happy Ufo is?
Estou exausta, mas viste como o Ufo está feliz?
Oh, excuse me, have you seen my wife anywhere?
Com licença, viu a minha mulher por aí?
Have you seen?
Olha, tu viste?
Thomas, have you seen my phone?
Thomas, viste o meu telemóvel?
Have you seen his hands?
Viu as suas mãos?
Madam, have you seen my uniform?
Senhora viu o meu uniforme?
Have you seen him?
Vocês viram-no?
Hey, have you seen my phone?
Olha lá, viste o meu telemóvel?
Help! A little girl, have you seen her?
Viu uma menina?
Have you seen yourself lately, Hood?
- Tens-te visto ao espelho, Hood?
Have you seen no evidence of my love?
Não viu nenhuma evidência do meu amor?
Have you seen him?
Já o viste?
Have you seen her in a bathing suit?
Já a viste de fato de banho?
Have you seen her?
Já a viste?
- Have you seen the newsreel footage?
Você viu a filmagem nos noticiários? Não.
Have you seen the list of crimes he's been charged with?
Você viu a lista de crimes dos quais ele é acusado?
Have you seen Kelly?
Viu a Kelly?
Have you seen a girl? Mid-20s, brown hair, glasses?
Viram uma rapariga com vinte e tal anos, cabelo castanho e óculos?
Have you seen Selina?
- Viste a Selina?
You're both strong, accomplished women that have seen me naked.
Vocês são mulheres fortes e realizadas que viram-me nu.
Have you ever seen them have a conversation?
Alguma vez os viste a conversar?
Have i seen you in anything?
Já a vi em alguma coisa?
I have never seen anyone move like that. But you do not exploit it.
Nunca vi mexerem-se como tu, mas não te sabes servir disso.
You are so clever. The whole staff loves you. I have never seen the professor laugh so much.
Tem imenso talento, toda a equipa o adora, nunca vi o professor rir tanto.
Okay, have you ever seen the Hollywood movie Rosemary's baby?
Certo, já viu o filme de Hollywood A Semente do Diabo?
You will see things few have ever seen.
Vais ver coisas que muito poucos já viram.
Have you seen it?
You should have seen our country five years ago.
Devia ter visto o nosso país há cinco anos.
You shouldn't have seen me like that today, in my bedroom.
Não me deveria ter visto daquela forma hoje, no meu quarto.
I have seen demons turn children inside out, while old men like you bury their heads in ancient...
Eu vi demónios virarem crianças do avesso, enquanto velhos como você, enterram a cabeça em antiguidades.
Funniest fucking cat you have ever seen.
O gato mais engraçado que alguma vez viste.
Have you seen him lately?
Tem o visto ultimamente?
- Have you seen him?
- Viu-o?
You should have seen what he did to the blogger.
Devias ter visto aquilo que ele fez ao "blogger".
You know, I have seen some things reminiscent of this.
Sabe, já vi coisas parecidas com isto.
Have you ever seen one in real life?
Alguma vez viste uma, na vida real?
Have any of you seen Fergus?
Alguma de vocês viu o Fergus?
Had you been there, you would have seen their faces, the ones who laid their arms down and turned their backs on us.
Se tivesses estado lá, terias visto as caras deles, as caras de quem baixou as armas e que nos viraram as costas.
So... ass-face, I want you to tell me if you have seen this man before.
E depois, cara de cu, quero que me digas se já viste este homem alguma vez.
You should have seen it.
Deviam ter visto.
Have I seen you somewhere before?
Já o vi em algum lado antes?

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